by making thein more like the better type of residence in appearance. This 8,'~10English cottage style was developçd by C. A. Petersen, a resident of Wilmette, who is in charge of the marWilmette keting engineering department -of December 3, 4 -"'Charlje Chan at Thie Pure Oul company.. the Racetrack."l Farnily.: December 5-"The Sea Spoilers." Not oinly attractive, ini appearance wth its Indiana limest one .exterior, Family. Decemiber 6 7-"T.,he )Big Game."' topped, by a deep blue >tile roof. - . this Family. new unit îs completely equipped to tender every type of modern autoDecmbrk,.s-.ConeCloser, Fks"Family. motive maintenance service., The inside shop bas one of the ne.west type* lifts and the latest equipment for lubrication work, complète facilities For for hi-pressure car washing, àdequate strgespace iur a. complete stock word was received. on the north of tiresI batteries and miscellanea us shore this ve ftedathi of Mrs. accessories, while ail of 'the statio' ara Copeliii Filkins, 89 years old, six gasoline pumps are 'of the new on Sunday, in os5p.ital at Trumans1 a electric computing type. burg,, N. Y. The station is operated on a dealerMrs. 1,Filkins, a resident of Winnetship basis by Leonard E. Starkel, who ka for nmany. years, until she moved bas been a Wilmette resident. for ito Jthaça, rgear Truman g t*v many years. Hie ivàs formeriy pro- with a daughiter, was bon at Capeprietor 'of the Plate -ind Starkel Tire town, in the Union of South Africa, company of Evanston. while lier parents .were on a world tour froin whichi they did ýnot return maunil she was twvo 3ears old. A few years later the family moved to Chicago, where lhem father, ThomDr. and Mrs. «Munroe Munson, 230 as Copellin, and her uncle, Alexander Tenth street,- whose son Everett. 14, Hessler, were prominent. in 'the was injured on NXovemnber 22 by an. photography business. explosion of poivder ini the basemnent She is survived by a daughter, Mms. of 'bis home, report that the .boy is Claire f1,'ch2l ato thârâ ~v \7 0% HEATING SERVICE C00 j_- ~ DAY A&ND NI»HT E W'. Servicg AN Maies : luca3901SHORE REAL ESTATE- North-Shore Is Dead mer: Resident of LOWIEST RATES FoRt FIRST MORTOÀAGES ON IMPROVED NORTH RIFUNDING, FIRST MOIT*AGES:,d fit WIN pay y uou te arn the cost of refunding you'r prms.ýntfi&tmorg with us. We make bans as bow es 4/% lnteroi wlfh, convenientm.fd or s.mi-annuaI oepaym.nts. Trms-5 to 20 years. If re Injured Youth Doing Fine; Builds Motors yourp to Luild, consuit our consfruçfion d.partmot. Yu ra e hieoh.ipful. One f our plans of fin.ning m.y Oft ,elu,,er WE MAKE F. H. A. LI Our teleptiqn. nimber h: il e 7100. No.PPhon. Charge t. Y.. that the left eye was completely gone, and that there was snaill hope of *saving the other. ,Thle boy\ Cali i ow see to read even the .finest print, his *sîglit not even being~ irnpaired. While the, riglit hand wvas taken off, thiere is, expectation that wrist movemnenti Wvîll be etained. The injured boy is stili ini thie Evanstoni hospital, where bis :courage and fortitude amazes both doctors *and attendants. It is sai that since SIiut Off Ammonia System Wilmette firemen were summoned hastily WVedniesday of last week when fumes front an ammodnia leak in the efrigeration. systemn drove clerks and customers .out of the J. WV. Schloesser and company grocery store, 402 Linden avenue. The firemen, using gas masks, were able to enter the The Wonien's Catbolic Order of Poresters, Wilmette court, No. 966, Iil meet Wednesday evening' Decem1nber 9, at 8 o'celock at the 'home Of Mrs. Florence Keil, 1931 Schiller avlenue. A Christmas ýparty wi,11be, teprograrn forý the evening. ---- A.a - .jà -%a r Co., 6636 South, Park Nornml 8866