Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1936, p. 66

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AUtANOEO NORTH SHORE Stm. TRAVEý,L.SERVICEý na's Christ n s Auctio;i, andu iMrre Island, the, ninth and tenith operettas by these collaborators. Early this fait the company brought out An, Old Kenffcley Garde,î, and Tom Sawyer, and tast spring published' The Beaùty Contest. > umma"*" UNAb. e. ,.he popularity of'these productions siNk Mding -»vanston. for school, performances lias encoUraged continued. composition on the part o! the. collaboratOrs, andci stili. another operetta will be put in the miarket anY day. Treasitre Jslanld, it is reported, will be given on thenorth1 shoére at the. Foster schéoo in Evanston eariy. this month. Copies of. the operettas contain. vocal score. and libretto comptete, with full directions for staging, costumes. and ducdance steps. $ usanla's,,Christrnas an of adaptationl tion is an American WITWOUT ggRVICK CHARnel old Frenich story, antd tends itsel1f admirably to -a modern group o! children, _______________ .2.. ~~ Sing. the .poeni by Ernest Douwson o! which each stanza ends, "I have heen faithful to the. Cynlara, iin my fashioni," and :-mafy a modern lyric of the livinig poets. 1AIl through this .volume m-ay. be ýfotind the hawiting lînes that stick iin the rnemiory, niy tinies m,- 1thotit any idertîfyiflg name, either of poem or j from Susanna. She refornis and' as a welt do migbt business The insurance author. It is like mieetinig (Ad friends beautiful new doit reward receives English an Petty, come across rach lines as "Stone walls Dorothy to 11 to observe from Santa Claus. some large and some smatl. It is Christýmas eve ini Susanna's home, but there is danger of Santa not remembering ber. She bias two bad faults-stubbomflness, and climbinig on furniture. As a 'punisbment, ber parents auction off al ber toys. This brings repentance .a- A 'photograph of ffugh Walpole by W. G. Hxworth of Loidon. Mr. W'alI'ole's lieubook" "A. Proyer for'My Son,," waos pifblished thtis biy Do(bday, Dormi. Tite fl storv lias sosne of the siiîgular fasifina lion of "Portrait of a Maiz zîtith Red Hair," one of Mfr. Wralpoie's »ost orighial books. cast over à period ofthtnry years, determineci the contents of the volume, and throws a spotligbt on,.the crosssection -of real American taste.in poetry. The anthology was. compiled hy Hazel Felleman of the New York Times Bookc. Review f roff the.requests received from many thousands of -readers, of the Queries and Answers page, througliout the length and breadth o! the nation. Mrs. Love is reprcsented ini the book bïy ',Walk Slowiy" and lier naie appears in the index aloig with sucli poets as the Browiings, Lord, Ryrg n, Leigh Hunt. Thonias Mi-ore. Shelley. fames Whitconih Riley. EFdgar. Guest, loweil and Longfellow. The American people's democracy o! tae in, potry- pplis j ust as c'loseiy to, judgsentimental verse as to any other, zdieeto!f,-lnQ inclusion the by ing hcart of Mliine hy james Wliitcçbmb Riley, a sonnet b.y Elizabeth l3arrett PBrown*- "PamneIf's Dauqhters" Highly Enferta-înînq' of the give r as a bookc. Let us help you choose these gifts with care. 1'For and because of the gayness of the turnes, onty a very' simple stage st is required. ýSg -was, the garden lover we rec- mmd Ifs C u -eci tom P o in li c 'ail e s aa c the. cm I I like a re s offices i n 1 other thali office fortune good wbich 'in London besicles; chiefly owing to the fairness and justice of her poceedings; for ail the money paid in to the office was entered in one book, and all tbe money paid out upon claims was set clown in anotber book, and ail people bad liberty to peruise botb, so that there could not possibly he the least fraud in the manage- in a nouse major divisions of this On fthe mceiino, book is headed Faith and Reverence,. and its extent indicates the keen interest America takes in religious poetry. Rudyard, Kipling is- represented by bis noble "Recessionai,'" and there arc poemfs by Edwin Markham, William, .Cmos-' well Doane, Julia Waird Howe. Christina Rossetti, Margaret E. Sangster, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, and Henry Van. CHRISTMAS NOTES AVE GRE. 0221 UUtI1724ORRIINGION L HngoWH . Idg.. Evandon more, published.by IHrper & Brothers conten'onI December 1, is an explanation of the tion is not really new. Most daring uiost the and structures porary various probleis of interior decoration be found in simple terms that cap be appreciated of modern colour schemes cati Ancient of design and understood by the average woman. in the great decorative Tuscan in even and East, the Most people, says Mr. Patmiore, are Mexico and foreruners te find ni o architecture afraid of modernsm. But lie remarks reassuringly: "Modern interior decora- of the modern sicscaper."

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