Complete Personnel of Harmony'Convention. Chairman -of "Creative Conimittee" ito Make Report Soon; Response Grâtifiu J. E. Worthen, 314'Greenleaf avenue, chairman of the "Creative commit tee" appointed by the. presidents -of various 'local organizations, to Vilselect the membership of the convention, anmnette Harmnony nounices that' the work of his committee at a meeting held in the Village hall Monday night. As chairman, Mr. 'Wordlen Will report the result of the comrittee's -work to C. .E. Drayer, 1034 'Elmwood avenue, chairman of the present convenition, who will in due time cali the neW convention together for the pur-* ,pose of effecting its own organiza*lion and begilining the work of nominating candidates' for the, Village board, Park board, Library board, aud other elective offices. *Act as Citizens Cham berWl ElectIt.s P3 7 Officers Dec. 10The' monthly meeting 'of Wilmette Chamberof Commerce will be held at the Shawnee Country, club., at 12 o'clock noon,, Thursday, Decem»ber 10. This meeting Will inaugurate the change of date and time for the Chamber, meetings, which will in future be held at noon on the second Thursday of each month. At the Decemiber 10 meetig will occur the annual election of officers and directors. AU. memnbers are urged to be present and participate in se!ecting officiais for 1937. of the tie near approach 'Fle mnade froni be will deductions. wvheii in operating the. school "trippers" for teacmoation of New Trier Trax Strike of.19Z.1930, Brings High school students before and after, Logical Sequence; Penalties school, W-4s voiced this we ek by MatAre Pilitig Up thew P. Gaffney,- superintenident, of receivers the to letter a in the school, of the railroad. Trouble is brewing for handreis: of, The action, which followed the north,shoreý real estate owners who crash: on the elevated railroad .oh have failed to pay thelir taxes. Trhis week transfer w-as made of Tuesday of last 'week, in. which, ten more, records from the County coéurt to the were -killed, and peopl1 C.many inj'ured when a steel 'Coach crashed County treasu rer coveiing more than oden one, parelleled 'Mr. 1,400 cases'- ôf delinquent real 'estate itito a Gaffney's complaint of 'last year, ini in, Wilmnette and Winnetka. Already which he brought to the attention of a considlerable number of such cases the cowmpaniy- the fact that ,tudents have been reçorded 'for Kenilworth were being carried on cold equipment. and several bi.ndred cases 'of delinquency in Glencoe will shortiy folAt that time the conipany offiials~ low the same course. declared that .tbey did nfot have Surprise to Many enough steel cars to supply ail the in a very large percentDoubtless passengers of the railroad. age of' cases th'e owners of the real estate are wholly unaware of the, H-ome Owners', Stop Sign procedure, thinking their taxes have adequately, taken care of, when Petition Is Turned Down been ini fact their taxes are delinquent,_ Village Trustee George F. ITf. penalties. are pilinz up against them chairrnan of the conimittee on streets FIND NUMEROUS Protest against the ýuse c f wooden. PROPERTIES-ON coach equipmfent -by theý Chicagoi DELINQUENT LIST. North Shore, and Milwraukee railroad Use of Wooden CarsIs Cited as Danger 'Mrs'. Esther R. Stone, 6 19 Greenleaf avenue, 'L" Terminal Busine~sassociatMrs. Charles P. Evans' 831 Lake avenue, Wilmnette League of Womefl Voters. Edn'ionds, 1!J35 G reenwood .Williami avenue. Northwest Men's club. Green, rs.'Williamn E. H-ughes, 1M7 wgod avenue, NorthIridge Womaifl club. A. C. Lynch, 214 Sixth street, Optitmist Clrarn K. lWestiafl, 511' Green Bay road, 'Rotary Club of Willnette. J. E. Wortherl, 314 Greenleaf avenue, *with-the' provisions 'of the -social security act. Mr. Pettengili. will talk' oni the subject, "Social Security and Federal Taxes,." and cvery member of the Chamnber is earnestly request'is analyisis ed to be present and hear b of this greatly involved measure. The. point is emphasized that non-memnbers of the Chamber wili also be welcome, as it is felt that the public is also interested in the subiject. 'sociation for stop 'signls on Lake avenue at Twelfth street be denied. Accornpanying the written report 'was another report by Cbief 'of Police McGuire, statingz that such installation would tend to increase, rather than decrease. accidents, and that it is jnterrupt through closure proceedings. Harks Bak to Tax Strike This jam is the logical sequence of the tax strike back in 1928 to 1930. At that time numerous attorneys and tax associations held out promises to property owners that their taxes could be reduced by permitting a filing of objections against them. In most cases after a fee was collected Jewel Food Stores gneet at the Welfare office, 905 Ridge avenue, Monday evening, December 7, ai 8 o'Pclock. Alil members are ur.ged2to be presnt. .... 15 Wilson & Go ......... 27 Th, Wilmette Welfare board wl Johnsen's Sea, Foods . .14 Winter, Geio. B. Inc. 24,25 glpVLt>UD4Jy ne paaaL'A board~ ing of the 1l