Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1936, p. 35

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After appointment and training tbey usually begin their career witlî jng American citian ass ignmnent to some almost unzens andproperknown. post >as a Vice-Conisul. 0f the t y i n %var-torn 345 posts in' tue service there- are a Spaini. Itis charg~ considerable number, which are. dised with the duty where living .inctiy:unhealthful.andl of..effective ,a&conditions are extremely difficuit. By neinistration o f' persevel-ance, merit and sacrifices o iu r tnéutrality career officer is graduailyý adthe laws land the vanced in a higher and more desirable Church, RalpliE. f maintenanceo position. In. recent years, there bas our neutral rights.. disposition' on the been agrowing' State ýof :Upon -the1 Department and the DepartPresident the of part advancing for responsibility the rests these envoys I to appoint of State ment the "lAnerican continent poliicy" as, Who have grown up in the diplomatic1 bis in President expressed bY the service to the higher positionls whe.re. tense the, I address. South A m,.eriacn appoinitments cou id be international atinosphere of today it "po)litical" ýhas the difficuit t ask of promoting made. StrengthenaSservice good vviil and unlderstadigoavancing Amnerican interests without This recogn.ition of career men ini becoming ilivolved ini any foreigii the Foreign Service of thie United controversie5 States has~ tendd to strengthen'ourj foreign representation abroad. It hias ]Effective Foreign Service chied served to encourage young men ini and capitals the iii Located cities of the various nations of the the knowiedge tha.t tbieynay, have world is a' group of men and women valid hope that some diay they can who constitute what is knowii as the obtain "e ambassadorship to the They country .vhere they are now serving' 'Ai1'îericali- foreig.i service" Sec- only as a Vice Consul in some relathe of execute the instructions retary of, State and, at the saine time. tively unimportant city. f urnish inii with the factual infor-' niation upon whIich those instructions 1racbased. They keep the Govern- *You niay be a careful driver but mhany careful drivers have- accIdente. You -take a chane every time you drive your ARE YOU ]PRO'IECTED? IF NOT, theh by ail means car. readt on!. Sensible Economny la thrift, and thle wIse' man will guard bis home, hIs life savînga, and future earningw by 40 eé offer S tock Comnpany Autowlthout oeccipational restrictions at 40% Savingis. Note the Iow, cost for Public LiabIiitýý85,bO0/$10,00 limitsa-and' Property Danmge $1.000 Ilint for 'our Car (Budget Plan If desired): 1-Pay Budget Plan Total Property Per Month Cost Damage Liabillty /0 SAVINGS: mobile Insurance, Chevroiet....00u Ford....«... LineoIn Zephiyr. 21.00 91.00 Ol<hsmoblIe ,Plymnouth ipontille .19.00 098.00 07M0 7.00 28.00 98.00 83.10 2.86 8.10 8.10 Pacekard'190 . .. 91.00 91.00 MERCIJANTS ATTENTI1ON: LOCAL BELIVERYT TUCKS-1I% Ton or $5,0001010,000 publlc Llabilit.. .05.00 $5,000 1'roperty Bamageo........0 10 Pay Total Budget Plan Per Month Cost $85.00 WALKER, DRAKE & CO. GeneraIIssrace Agents Wabash 471247118 Chicago17& West Jackson BoulevardJoin IL.Walker- Resident Partner- Telephone Wnetka 2&42 -muneration. comaiefstlrate with their knowledge and skill, their bardships and sacrifices when assigned to somne unhiealthy climiate. Personnel of 3,647 As of juiy 1 of this year, the 'Arnerican T oreign Service" had a total personnel of 3,647. It consists of 57 emibassies and legations, 259 con1---Wrp, 7imbassadours, of Christ, Scientist. on Sunday, fleceniber 6. The golden text was, "I arn the Lord that maketh ail things; that stretcheth forth the 1ieavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth hy' my%ýseif" (Isaiah 44:24). . Among the citations m;hich cointhe lesson-sermon was the prised 37 minin all Churches fn11rowiynfrom And we are proud to feel that he bas chosen VALVOLINE MOTOR OIL a~ bte bet-the most economicai oul for blis car. Val voline costs y<>u less because il Iasts longer and iufricates better. Try il... . if we are wrong ini our daims- h *i (~ the iia l.lj«'Bles" ing the nominationl and election . o pagean the President Must Haie Bro>a Training The other group of appointees, known as Foreign Service Officers of day aginninî of the Louise OIL CO* idren will be invited. Miss .obinson of the art cepartbe in general charge. 911 w.e, Winnetka Winnetka W6 Career. entered the service as young ment pç

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