Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1936, p. 46

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The annual philanthropy Book Week sale is to be.an outstandmg event anong the programs of- the Kenilworth Neighbors *Tuesday, December 8, at, 2:30> 0oock. Inaddition to the usual BokWeek poga à anorth shore -author s, tea bas been plannied. Authorsg from Evans-. ton to Glencoc, with the exception. of the miany:writers connected with the ac ult y of Northwestern. university, have been extended an invitation, and enthusiastically have accepted., La Mar Sheridan Warrick, instructfor: in contemporary. thougàht at Nortbwestern university, one of the most ~popular .book reviewers ofthtle north shore, wilI present the season's most discussed books. Mrs. Warrick won the MacDowell award for Evanston. and her articles appeà'r'in "Harper's" and "Plain Talk.» "Her interpretations are succinct, keen, and often witty. Those who hear ber wifl go away with enthusiasmn to read and a knowledge as to what to read to gain the best fromn this season's vintaire." the club announces. These work, arriving about 10 in the morn-. so-rsh-ip of thé Sisterhood, 'will ing, their work ta be. interrupted, at be held on Monday, Dece mber noon for a hat luncheon and then ta contirnue until the middle of the 21. This sale bas bsecome an imafternoon. portant activity wbich bas steadDuring, the lunicheon hour, Miss ilv increased in -scope with each Jessie Arbuckle, superintendent of ana eeiin theLake Bluff .orphanage,.a Methodist institution, will speak, telling o. 0f evarious citee Ms caable ude guidance, William Berger's her work and needs and aimns. Mrs. Willard. H. Thayer is chair- are working bard to make this year's of the sewing. On her coImmit- event an outstanding A.inancial. sucman Mathew Francis Photo One of the rnost active workers' tee are Mrs. Albert G. Ackermann, cess, as well as a day of real ýenjoyMrs. Frank W. Burpee, Mrs. John ment for ail wbo attend. Tbe pro.for.the ýChristnas baeaar at the St. D. Cox, Mrs. Bele Gallear, Mrs. Wil- ceeds. go, toward tbe furtberance of Francis Xavier churjch in Wilmette liam Harridge, Mrs. S. 1. Kaufman, tbe mainy charitable activities of the today (Thursday), Friday, and SatMrs. Josiah Kletzing Mrs. Pau' Sisterbood. Plans are being made urday, i: Mrs. Prank Thale of 710 Rescb,, Mrs. E~. W. K. Roe,~. and for unique displays of borne made Luide* avenue, h, meng iether Mrs. Carl K. Zipprich. Mrs. J. Nye cookies and cakes, jellifes and preactivities, i: chairman of the. card serves, candies and fancy groceries. Macalister is luncheon chairman. Party to be giVei Friday afternoon This year many new features will lie wvith refreshinents, aftd "fortunes" as added, and a new booth will be estaliwell. lisbed where charming handnmade articles will be offered for sale. AM Northri'dge Club The Junior .sisterbood, too, will be of group literature of the Bakery Sale Saturday Temeet ing into service for the occasion. pressed Nrh the A Bakery sale. wjll be beld Satur-t th Notrdge Womian's club will be Due to the fact that the Paiitry sale day, December 5, at Taylor's Dry1 held Monday afternoon, December 7, occurs during tbe Cbristnias -vacaGoods store, 1125 Central avenue,2 at 1:30 o'clock,- at the ;homne of Mrs. tion, tbe you nz people who are home under auspices of the ,Wilmette sors tne event, cordalaiy, asks all'TeNrh SoeCngea women. of the village regardless Of TeNot SheCngga whether or neot they hold club mem- tion. [srael Pantry :sale, which bership,,to take part in the' day's is to take place under the spo n- ber assistants,. Mesdames Wallace .Aistair, C. W.. Meredith, Frank Stan- At spVIial table wI i DeUVvoted -LU wi ave tu'vu regular mrnitiy ficet- tflis Wint the books of the north shiore authors ingin the school hall Friday, Decem- ing role. present. The- sale of books is in ber 4, at 8.o'clock at niglit. charge of Mrs. George Rigler and iristituting a. new ieature in the tormi of a glorified grab-bag, wbich is ex- Pected to add to the day's fun as wel as to its financial success. For some ford, Cedric Smitb, Earl Moss, Paul Kelly, Fergus Mead, and Paul Schulze. Those attending, it is boped, will keep this event in mind whv.n checking over their Christmias gift list. cal Jingles," "Outdoor Sketches." Evanston-Edna Dean Baker, president National Çollege of Education, "The ýWorship of the t.ittle Chjjd," -,A Child Is Born."? Clara Belle.-Baker. ýdireûtni Heods Boxoor Booth weeks the Juniors have been busily collecting odd-shaped packages attractively wrapped and filled witli interesting booty, destined to 611l thiS, novel grab-bag. The cost of each "6grab," will be very small, and niuch pleasure is anticipated from the forturiate possessors of tbe packages. wned goods, rothy Bell Brlggs, "Musil-1 ýzd -c voted to the general subject ô: mas decorations. WCCK i y nuct ja progr derist- I.

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