Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1936, p. 46

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Makè "Tom Sawyer" Live for Children. With the startled- cry -o f. "Huck»-Finnand Tom.Sawyer of "Gee , itfs real money "dr ing a very thrilling moment: in the Chicago.Junior league's perform ance of ."The. Adventures of Tom Sawyer, heads popped up al over the audience, to be seen, in the. dairkened'house as silhouettes against the lightý of the stage, and showed how intently the, littie, spectators followed ýevery word and -action and thought of - the play. howv e real, it is to them. "I knew that would happen," one very small boy beliind us renîiarkea' at another exciting moment - an amazing mèmory for a slight dlue given a few moments earlier! Tom Sawyer with bis pais, bis troubles, his pranks, and bis joys, may be seen at the Harris theater Saturday morning, December 12, and again Saturday, Deceniber 19,- at 10:30 o'clock. The Mark Twain flavor fi there in another junior Leagne 4tL4 e Templeton, Reci'taI; Announce Dinners As a gestture. to the concert of tlw~~~ .evîIii.a n iber of north and hostesses vi11 shioreIs give (linnier7s. prec-ýediing the prolcTeinnui graiti of 1 in J)ltO ~I1l give tinderaslis of the North -bhore auxili-ary- of the Chicago Maternity -c enter Tuésdav> eveing. Decemiber: 15,. ;,tt Ne,-,- Trier High scho1 auiditoriuin. Ushers for the concert alsohave bee.n selected. Mr. and Mrs. Dryden, Eberhardt of Wilmètt.e ivili entertai n ini honor Cadmnati, Wakefield Charles of anIong their other guests being Miss Constanice Eberhardt, Mr. and Mrs-, George Mayer, Miss Ruth Braun.i Dr. Paul North, and Mr. and Ms J. D. Toloff Upon the memtbers of the finance committee of the North Shore auxiliary, of the C'hicago Mâternity ce» er resis inuch of the work of preparation for and proinotion of the concert Alec Temfpleton, blind English pianist, wil give ai Newc Trier High school auditorium Tuesday evening, December 15, 'ai 8:15 o'clock. Meeting together recently, these mnibers of the commiiuee were phiotographed. They are from le! t to right. 1Back roz-A'frs. Richard Bryan, Mrs. R. M. Buchanan, Mlrs. R. Ml. Hirkp-.i xx Cy*vtrudeLD nA,,m'es.Afrs E.AM.Poloknoff yc Gtra (s. Tirai- Sýtaiiley North. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson of Evanston wvill have a dinner partx--,a, will Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Loucks of [r. Kenilworth, who have invited and Mrs. John L. Kellogg of Chicago to be among their guests. Other din1ner parties will be given by Dr. anid Mrs. Leland Johnson, by Mr. aiid Mrs. George W.- Ross, Jr., by -Mr. and Mrs. R. M. I-ickey, ail of lv. anston. Dr. and Mrs. Philip Smiith and Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Lang ciitertain dinner guests at the - Ch ini*by description, dissection? The north shore itself bas a very concrete part neys in Winnetka. . the junior leaguers. The two stars of in the success of this latest play oflo vvrap A ueGfsa ueGfsa Thle custornarv series of hl(iday *Robert. Hoffman, Jr., the former The Newberry Center league is Emily Pôope. of Glencoe, a most real meiga 0ocokFia onn, dances for many New Trier fligli and convincing. Huckleberry «Finn 'meeting at11,0in'loc k iay mo ring and Mrs. Richard Gambrili, Jr., of Cesmbers11in Wiornneatkato wap scbool students wil-comnmen ce the wieek before Christmas, this season, Evanston, the Ieague's clever cbarac- C. it a1 it ora-at telau the ter actress, who is the sbabby, shift- is to give soon for the chilciren of and less Muf Potter. beloved by Tom and center, andl to discuss tbe date Tom Sawyer in our opinion, are Mrs. Ne bryLau M etn Senior Girls f- Give Firsi of N. T. Parfies Following the concert, '.\r. atid Mrs, Kennetb Wilson will be ho-st and bostess, among. their guests being the artist of the evening, and bis mother and father. Mrs. Wilson iïs pre.sident of the auxiliary. Ushers for the concert have been secured. Tbey jamin Larabee include Mrs. BenMrs. William G., a.ny seasons .past, ai iRoycemor-e scnool are giving at vanston, Tuesday ,er 15, at 2:30 Smusic, and a by Mrs. John M. er wnîcn tea, 3Irwin Rew, 217 the Evanston Country club thé evening of Mvonday, ,December 28. The bostesses,1 are Editb Marie Appleton, Widow Douglas, Beatrice 14art; Mrs. Thatcher, Virjean Mudge; Mrs. Rogers, Babbs Burton; Mrs. Hiarper, Beatrice. Braningham;, Mr. Harper, one ini charge of the pla on the north shore as bi linçd Gothic, Mississippi Twain stylIe.-J. T. B. Joan Bentley, jane Conrad, Billie Engel, Helen Gambrill, 'Betty: Uit- I se the, program, ricb, Frances Webb, Pég Strale,' and be.served. Dorothy Reed.

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