North Shore will meet Monday, December 7, with. Mrs. Hollis Root, 1030 Meadow road, Glencoe, for, luncheon. The efspectacular "Originality, >meeting promises to be of afternoon -w e re f. ct fnetechnique," f ineunusuaî>.interest e t, for several reasons. among the qualities.displayed in First, Mrs. Louis Sherman formerly t hepost S. annouincing e the prominent in the activities of the churh baaarflecmber3 4Winnetka Drama club when she was livinlg in that village, but now of Evight -ÈT'd mae and', and5, ad bythe byth eiht grdeanston,, is' to give a reading. Mrs. pupils of. St. Francis.: Xavier's Sherman, gives courses and lessons school, according to H en ry on the drama and on the constitution, Schniidt, of 710 Washington before women's clubs. Antotherguest of honor for>.the day :avenue,- ecclesiastical- artist wh6 be the province director-, ,Mary "Ill ini the posters judged the',bazaar Harris, of Toronto, Canada, who will. recet cotest Th resit ws aquaint the members with the activias follows: ties of the Gammia Phi chapters in First award, for. girls, to Mary Jane. this province. Kent, 229 Nîinth. street; second award,. Arden Shore will also be rememberMarguerite Warà, 426 Central ave- ed that afternoon, for each guest is renue. iin çiencoe St.Franîcis Bazaar meeting TIhe Gamma Phi's of the \Win Judge's Praise and JI PIayers Saturday On. Saturday ýaftcrnoon, Deceinber 5, the Jack, and Jili Players will present Kate Doug las Wiggin's "The Bird's Christmnas Carol" at the Woinan's Club of Wilniètte at 2 ,o'clock in the afternoon. This is the second of> the, series of cliildren's plays rWhich this, group of young plaersfrom Chicago -is Presenting under the. direction of Marie Agnes Foley at tl e. WiImette club. This very charming in vell known children's story has been dramnatized by the author, and the leading char-acter oif Carol Bird will be played by Anti Barber.' This young girl is already familiar to Wilmette audiences for the work which she bhas dlone ini other Jack and Jili plays during the Iast few years. She' is rernembered first of ail for playiung Gyda in "Gyda and the Wizard," and second of all for playing the char- First award for boys, to Jay Turner of 518 Forest avenue and Thomas Kerwin, M3 Michigan avenue, who made a poster together, second award, to Clement Murphy, 1300 Greenwoodavenue. The posters are on display at the different business bouses and stores in Wilmette and will be entered ini a future contest. conflucte4l, and ail expenses are pai by the national chapters of Gamma P~hi. The camps are scattered. One is ini the west, one ini the south, and the third ini eastern Canada, where more than eight hundred children are cared for. inmoroved in health. and provided LaMar polnular r, of. go 0 acter of "Raggedy Anti" in the several different Raggedy Anm stories whîch have been dramatized on the Charlotte Kusso, Mary iÇutten, Mon-' ica Cunningham, and jack O'Donne. Bazaar posters were also made by two talented high school girl artists, Mary Jane McCue of 635 Park avenue, and Helen. Gibbons, 1500 Forest avenue. These, also, are on display. Uncle j ackc, appeareci only a .few weeks ago as the nme lead of the Piper in Josephine Preston Peabody's "The Piper.", Dale ,Kohn, who plays the very humorous character of Mrs. Ruggles, the mnother of the eiitire Ruggles clan who live The next in the series of literature on the proverbial 6 mornings given under auspices of the dwrong side of the tracks," will be familiar to Wilmette Womani's society of the 'Kinnetka The McL.aren guild of the Church people particularly because of of the Holy Comforter will sehl bard Young ber work in "Heidi." She played a candies for Christmas at the church comic character in that play alsû. WiIl Revîew Jefflerson Biography December 4 Guiid Pians Christmas Sale of Hard Candies Dinn.r Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Clovis have 3 L. W. Becker, Jr., Mrs. Charles A. Winnetka.' Mr. andi Mrs. Fl eming invited a group of friends to their will be at home after January' I in home at 314 Oxford road, Kenilworth, until 5 o'clock. Mrs. A. R., Watkii 's Willis, and Mr. Storms. of 5007 Dorchester avenue, Chicag à,ý Single. admission, tickets may Dover, N. J. be for dininer on Saturday ev ening. ià in charge of reservations., secureéd at the door Saturday. 9Ives, Mrs. H-. C. Toeppen, Mrs. n C. W. Krohl, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. D William E. Hughes, Mrs. Benjamin Mrs. N. P. Linde, Mrs. -Jacobsen,