Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1936, p. 48

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at Before Holidays .Aquarnirine.'a n d American beauty taffeta dresses, worn by. the bride's attendants, formed' a lovely and unusual color combination for .the wedding of Miss Isabel Macalister and, Raymond F. Underwood,- Saturday evening, at, the Firsti Congrega-. tional. Churich of*Wilmette. Miss Macalister, a former bostess for thé' Transcontinental Western airlines,* is the daughlter of' Mr. and Mrs. J. Nye Macalister of 98Ashland avenue. Mr. Underwood, -formcùrly,of Chicago, is now in business in Kokomo, Ind., where hie will take, bis bride to live following thieir wedding trip to New Orleans. Candies, palms, and two large urns of white chrysanthemumns decorated o'clock by the Rev.. John G. Hindley. The bride wore a wedding dress of white transparent velvet, made very simply on princess lunes with long terian: church, in Wilmette. Thé Rev. street, is to become.thé' bride of. J.ý T. Veneklien performed the cere- Dorrance Nygad, son of E. mnony which was a small. in for-mai L. Nygaard- of- 1336 Griegory one, with only immediate inembers of ýthe families in attenda nce. The avenue, Wilmette, the sup er inservice was followed by dinner at'the t e n d e n t of the . Keilwhorth school. The. wedding will take Georgian hotel in Evanstoni. The bride, unattended, wore silver pJaÉe at'the Wilmette 'Parish accessories Methodist 'Episcopal-chur-ch lamé with dubonnt at and orchids of.deep wine shade. 8:30 O'clock Saturday evenling, After a, brief wedding ftp the Decenîber, 19, and wvi11 be fo.Wilkins will live in Chicago. The bride attended theý Frances lowed by a-small reception for Shimier School *for Girls ini Mount relatives and close friends iii the Carroll, Ill., Mr. Wilkins is a. grad- chuirch parlors. uate of. the Chicago College of Tech.velvet Shortly before~ the Christmnas netka, became the brde1ofQ j. Daniel Wiikin, Jr., son of Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. hiolidavs.,.Miss Margaret BickWilkin of 526_ Central avenue, Wil- ham, àaughter of Dr. and Mrs.' mette, on Wednesday, November 25, 1nt h in the chapel of the First Presby- M. H. . Bickbani, 429. NiZ .iel.gy. the chancel of the church where the ceremony was performned at 8:30 Mr. and Airs. Lea J. Orr of 1002 Greenleaf avenue, Widnette, annouince the enigageiient of their> danghâ'er, Leanna deCoverly, to ?Marclh A. fldinger, son of Mir. and Mrs. C. F. IEdiniger of 627 Garland aveu e, Winneika.. The wvedding will take place in the springi. Announce Engagement .At a family dinner party at their home on Thanksgiving day Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Stiles, 226 Catalpa place, announced the engagement of their ýdaughter, Frances (Lutie), to Charles King of Toledo, Ohio, the son of Mrs. Grace H. King of Toledo, siceves and a long train. The gown- Offiçiating at theý ceremony wilI he Dr. Horace G. Smith of Garrett Biblicai institute, former pastor of the Wilmette Methodist church, assisted by the Rev. mos Thornburg, pastor of the church. Mrs. James C. Bean is coming from Scott field at Belville, iii., to be hier sister's matron of hoiior, anid her husband, the Rev. James I3ean, 145 elrose avenue,i'Kenlwortn, d Mr. Macalister, the ýbride was given in marriage by her brother, Richard, have returned 4Irom Akron, Ohio, The soloist for the ceremony was Miss Katherine Ellis, daughter of the William Ellis' of Wilniette, who is local supervisor of music for the public schools in South Haven, Midi. Miss Mary Macalister, sister of thé br.;de, was the maid of hionor. Her taffeta gown, close fitted,' and trimmed frorn higlh neck to hemline with where, on Thanksgiving day, they attended the wedding of their son, Robert Winsor Richardson to Miss Mary Virgini a Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wilson. The ceremony was performed in the Wilson residence at 8:30 o'clock in the Because of the sudden illness of jane, are new re hiaving noved muDetroit. To Wed in w." De ýbmma andci1raiîdtheir entsics Bickham,sisters of the bride. and ýre l ast M'vrs. Edward George of Sy.ca.rnore, M I., the former leleni Nygaard, sister of the bridegroom. *Mr. Nygaard's roomnate at GrnjY s Holiday neli college, who is, now atten(ling -niedical school at the. University of Iowa, is to be his best niara. U'sherEdward L.: George, Chrarles Jeviie of .the the ceremony a recep- through CI d in the French room of a few hou! n hotel, where the dec- for the wei lines nost eWidger of Wi: 'nfe. zwill take place ring th5e /5 Thene Dewey, to Howard Anctjtt Stevens, son . of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah B. Stevens of Aurora, 111. The wedding-. wiIl takçe place .Dëeember 22.

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