rNoW is the time to select that gift. sil)le foreclosure.H4ere'Are Figures Ail the cases referred to above are of deliniquen cies for the years 1928, 1929 and 1930. They involve several hutndred thousand dollars. With in the month, hiowever,-the'reco rd of additional deliinqgeicies for 1931 and.1932 haebeen prepared.; T'rhe total aniou nts due the local governing boards, for. those ýtwo years alone ini the several north ýshor7e towns in cases where objections were filed long ago but- neglected are as follows:1931 Glencoe Area........ ,856.2 9l Kenilworth Area......883.01 .Wilmette Areëa....... 12,702.98 WlnneëtkaArea ...... 8,541.58 1932 2.597.15 2,905.83 a-d pos- situation .point out that prôperty owners in order to avoid serious complications and legal'costs shou.ld look into the record of their own properties. ARREST MOTORISTS H.. Klcmming, 1223 Greeneaf av- Local officiais conversant with the We are now showing new items for the. Christmaes season. Corne inand let us help you solVeý your gitproblems. enue, Chicago, driving souith on Ridge. road about 1 o'clock Priday afternon, colMied at Schiller avenue , witb *a car being driven nortb byr ..- Williams, 1820 Elmwood avenue. No'one was injured, but the cars were coniiderably damaged. Both drivers. were 'arrested and réleased, -on bond. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Peterson of 227 Raleigh road, Kenilworth,,had as their house guest Iast week"end Mr. $1.Hmd's Honey asud Mmond Cri..,» 79t carbonate. .$.9 sec -phillips Milk Magesa 38C 35c Laxative Broano. lle neweet creation -m $5 HalE Ounce dt.sting powder Suits Prove Effective in foreclosure have been preparéÈ during the' past year or s0 and asE resuit very large amounts of delinquent taxes have been paid into th( local treasuries, thus reducing t burden borne by the great majority of property owriers. No owner a v'et 'has lost hs property for taxes seemning té indicate that in mnos cases the money could be raised foi Seltzer ..... 9e OOc'Ru»,. ..... 49c $1 Lysol .. 79c Wyeth petro-Syliiuu 89c 16-oz. Squibbs Antiseptic ...... .46c $120 Bronio Whitiuug and Cookos Attractive mew boxe& Finest qflity papes' U Goos Down IAlways peL........ Our Owa Brand CIIOCOLATS Fresh, $1851 1THEN'S 1148 Wifmetfe Avenue Cal Wilmeffe 588 PHARMACYf !Phq WIumewt*e 8 WII.eff. end CemImol LymanmoRennecksr