the "grand"-time in store forr them at the Annual Mary Crane Snow-Bll diner dace,.Crne, SnowBa11 dnne dacebeing What-Not Sate held in the Grand ballroom of . to be done the Palmer bhouse. Thé. sale we call What-Not is Part of goal has been set for the Pine Mntain fund There's pICasure a foot and mt«rh iork Beginning. at 8:30 o'clock, until il OU>* work o'clock. a full course dinner. will be And frily ,no Gitild fan her'dt<ty wofild. ilhirk. served, dancing, from 9 o'clock until' the wee hours, to the: strains of-Sa colite ail you onenbers arnd lbring a, b odw oudlk CharleY Straight's.,popular o rchestra, Bg1fest, fo ingthinyst e od iewollk between dance numbers. strtin at 10 o'clôck and continuing until, mid'P"tea feué., night. pronlinent stars of radio and Brilij cand3' or cake, or, somte other good eats stage wvil l]end their talents in entertaimet vit h a neetn o A fircture or handwork and',sç,rely show, for thjs ,verv worthv cause, anqus the Mary Crane, Nursery school> at Soniebody zvill bzuy ifle-,ftice gifts that Huit bring Theentre oyr o th GrndAnd you wzilI1 fake'homne a quife different halîropin xviIi he gav with a carnivai l ~ g spirit., where ganles of chanc e ill i)eI Our hosfess yoit knw, Mrs. IrwmýI, -Ça sweef, in fuil s%-.av to the pleas ires of thé guests. under the mnanagement ofUrhm so uhdadteetu i prof essionat1s. Mrs. Robert- F. cSpaeth "'e't At SLuxty-njine Hus&ndredL, tise sou is of Evanstonis i -hage Two MIrs. Norman C. Clark, of Evans-. Deccerbler the Vinth- is the--.dyvývou ton reports the batlroomn and arce duc. - ill. reflect the holidav spirit in gay:eebrtepae n h o, n de corations. I day Nirs. Walter C. Rob>erts of EvaIns-j To miake. this sitccessfitl we'hi try e7,'ry' ton, ticket chairnian, reports splendid tul aY. e cooperation fromnimemnbers and their Thn vrtefacusw'lcc friends in the support they have giv~- 1 oir tale en the bail. 0f bai-gains que botight af this great Mrs. J. Edgar Lee of Evanston.! What-Nof Sale. chairman of the hball' assisted byl for. and TICKET for onl1.y $500 HAVE "SAN TA -CLAUS" GIVE ONE TrO YOUR BOY OR GIRL 1NDIVIDUAL SWIM......35 20SWIM HOURS ,FOR CHILDREN (Goed. for Osne Year) for CHRISTMAS An Ideal Gift Soniething Dii erent ilIXE» BWIlMMINQ For MZZZ and: WOMEN EVERY- EVENING 7. to 9:-30 CHRGEOS Individual Swimn,............, 26 Swims for............. 00 Every day after school from.4:15 to 5:30 p. m Saturdays from 10:30 to 5:-30 Priday Nihti 7 to 9,:30 SPECIAL RATES fior "Regular» Swimmers SWIMMING POOL 1700 Central St. Evanston, 111. Phone Greenleaf 2004 SJanus Building, 1 Block West of Dyche Studiu cess. Manv interesting cocktail parties are t)eillg given precedinz jhe bail., Some are as foliows: Miss. Ltîella Simp.ple of Chicago, wbo is entertaininir forty guests, including Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Fleer of Evanston, Dr. and Mrs. August F. Daro of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. C. Simppie. Jr.. of Chicago. Mrs. Fleer is president of the league. Mr. and M 'rs. A. W. Peake an-d Mr. and Mrs. R. - , The talk on "China and Glaze s" wili be given, for the junior auxiliary of the Wornan's Club of Wilmette this evening at 8 o'clock following dinner at 6:45. Mrs. E. Stafford Challinor is giving the program and will display several beautiful table settings. Duringthe evening a group of Christmias gifts f rom the Cheer shoi of the Cook Countv hospital twenty with 'Mr. and Mrs. Herbert charge of the orchestra. Mi E. Zipprodt of Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Casseli of E"ý Mrs, Vandervoort Gathany of Evans- have eight guests. The night ton are to have twenty guests: Mr. and Mrs. William Haddadof Chicago, twelve guests: Mr. and Mirs. WiliamC.Ewald of Evanstoni, ten bail Mrs. Casseil wïlI be bus3 inz after the bevy of beautifi Who Wili, be,,the. cigaret, and venders. iris wer nee bhoP onerwuvu wui G<Umn Open Saday Eveninasç -