New Trier's sole first place in the varsity meetcame in the medlèy relay, whîle the fresh.-sophs took wins in the. SOyard breast stroke, the fanicy divirig, and the mnedley relay The Mfaine teamn is almost. the same omie which coppcd.the state titie làst, spring, while the New, Trier shOwing against such' a strong1 aggrega in i their Own pool, Coach Edgar .B. 1Jackson feit, *wâs encouraging. THE SUjMMARIES Varslty 200 yard rlay-Won by Maine (Hisser, Stregnor, Wanerst, Zerrien). Tirne 1:40.6. 100 yar-d breast stroke-î. Stemnbr!dge (M). 2. Henschel CNT), 3. Walsh (M). Tiniie1:21.. 50 yard free tle. Waner st (m),> I. ýWaldo (NTr), 3. Sp!nneéy (NT). 'lime :25.1 100 va rd bl»wkstroke-ý-.-1 Herman CM), 2. Follensbee (NT), .1. Blum (M). 'lime 200 yard free style-i. Zerrien CM1>, 2. Stenger (M). 3. Jasper (NT&j___iîne 2 :08.4. Dlving--.. Warner (M), 2.. Wilkinson (M), 3. Nelson (NT). 'Medey-Won by New Trier CFolensbee, Hensehel, Wilder). 'lime i1:29.5 100 yard free style-1. Risser (M), 2. Waldo (NT), 3. Spinney (NT). Time :58.8. Freshman-SophomnoreS 200 y-ard relay-Won by Maine CBooth, FuilleyN, K. Johnson, Celson>. Time i1:53-4. 50 yard breast stroke-1, lark CNTY, 2. Susin CM>. .3. 'LIDonald. (-N). Tine Legaré-Loving. Photo Bicnided from the pick of the coffeetrp rassied to perfection, delfvered roaster. fresh to A & P Food Stores, and ground ai thçt moment of ,prch... no Wonder A&P Coffee gives, vo. finer, frember flava,. SiamET OCLOCEK, AIrk. Rut/i Harshawzv, Winnetka author.,of children's books,- wÙ411be'. tiie ýspeaker at -the book sale and tea. held Siday alternoon, December 13, at the Theta Sigina Phi house aiSi E. Cedar .çtrcet, Ch icago, by t e Chicago AIuimniiae chapter.. r road, Winnetka, is presiclent of the C chapter and former president of the jj national fraternity, whlch is open only t(to journalists. Lucy Rogers Hawkins, n, north IV Mfatrix, 1 ONE--POID MM. Mil MekowMjWO'cockC.Ee *n hm. beeni opumaar Co.e.e. Amen e bu Mary Kiniiavey Moore, 535 Sheridan Of WNEY COFFEE 1--LB. 23ec shore writer, is editer of The published bi-mnonthly by Theta Sigma Phi as a prof essional writers' magazine. * Y~ our Choice. 0 SPRING .SBURYIS on 4 75ya rd free style-i. Bl3aith CM), ý2. Clark C NT), 3. Bennett C(NT). 'rime :44.7. Diving-i. Moter (NT), 2. David (NT), 3,.3 )cDnald CM). Medley-Won. by New Trier CR-eyxiolds, Vernion, Oatis). Tine i1:42.6. Th ConiUîeîc eSchel nie Tecomplete solI%édule for the season follows: Deceniber 5-New Trier at Maine. De1ebt J.-Newv Trier at Morton. .ianuary 7-Highland Park at New Trier. Januavy 13-Lane Tech. at New Triec. .ianu.try 1.5--Proviso at New Trier. A further gift of $6,OOO for the provision of free. motion pictures on natural history subjects, lectures witlr lantern slides in the schools, and other supenientary educational work for Chicagoland's school chidren, hias been rec.eived by Field Museum of Natural History fromn Mrs, James Nelson Raymond, well-known Chicag( philanthrop ist, it was announcèd thi' week by Stephen C. Simnis, directo. of .the inuseum. FANCY YOUNG TENDER STEWING CHICKENS LB. scourruSSbU 4 ROLLs 12C 25c MAXWELL HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Mi Linden avenueI, tained the Faculty New Trier High home on Tuesday evening o week. I injuriges he received ini an autg Jbile accident about six .week agi