Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1936, p. 39

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the "standar-d" law (providing for examijiation of drivers,. a fee to be paid by ail drivers to the state, and centraiized control including suspension, and revocation in Springfield), to two-or three other proposais eliminating some of, the more drastic fea-I tures of the "standard" law.I CatlisControl Ianperative ý'Conitrol of atmoiedrivers when on the highways. is imperative if we are to reduce traffic accidents, said Carl A. Barrett, presidenit of th e Illinois. Automobile club. "ihra safety noôw built into motor vehlicles,i and the graduai reconstruction >o f hiighwavs to meet modern traffic (demands, the next step must be control of the operators of mnotor vehicles., Automobile club has1 "The Ilni or a loing advocated and wore driver* ' icense law and at thec ig session of the. legi lationl will, agaiti actively support such a measure. Accidents Increase . wnrangeiro wa I nonasbrs. ecme 7 i h ae res hita n nergess oiullg r -'&e -«work. ýry erchandising 1udy ..... ..... .*.., dies of reasons for the con-........... iS tinucd up-swing in highiway accidents' show the chief fault lies ini the humnan equat ion-the motorists himself: Somle drvr.it is shown. are 'accident-. pronc'.'--that is, they have a teiidenlc, to get inito trouble no matter hoi (areituJ they are. Such. driversnust' be rcniovcd froin the highiwvs, if: accidenits arc ever to be reduced. 1 flic heart of a drivers' liýeinse law~ is the po\ver to remnove the unfut Thi driver from the, highw\\ays. power is the pivotai, pointý-th e tecth -ofhlis. lav an.d can be enforced onlv by suspension or revocation of'I the license. Every driver, being- e-, cîuired to have a licensce vll be puti 01n notice that if lie commnits certain 1 violations bis license miay speCIfi1 vy and bis righit to drive be takn denlied. -Heretofore, objections to drivers' proposed in this state cbis. license have* centered. around three major poinits-examinatioli of driver applicants, the fee to bc:paid to the statci by the applicant and administration. of the law .by a state officiai having i right. toi the power to talle wyte have legisators dr-ive. Ma'ny Illinois legislatioti. such consistently opposed "ibsev eral different. types 0of clioose, some kind of a Drivers' Li. cense ilaw- shouid be enacteçi at the 1937 session. IllinQssIi ielo of. st.uda law. .. ... .... Encounter Obstacles TO IEIPLEE ISIIf VOUR e e w ý STOCKý- Bills before them from which to a ~~pûdv>uie one rdryo imaio > bsies, hratnstô exhaut sôuae -yor 4 ... Show to Open Monday i the hic Agrts raic ope Ii 'Arts a- . Gant of'Aritig wiil tiheiChic age bring to advertisitlg buyers and stu- LTake àIL L advantage -of the largain Long Ditance rates whIkh are i effect after 7 each evening and A day Swiday. TFL E P B IVE 0' dents of the grap.hic arts a new cono posibilities in printed cepton salesmanship by anl exhibition hti virtually universal in scope' coverin~g Amnericanl and foreign direct advertisi119 campaigns as weil as other plans calcuiated to back up newspaper and I NV0O1 s E L L

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