sale at the Woxnan's Clui) of XVil i ett e. Mrs. LýincoîC Torrey. who bas charge of thé dininer and luncheon,* says, it is,.Iot necessary to make reservations for 'either dinner or luncheon., Christmas. green and red, ýevergreens and 61o>nsettias, will transformn the. club roonis into a 'Christmas bhazaar., and those who. have -not feit the Christmas spirit, it is promised.: will feel it. when they e nter the'club and Will want to bu,. buv, buv, froni the large. stock of Iovelv gifts on sale at moderate prices. Thýe sale will open at 10. in the morning and iast Koehne Photo through the eyciitg., It i one of thé of the ,chairmançihp general The. projects of the ways, and means corn-, Cil t sale, a Yule-tidc Christmas niittee' of. which MNrs. George D. ba:-aar, held at the Womian's Club of Conlee is chairman. The gift commitWilm*ette Wed;iesday,_ Dec, 9, .as a petWÏartes tee had on~e of its and ieans project, is ini the zcuys Tuesdav afternoon at the home of of Mrs. Carl J. Nylund of hands MNrs: Raymnond W. Hallett, and comnavenue. Forest 1034 for plete(t a number of gùest towels the fancy gooéds booth. A miniature resale shcp (white, elephanit extraordinary). will hiaveive * Ad Cilidren o111\- choice pieces for sale, but the Re wrê At the home of Mfrs. Fran ili choicest, it gocs withoiit savînig. l)e sold earlv. MIrs. Robert F. Kolb) Ferry, 391 Sheridan road, Win, I.S in charge of this bo)oth. Shie will Friday inorning, Decemiber 4. be assisted I1w Mrs. C. D. Ewcr and o'clock. Mrs. Carl jolinsen ali THIE.IL-UE' PARROT Telephon. Univ.ruify 2268, 1.Enthuesimsm <COK 'loti so that tlire wiii fot \V est. TiIckets rflay DC niaat the Cranie Nursery The -MNary door. be too- long a lapse of limie bheee M r s - school at Hull Hotise is the benedinner and cntertaininient. Xaltcr .Schtîr. chairmnati of the fur ficiary. show, , will have as iniodels, M rs. i . Mrs. A ni o s_________Sutherland, W'alter 7 3 .I .I Thorthurg.-M r s. Maurice Boothe. on Christmasj morning wNth a box o)f ,AI Mrs. Wallace Belhuke, MNrs. Knlighit Blanchard,. M rs. Arthur G. Stanten. \Irs. Francis Crowvell. Mrs. Arthur WisN. rs. Williami Horsting, and Mrs. Harvev Craig. One of the things, iii %vlicli the . rs; lHuhl. 'Nrs. Frank H. Crawford. J.. Jacobson, 'Mrs. Robert- J. Lascelles,. Mrs. George M. Hicks, Mrs.j Horace A. Young, 'Mrs. J. E. Hill, anid Mrs Johni A. Benz. Pickles and jains are iii charge of] Wlhfi« Chiffon stockingos William H. jjayt are co-ctiairmeri o' Mrs. Arthur Kimbail, Miss Louise Holden, Mrs. Maurice Boothe.. Mrs. Olen S. Roberts, Mrs. J. D. Peterson,' Mrs. E-R Mtbes Mrs R. W. the gift booth. T he committee h" r . is with Mrs. Earl G. Low, co-chaiman; Mrs. S- Bigelow Haley, booth cashier, .and Mrs.. Walter G. Mitchell. chairman of, publicity of the ways and means commttee.-F. B. M.