Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1936, p. 42

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aecesmatiy for put must, reacl.ihe dis tÈe current issue. eéday noolk to be in, Lame for A.MUSICAL TR E.AT *.into'well For the nineteentb consecutive year the, stu-dent musical* orgaai zations of. New. Trier Township Hligh school ivili a ppear. on Sunday afternoon, r-hit Dcember 13, in the, now tradtoa mas concert. This event, which gives greater. pleasure to more people than any other musical t, presenits severaàl hundred students iii the program various choruses,- the glee clubs, the choir. the orchestra, and the Treble Clef club. Since its inceptioni nineteen years ago, this concert, has grown in popularity with the growth and scope of the mnusic dAepartment. The steady increase in enrolrrent bas brought into the scbOol additions in the way of miusical-talent of a hi gl ord*r whtcb', tnder the guidance of th~ensc director and ber assistants, have been developedl trained groups capable of rendering di-. ficuit prograrns in a, manner reflecting great credit * upon themselves and the school.. WVorthy of note is the fact that this concert. i.. more than a concert; it provides occasion for *a real comniunity gathering, where thie parents, relatives and friends of students mnay mieet for a season of inspirational music and spiritual uplif t in wnnenaratiofl for the joyous Christmasis holidayx of its adjoin ,ing Municipalities. That need is more imperative nowý than ever before, and responsible authorities are- again reminded. that dilatory methods may. result, in forever closing tbe opportunity.to solve, the existing -problem to the. advantage of ail nortb shore communities. When. a vote by the. residents 'of No Man's Land on, the proposition to incorporate the are a into a separate mnunicipality was lforestailed. eariy in.- tbe fall, negotiations- witb property owners, were immediately instituted iooking toward annexaion., Many conferences, were'held, in. which village'officiaIs, property owners* and represenitativescf civicorganizations participated. After a petition bad been circulated and sîgned b)y a'bare majority of property owne rs, an impa sse seçems te bave been reccbd, due to dfferences on, the zoning of certàin parts- of the ýarea. Some 1ropert y owners, feeling that the commercial character of the. community bas become> established, ta'ké 1the'po'sition that it shotild lbe so classlfied, and that-the zoning ordinance should be liberalized to the. extent of peirmittig the erection Of buildings of greater height than is now possible !u'nder its restrictions.!\Vitb deliniite limitations to k'ccp such hceights .%withitn the capacities of local ire apparatLls. there appea-rs to be 11o insuirmountable obstacle to an amicable arrangement that wilI permit of alnnexation an(] the extending of s;uch h)elnfit,, as police and fire protection to an area ýwhere nlow thev are alin'ost conipletelv (Adapted from, Lewis.Carroîl.). Odd, that>is, until explained, then it becornes quite' simple. The Tribune bas at last found' a way toprovidie daylight ail nigbt, and thus prevent accidents. Uncle Sam's post office department frequently comes, in for some bitter criticism.- On tbe otber, band, it more, frequently affords subject forhigh praise. For instance, .wben some careless.pperson mails a letter toé JmU S. A."' and the mnail boys keep on the trait until 1tbe addressee is located& we marvel, andc realize that persistence acbieves Nvonders. In point: An ageing Cincinnati lady will rece ive ini the next few days a shipment of sheet music whicb she ordered in 1887, ,wben a young girl. Since that tiie bier letter to the mnusic publisher inPhiladelphia bias remnained in the Cincinnati post office; wbere it was mislaid. The .- Th4e -Sun was shining on&the rails, might; Shining wuith al hAi$ He did his vev.besi to jmake The railroad smooth and brightA4nd thIS tuas cdbecause it Mus The middle of the night.ý <I -By ail means, decide now. te attend the annuai Christmas concert at New Trier. under'tbe tutelage of capable instructors. tractive setting, this annual community eventl permits of the friendly intercourtse of neighibors, the opportuility to meet others wbom it is.a privilege to know, and thus to enjoy the finest of music in the company of those who are vitally interested in the progress of taiented studentsý p!etely muffed and the area developed in a manner adverse to the best interests of the property owners tbemselves, and te the nortb sbore- as a whole. tear down olci post offices, as it does to dlean bouse. Reniinding of the old colored woman wbo, in the process of cleaning bier house, moved tbe bed and found a pair of slippers tliat had been missing for five years. Leon Trotzky, the Russian revolutionary no* exile-lhas been given permission to live in Mexico, but hie mtist not take part in political affairs. Trotzky will scarcely look upon tbat as, ini GENTLEMEN. According to the president of a large also a member of th il, the v'ho is tee of tuuwty. To relieve tbe physical and. nervous strain on the post office organization, that necessarily In New York intoxication in public is a crime. cornes wben there is an almost unbreakable jamn flot First we knewthat anytbing in New York is a in the last few days before Christmas, wby crime. ohop and mail a few days earlier? It will net only as, you ma o f luck in ,fore ber.. Id. In have he bril ract that tbis country can as good as tbe best from t, we are proud of J3etty, sed, and wish her the best career that is opening beTHIe PHAN'tOm RzPoRTEtR

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