at Luncheon tor Mary Crane Croup Mrs. Winnard G. Olsen, 525. -Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, wili be hostess to al the mèmbers of the Kenilworth group of the Mary, Crane Icague at a de-, light fui luncheon Friday, December 11, at 1 o'ciock. Immediately flilowing the luncheo n, a. brief meeting will beheld coniducted by Mrs. . R. Tascher, chairmnan of the group, after which ail the members will be eager to: start wrapping temany lovely doils they dressed for aIl the littie girls of the Mary Crane Nursery school at Hull House. This year. each member 'wiil donate two'doils to supply the démand for additional gifts to be given to the many childen lun the sapiç fazuilies from which the nursery scbool children corne, but who are not of the nursery school ages. At the same meeting the mnembers wiii wrap the individual gifts they very generously donate for the moth- ers and fat bers of the children of the Nursery school. These gifts are presented to the parents at the annuai Christmas party givenl for them at Hu~ll House by the Mary Crane Has for SaIe The nieinbers of the M.Nclaren guildl of thelChurc.h of the 1-o9Y Comiforter,. in. Charge of a sale, of Christmas hard. can dies, met on Wednesday to prepa re sami)les to he distributed among.the. Sunday school-pupil.s, thisýveek. Th-e canldies . il1 he .on sale, at the church on Friday, Saturday, and Moniday, Decernber, 18, 19, a nd 21, f rom- .10 to 5 o'clock, and on Týuesdayv. Decenmber ?2, froni 10 -o'clocki in the morni hg, until 10 in the evenmig. > The: proceecis of the -project wil go to charity,: and the members of the guild are desirous of selling as, large a quantity *as possible, for they ,are workîng on a small prôfit' basis. Orders can be p!aced now by telephoning Mrs. Frank Peters of Winnetka or Mrs. Roy D. Pavlik of. Keniiworth. The annuaI meeting and election of officers of the Wonian's auxiliary of the Church of the Holy Comforter ivili be held at the church at 2 o'clock next Monday afternoon. This is the regular meeting day of the five guilds of the church, which will Miss Georgiannia Grignon. at the lef t, and Miss Dorolhy FolSOn&t, arc two nortk shore students of t/w Marywood school in Evanston who are on the committee for thte play, "J-Iolly and Cyprus," whick, the schoal is giving Wednesday evening, L)ecenber 16, in, the auditorium. Proceeds f roini the performance wili «id the various relief funds of the school. Miss Grignon is on the ticket comnmittee, Miss Folsoni is general chairmaît of the play, a Christmais play in tzvo acts, zî4th pageantry anid interlude. .4lso on thte committee are Ann J,. Harwell andiIsabelle J. Meaker. Thte cast includes Jock, plaW'd by A lice Snou'; Oliver, Earl of HawksL i Carlos Photo I1, hni. Y .d.. ly ,4<nd- b-aie- FlPi~dna Sr Gilbert De»j- patiently for their presents as do their littie tots at the children's party, wbich wil 1 be held the follow-~ ing morning in the Nursery school.' Mrs.. Conger Reynolds, social chairman of the Kenilworth group, has plànned a lovely programi for the entertainment of the-,parents, following a talk by Miss Nina Kenagy, director of the Nursery school, and Miss Edna Dean Baker, of the Na- '%Vh nuer ot bterling roaci, ienilBarba-ra Crowe, and iietty KctctIam worth. Sewing will be followed by Adelaide Atkim and Kenilworth, of Infant Welfare Bali luncheon, and at 2 o'clock menibers hier fiancé, Hamilton Noyes, M\r. and wiil adjourn to the church for anRobb) SDespite the blizzard on Saturday Mrs. Williami King (Marjorie meeting and eiection of officers îîual o)f Byron Ann Miss Winnetka, of cvening, a spirit of gaiety pervaded auxi1liary. Woman's of the Mr. N'iitkha. of formerlv Evanston. when the Gold room of the Drake All other guilds, with the excepseveral hundred north shore reàîideîits and Nlrs. Charles Hlowe of Giencoc, tion of the Bishop Stewart guild, wiii and Wiiiniette, of WVebster Inez gathered for an evening of dancing Miss Monday preceding the also meet Ruth Miss and Archer Betty Miss at the Winter Bail, spo;îsored by the annual meeting. The Stewart guild -Griswold of Evanston.-M.L. WVelInfant the of Kenilworth center is postpopjng its next meeting to Merritt Ston~e, one avenue. Its arclen young iivanston friencis, wore a wil read lWint theme is *urigin of Plants," re.cognition perlo( 'ever- jacket to match ber emerald greein tea are Mrs. J velvet dress. Among the others of Mfrs. Arcule G. greens. The evening she arrives, her. the active chapter, mother, Mrs. Louis A. Suekoif, is holdet." Hostesses for ing open bouse in her honor. Miss J L'Amoreaux and Suekoif spent Thanksgiving here in Wiiiasby. mette.