Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1936, p. 78

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Mr. Ruat and the choir;- solo,'*Tihé Voice ln tino Wildernese," Scott, Edward Otta; Continuing our Preeachingk Mission, w postinde, e«Capriel (Op. 48k. No. 4), Invite. the public to hear the Rev. Amos Thornburg, mnnierý of tho Wilmotte Our Sunday achool meets ln ail de- Methodiet: parisin tonigint, (Thursday). MaZIy membors ý other churchesshould partments ut 9:30. Theo Christmas pro- take aivantage of this, opportunity to gramia are ln preparation. They WIll hlmn preacin. Oni'Friday evenlng, bear Include a "White Christmias" exorcise, 8 'clock, we wiil have as porettcher ada Christmas drama, 'Othe Shep- aloAt the Rev.. Charles ,H. Hoimsuith o! Firet There will be sewing for Lake Bluff IBatitchurci, Evanston, who . as a orphansage-.on Friday of this week, DeThe Adult Bible clans meets uit 10 national reputation for bis pulpit eblity. cember 4, uit the Woman's club. AU o'cloek and ia now studying. ln the series There will * be gospel einging aet cacin womfen of this churcli, whether ipembers of the club or liot, are urged to heip of lessons on "Portraits of Jesus," the service. oin .In> On Sunday, the Rev. FrYancis Carr with this work. lire. W. H. Thayer Ie leson, "Theo Tempted Christ. Stifiert, D.D.. returna to hie old puillit the chairman. tbeso hoiptulstudios. to close our mission with an address, Kingdom,"9 the of Fabric the "'Woaving The pastor's clnas for those Who wloh *Newmembers will be receivedinto ,the, il with-the generai. theme of the Iplace o! ,fellowship to pepar fo church membership of: tiis churcli next Sunday, meet t 9:0o'lock. lu our Faith. Ail friende i1the Bible 6, If you have a letter which, December Dr. stifier are cordially, Invited'to Join ohould be transferred, please notify the The popujar.chorlegterà of the Wonian's Junior church, unnder the ýsupervision us. ln appreciation of his personalty ninister. This wiil be ut the 11 Guild wIVive a program of Christrnaq o!flira. Magner, nnets ut il o'cioek, and services. ca'ro, at the December luncheon and during the morning service, and caros o'ciock service Sunday mornlng. The Woman's Missionary society will tigof the Gauil. FWIdayDecember. '1oe'th chii.en ofeparenits who. wi* to meet .'hursMày, Dflén 1, fl at t1:30 On Wednesday. December 9, we have 11, at the church. Luncheon will be attend church. o'clock Devotions wilI be led by Mrs. another of oui' monthly World Frierndserved ut 1 o'clock by the ('rescent G. Smith. There will be a circle. Theo Tuxis club will meet at 5:30 ship dînners ut 6:30. The guest speaker Horace Christmas Reading by Mrs. Amos Thornlirs. D. Miley Phipps of Evanston, a o'elpck. Clifford Goodman will lead the will be Emil Kontz, a leader among burg. A special Christmas Offering will meeting, with theo topic, "How Can Christ Amercans of Hungarian ancestry and be taken for the Foreign department. inember of the Parent Education board Be Real to Us?" Ail young peopleofo culture., Ris theme le "Alions or Allies," The Prayer service preceding the meet- uit the National College of Education, and ho brings with hlm John Ilika, Jr., will give a talk. of special significance higin sehool ugo are invlted. young Hungarian gospel singer. Roser- ing is held at il o'ciock. and value to parents, on "The Place of that be made ln aivance, vations muet the Par'ent in Religlous Education.." Mrs. The New Trier Sunday Evening club If you -à.ant a boy or girl from Lake Phipps was