,ers one saw on stepping insiçle the hall sparkled Christmas cheer. The arrangements of pink - anemone and yellow button mums on the piano chimed in with the holiday spirit of the day. Mrs. Raymond Watts' lecture, "The Anatomny:of Flovers," ,was to add rnore zest to the meeting. Mrs. Watts is most unusual in beinig able. to, give to memiber s of her audience thé real .ground Work of the "Why and wherefore"',of flowers, and their associates, in their wvork of progress.: *\Vaving the truths and -stories into a fabric that when finished is a. deep and in UHLEMA N FRS 61 Yieors of Dependaible FuiValues 7 West' Maidlson. St.. contuer State Entire 4t h FIoor Priscilla Pcotlock wiII play. the role of Mary in the ChrIstrnasplay, " 4The Sisepherds," which tiée Tiêzis societv of ýthe Wiiiinette Presbyteriait chu rch is presen;'tiing iunder the-direcc ion of Airs. J. T.,Booz SiiidayV af ternoon, Dece;mber 20, at 4 o'clock. rooted mnemory that one cani dreaffi *over and also watcîi the realization of that rnernory as the séasons corne and -go. Mrs. Jol'n F. WVeedon, told something of the progress being nmade 011 the Lincoln'.Ménmorial garden in Springfield. The WVilrnette, Garden club is sponsoring the Red Bud, lane and great intQ4est centers around that subject. The Plant Flower and Fruit guild chiairman, MIrs. Vergil WVescott, aniiounced the date, Deceniber 18, for collection of things to be sent froin WVihniit te.'l'li articles exhibited were just a suggestion ot soiI1C oi the very PATRONIZEGOUR ADVERTISERS, To Preseni YuIe Play af Presbyterian Churcli The Tuxis soci.ety of the \Vilmette Presbyterian church at the corner. of XNinth street and Greenleaf avenue, is pre'senting a Christmias play, "~The Shepherds" by M.\arshall N. Goold. simple and mrost unusual articles, that migh't Ibe sent -a child's (lress miade froin a pair of old stocking,.a prettv sweater for a Édiild mnade froin a pair r. 6~ IoveIy mat. One inter.ested spe.aker told of giving a inouth organ with a book of instructions to an Italian boy of Il or 12 years of age, who had. fallen froni an ice wagon. and broken his hiip. He had leen in the hospital inany nionths. He hiad actually been shoved out of tht hospital long before hie ias able Io get about, so his convalescing Nvas long and tedious. Can't 3-ou just, mia4idne what a. pal that routh organ . nhe cast of players includes : Brereton Jethro ... Charles Willis Beuel......... David (leading role). ....... ...... ...Robert Henderson ... Catherine Gates Salone Condit. Zebedee.......Frank Harold Bergman joseph.. ... Clifford Goodman Soldier.. Priscilla Pollock Mary . .. . .... A ngels ..-. .Arthur 4 ner, which is to be serv The N ortheast circle of St. Augustine's. Episcopal church will sponsor a balçery sale at the regular mneeting of th e guilds Friday of this week, for the day. the club's1 Players will1 play by M'ae HowIey play, written, for chil parents, is a farce ei dayg--Atý Home.", lurs- I~;