ries of the various they are revered in to finance tne program, a fecierai music préject, did not completely nia.terialize, the pupils of the high schoôl, under the1 direction of the student council, came to the rescue by purchasing tickets for a parallel afternoonseries of cnetsfrtintended to be offerèd to themn free., ln addition to the orchestra, ýwhose personnel 'is virtualIy the same as Miecn the group perforrned on five occasions at the esplanade of the, Wil-mette water 'works, 'there will be soloists at ecdiconce rt. lu addition to scason tickets individual admissions :will be sold at the door, itf vas announced. On Deceinber 20, the group wt7lI meet ini the \\oM en's room of tliv church, at an open-fireplace "ÇandieLight" ýmusical' service, under the di-, rectionof Miss Grace Roe. Miss, Roe will' teli the Christmas stories of many4 ands,,through t he meédium of musîc. She will also lead in the group singing of well-known Christm'aý carols.,, Over 30 young people, mnembers anid' friends of Theta Upsilon R ho gath-1 ered, at the, home. of Miss Mildred Fariner, 933 Elm'Wood avenue, \Vimètte, -last ,Saturday evening for ai novel "Indoor~treasureé-hunt." A treasure-hunt along the. usual, lunes- was forced into postpofiement due to poor -7A description of the program,1 ap- driving conditions, and the scene was J>ars oi thé music;-page of this issue. shift-ed to the home of Miss Farmer'. where -ciés had been, laid indoors, the guests a chase in uniusual 1\Ir. aiid IMrs. Leslie J. Dodds hiave that led mioved fromn 602 Lake avenue, \V\11-' Regular mecetings. of Theta Upsilon! mette, to 428 Cunîior road, Keniilwortlr. Their are called at 5:30 p. m., in. the. Rho ' sr-nlwand (laugh ter, Mr.. and Mrs,. M Hl. Barnui,111 Theta roomn of the church, to hc wh. ad ruade thieir borne withi thern.! cvcry voung person of college age or, over is, cordialUy invitedI to participate., hav'. moved to I-iglaind Park. $595 Quality. Volue Extroordiaary« Lustrous, lovly-anlde length ,styles,: beautifully cut and finished-; self Iined. They look like robes inade to seli for THfiE fluB HENRY C. LYTTON a SONS WOMEN'S SHOP-Shrmena, nd Church-EVANSTON OPEN EYENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS' Ça t s LOUNGING PAJAMAS -rHE.,-..Hu B IRY C. LYTTON& 'TONm & SONSI C Orrington, or Sherman and Church-EVANST OPENEVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS ina'nd Church-EVANSTON UNTIL CHRISTMAS ,