k f E#sa4elon etdenlt of Albeo S4ti, >tllr Mary A4ltt H1fseoJ artist; of Henry J. Williams of the Minneapolis symphony, and .Joseph Vito of the Chicago symiphony, uineier of the scholargflp this past surnmer, Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria, and a niemiber of the clasqrof '39 at North-. wuesterni university and of Alpha Phi sorority, will play the harp durioig the program the Kenilworth group of the Mary Cranie league zEiIl protide duiring_the party it zeilI give for parenits at Hidil luse IV edenesda3' evreiii.q, !hcemiber 16, at 8 o'clock. A Y ing at the Theta house at 1 o'clocka annual Christmuas party ou Mouday, December 14, at 2:30 o'clock, at the on \\edniesday, December 16, will be E home of Mrs. Elmer Jewell Dick, auctioned off to the highest bidder li 1 by Mrs. Marcus Hatfield Hobart. 12%6 Tower road, Winnetka. Proceeds of the sale wîll be used toi The Boys Glee club from the school Avnance a book review planned for will sing and tea will be served. the Eebruary' meeting. Mrs. Arthur Giuests are hringing gifts to brigbten OU K. Kiauser is chairinan for the tthe Christmnas of the boys.. .Mrs. Dick will be assisted. by the The new president, Mrs. day. HersheII .A Morrison of Winnetka, f G in -a remarkable Dinner Hoslo Mr. and Mrs.w Alfred S. WiItt of 515 Abbottsford Éoad, Kenil% are giving a dinner .party in home.on Saturday evening. just the day bi to New York a short tnp j EDGAR A