with.. alnd kiiomledye ojtinture I)' 1the county, similar opposiour ni.thb)lorinig commnunitie's and i tlti n as been -expressed byv Winnetvar*ious groups witîiî ar. vîliie ka residents ovér the widenling oi wvould cinable. him ito carry ,aut tt.Ch urël road,-which is the extension Oroblens of 'the board wvith à trtv- of Ridge road. spirit of cooperation. Athe, saule tirne that the, KenilA CORRECTION wat rse .0 cofirned t. os-: I a1aricle last. «w>eek on the 1Oth horns appîaintînient. tliev directed 1 anniversary' Of thé establishîneit of hlmii toa engage ini a stifflv of a conu tu United States. patent offiCe, WILtprvlieisivte storni. and s.anitarv swrM~TtLIEacknlowledged receipt of steito avoid. the, overflao ai d inforiiation oni the subject fromý Richhaeking _up i .0ft ht drainage ips ard T. Hoskinýgs, incorrectly giving his; afid ditches vhich (11<1 sa umuctli :danli- àaddrcss as 818' Prairie avenue. 1Mr. ag er1- iith lU hi yaram loskimgs Ii vý at: 818 Park avenlue., quaintance 0J1 Mg*l lUItorte ntilI famlly. Our-. stockv are liew, and our priem a.1 o *w as eimewhere.. 1'here WillIbe nu, waste (if time iln pumlhlIng through croiwds- no f raYtd tempers a t night. Tour Christmm shoping 'iH11 be .done more qulckly . .t ore pleasantly. . than e-ver b tef o ré..shop Eleciric PADw J. B. SyI.a wIfi-G107 ~ for a Man's SPECIAL THIS WEEK BRICK 8 Vamilla with Frsh Strawb.rry Center. fCL Shaces f 10si9 1 CLames. Qt.'u 39#wYÔI* $1.25 Agarol . Squibb's Minerai Oîl... qt. $1 .29 Cashmere Bouquet Soap. .3 for 25c ... . .. 1 .... Saby 11041 1(4Phone WýXiliiette 24ý35