formerly director of religious wIl present the arctie explorer, V'il- ail may be served Bluff Oi-phanage to share Christmas with education in the Fist Methodist churceh ijalmer Stefanseon, ln an Illustrated meet you in your home, telephone lirs. Roy of Evanston. She has been a delegate Theo classes of our churcli lecture on "The Northern Course o! each Sunday morning ut 10 o'clock, ana Haskin, Wllmette 700-M. in the interests of religlous éducation at Empire." a splendid nuniber. are partieipating In a numaber of National 'conventions of Parnt-eacerassociations. flpvotioniTheo session will meet Monday evenlng .sehool i5plnl3*-V a885 jas al elenaSSWU Wibette 'And PF stavenues Rev. George ID. A ,on, pastor The Wonian's MissionarY aocety Ae seeding a Chriatmas.boi ta aàiistir's fýauily ln a drought-stricken section In Montana-_ Requesta have been.made for sheets. pillow cases,*blankets, .a drese for Mia Knight,.,and clothing for the chlidren-grms of 4 and 6 and a boy of 8 years. Gifte or money ms.y be given to lira. B. S. Youngberg, 428 Ninith street, Wlmrette 4610. The Cozy Corner circie will meet at the home ot Mrs. Znioch Steen, 1535, Spencer avenue, Thursday. IDecember 3. Mrs. E. G. Goode,.' Mrs. R. Gordon. And Mris. J. C.' A.. Anderson will be assI.tming hostemses. The Northwest..circile will meet oit the home of lire. F. G. LaBonte, il124 Forest avenue, Friday, December 4. for a 12:30. luncheon meeting. Mrs. J. Mi. Mills, Mrs. F. R. McCurdy and lira. J. S. Weare will assist. Central citcle will meet at the home of ire. IL R. Adkins, 1112 Central avenue, Fr1day, December 4. Mrs. F. A. Wilson and Miss .. .Taggart wiil assist. Crescent.circle will meet at the home of Mrs. John C. Baker, 347 Maple ave-> nue. TuesMday December .8. The assistin osteses will be Miss Saille Vernon and Airs. L. A. Becker.. The -board of trusteeo will hold Its. regular monthly meeting next Monday eVening at 7:30 in thechurch parior. ,hurceh, Miss Ellen Jones presiding. Al vite you to joln us lni this hour of do-1 igi scbool youth particularly Invited. votion and meditatiQu. wil bo "The Royal Lineago." We In-i First Congregationul The 1Rev. John G. Hindiey, minister The Girl Scouts will rehearso Friay evening. The choir will reliearso Friday oveeing. "Hie Namo Shal. Be Called," will b. 4- p.m. Camp Fire Girls. the minister's srmon theme for theo 7 :15 p.m. Senior choir rehoarsal., Lakeo ani Wilmette avenues Communion service next Sunday mornlng Cub Pack 63 meets in dens weekiy. The Rev. Amnos Thornburg, minister ut 11. Visitors in town are welcomne Inquire of Howard A. Hindiey. aiw'ays. The music willi be as follows* Sunday' eecember 6, ls the second Suni- Preluclo-Pastoral Symphony ... Handel COMING EVENTS étit., The minister Will be ln Choral Antiphon - While Shepherds Thursday, Docotuber 17. *Parlsh innor Watched Thoir Sheep" ........... and social. ýSunday, Decenubor .1 20. il a.m. The . ... :«....JungSt7.DIckinson Christmas message and music * 4 P.m. The Pageant of Giving. Methodist Church Thursday-3 :30 p.m. Girls' choir rehoarsal. 4 p.m. Boys' choir rohearsal. Wednesday-3 :30 p.m. Brownies. 7:30 pin, Boy Scout Troop No. 2. eco ss u4or spossileA. .a son Theo animai bazi T4ue Sundy Evonlng club wilLI.Pro- of the Metinodist 1 -1 and turkey dinnor 1Party 1People'$ Home 10 home. have a Christmas Wbmeng ecember 11, at the day, Doceinber s. George Reiding, 1 off'wHI be sei ITheo Iwili nieet on Mon- 10 o'clock. Lunch-ý Theo hoatessos wi Il.

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