proves that conscience is inherent in man, and will flot rernain stil forever. in ii o ltns or70',000 victinis each year, and more than 500,00 sufer from its wasting effects. It is stili the major death cause in, the, age groups 15 to, 45 years. "A college degree means littie to many," says a prominent librarian. And,, he might have added, less to more. The public prints are again yielding, mirth-provoking jokes, following their serious mien durinig. the late political campaign. They may, perhaps, have been therie rigbt along, and .we too engrossed in pther things to catch themn. Anyway,. thepast week offers several. The, first is the Soviet Union (Russia to you), setting up a, with a. constitution, secret ballot.and everything-a people's governinent througli and through. -The next originates in the s1m country, with. Molotov, pr esi dent of the council of commissars, speaking. After telling how much bis country loves the German people and hates the Cerman rulers, he continues: "Nazi leaders have well earned their appellation of 'miodern cannibals.' The Nazi attitude is one of barbarismn and cruelty. These Fàscists are destroying culture and advocating monstrous racial theories." Right good, that, coming f roin the Soviets. But the best of the wine, kept for the last of the feast, cornes froni our favorite morning news dispenser, the dear old Tribune. I an edi- the curretit us. LETS.PLAY F4AIR The Christmas Seal was originated-mn er ago by Einar Holboell, a clerk in, the post office r 193 NewVear It's rather late in the year foi ter d o a oodat Copenbagen, Denimark . Teing interiested in tbe resolutions,, but, it is always bet of a, sanitorium .for tubercular chiîdren, he idea caîl we So t ail. thing late than to flot do it ai as bie saw the immense amount.of mail thouglit, villagers,, àIl ich wh resolution attention to one the office, that a separate stamp, through passing make should ago, if they, did flot make it rnonths, in brighit coors, that coûld bc sold at a low as mcliChrstnow. That resolution is to do mas shopping. as possible with local merèhants. price, would solve the financial diffiÇulty. It did.. Later, in, 1907, Miss Emily Bisseil of Wilmington, ,and shopkeepers. It is an obli gâtion owe seeking, the 'means of financing a -Delaware, mmunity co the o t( but. mer, business only te the tuberculosis institution in her state,. adoptedf as a wbole. the Christmas Seal idea originaited by Holboell; This year local stores and si hops are rnaking preparations far beyond previ provide scope- and quality of sel having been started on Thanksgiving day, and meet the needs of remembrance :t to. purhasrs.Reenjoy .te will continue througli the liolidays. In ICenilworth, a lizing that they cannot expec ctts feny thpe- Winetk& eand Gleaieoe the sale will b. 4onduate4 patronage of local people miles by the schools, with the principals directing and' pared to serve theni acceptablý y,both, in price the pupils making the canvass. In Wilniette the range and excellence of 'merchaiLndise, they have counters and shelves sale will be by mail only, directed by a special sand showcases filled their Seal committee of Wilmette Health Christmas critical with oferings that will appeal to the most is 'afiliated with the Chicago which %-enter,are they short, and discriminating. buyers. In Officiais of the institute institute. Tubercuiosis comfortably, liop now ready to help villagers to si here is expended money received that ail as sert at home wisely and econornically and other health service, nurse clinîcs, for locally neighbors This year, let's play fair with. these with the drive on tubermeasures connected mercant. Lt's who make up the corps of homei frorn theni the culosis. give thern the break. Let's buy - i practical use predominate the selections for father, mother, sister, brother,. relatives and frîends. In these the local merchant excels, andi when lie speaks of the quality or serviceabiity of this or that his word may be taken at its full face value. The very fact that the buyer is his neighbor is a. bond that backs bis statements about bis goods. The home store is more than a convenience, it is a necessity. Times corne and emergencies arise when it is niighty handy to run, to it for needs that will not wait to be supplied fron other Johin I 1ewi's, the labor leader who seeks to l>cCorne a polit'ical leader and a candidate for presi(lent i 1940, lias instructed (or ordered) the steel and automnobile workers to refuse the'bonuses and -vage increases off ered themn by their employers. Perhaps hie think.3 the eniployers are "pulling a fast onie" in opposition to his own plans for industrial unions, in furtherance of which hie is perfectly willing to see the workmen idie or work- take the voters of UChicago made on Novemiber 3i. In order to avoid future accidents, ive suggest to our most-favored newspaper that it work out' some scheme of automatic time change wheËeby the trains wiIl always mun in daylight. At present they run ail niglit. "North Dakota dam workers find coal and utilize it," read a Sunday headline' Anyway, they put the dam in the right place, and that's. better thanthey usually do. lie fits gcboozsi A Chicago judge was not irnpressed by the plea of a, womap sentenced to jail for vote frauds that lier incarceration miglit endangài the life of lier niother. Tliey surely think up some funnY ones. No more turkey,1 tliank you. THu Hz O R~QTR Accordmg> to. statistics, the death rate. froM,