show leaturing the McGraw twins, internationially known dancers. 1Tbey have dànced in London, Paris, New York, and at the Palmer House, Chicago. The popular Lind Johîisoni's orches.tra wîiliurnisfi the music. His novel, arrangements are. well known tô Nem~ Trier audiences.. Admission, fees§ will al so be put on a ne.w basis. They will depend. upon the girl-her hair, eyes, dress, stockings,' and inger.nails. If she i s attired according to, qualificationsý the price niay go as low as 65 cents, Otherwise it nmay run as high as $1.25 Stag ticketsare on sale, for $1350. a ny ýof the lirited number are left thev wvll 1)>e sold, at. the door for $l.75 The dance wi1l be held in the Ne%'% Trier dining hall Saturday. Ljjy> %-u" L11 -. i *vu ll Ul Lic Because of the commercial programs on the air the rtst of the program. including the choira will be amplified ail Qver the loop. *The broadcast will be one of a -series. Other schools invited to. appear are DePaul university, Se.nn 'High University of Chicago, and Von Ster.iben High. aSRAUCH.8S SLýUM 8E R SMHOP UNIveoeit7 2820ý The Maftras store! Sherman Avenue at Grove, .Eyaiitolà .WilI Entertain Visiting Teamisin ,Tri-ShipRoom Plans- are being completed by Jimnmy Neilson,. head cheer. leader, and, chairman of the initer-scholastic relations -onmmitee of. the Trit-Ship club, boys' organization at New Trier High school, for the entertainment of visiting, teams in the Tri-Ship, club roomn. The .practjçc ,bas beern introduced at the basketball games and wiil conThe tinue throughout the year. teams will be welcomed to make themselves at home in the Tri-Ship) roomn and some sort of refreshments I will be served. The club feels that something of this kind will produce dloser relations between New Trier and other schools. it -vvas explained. New Trier Loses First Suburbaaa League Garne Ne,,% Trier Highi school's varsity hasket bail teami openied the suburbal. league schedule. last Friday ven at Gates gytmniasiumn, by taking P. heatiing froin the in\-adincyVukgî five, 32 to 17. 'l'lie freshmiiat - sophomnore teanii. wlîich took a lead ini the earlS' part of the gamie otlv to lose it later. regaiined its favorable mnargin in iiit third quarter and hceld it to beat the northern boYs hy a single p)oinlt. 24 to 23. Coach Clyde Grater's varsity and Coachi Rob>ert Reami's quintets will pl ay thecir fi rst gaine of the season onoie this Fridav evenling a\\vaN- f wlvhen thev tra\vel to Maywood to pa the lProvisO 1'owliship Higli sclîool r00 issur"hm Jown bWho New Trier High school had as its. guests at an assembly Wednesday oif last week six students from Evanston High school. They were Martha Wbitchouse, president of Pentangle (junior-senior girls' club), and a mneiner of the student council; Catherine Lawerence, president oif Tri-, Literary Magazine WilI reme (frosh-soph girls' club), and a member of the staff of "The EvansAppear Next Wednesday tonian" ; Williamn Blakeslee, president >The first issue of "Iiikliings,*" sttuhome room; Charles Corsenior a of dent literary publication at New Trier coran, president of a senior class homie High school, will be distributed to room, member of the swimming teami. suibscribers next Wednesdav. Those. 6 Ev anston Hi h Sohool, Pupils Visit New Trier To .I3 iy to mette, Sunday mornng, Decetuber 13, held at il o'clock in the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. ý-nurcn LII i %Lif IoA, *j'Lýt around Miami, improving sal heart attack m~ fall. andi lor is Sthe i this