Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Dec 1936, p. 38

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Beau. tifI Big Comum. bil Fratures s lateit stren mi, hing Strouget Steel ]Prame. s i»abed, Enamel pluNu~ .5e Il Eiubber' ioatinge e CbW& Gau rd. AUl Modelas Priced frein $36 go $42 F., Girls asd Dys.. Nibomge Itubler %4aàole BICYCLES$ LA SALLE 5 5 ParmautPlan il Desredi * uilcI up vast. ar,unlawful to seli arms to tbose counmies and navies, tries. America, seeks to Definacltus' Contention purgue a policy Among other. tbings, tbe*dfed which will. at least ants in this case contend that tbe guarantee peace for Joint Resolution conferred upon the herseif and President the, option as: to whether, other countries t he on to issue 'a proclamation against selithis Skie of the Atinz a rms. and that the Congress ,lantic., Ev the. characterRptaikE. Chnrcli f ailed' to la.y down, the standard or of the neuitrality legisliation -enacted intelligible princEiple . which should, by the last, Congres s and the Presi- gôvern the President in his action.. dent' trip to .South America the They , daim that the, Iekislation broad outline of that' 'pôlicy is al- miounted to an unconstitution«al deleready knowýnto us. The 75thCon-. gation-.of discretion to the Presî,dent gress, may go stili further toward and thakt tbey*.could, not be'criminally stringent -neutrality laws. The Presi- chargfed with violating a proclamadent may proceed stili further iW tion issued by the President pursuant to'unconstittutional authonity. seeking international accord. The decisi'on which the SupremeQuestion of Appropriatons Court on this particular case the same time the 75th Con- ,wili. nobmakes d.uk haee me influente tion of the size of the appropriations on the nature of the neutrality legisto be made for our army and navy. lation whîch will be enacted at the The President has indicated bis de- next Congress. It is beirîg awaited sire to build up the country's arma- w ith great interest. [t is safe to predict that two matment strengtb; particularly' that of ters .which will occupy Congress for our naval forces. At the last Congr-ess the military and naval appro- several yeeks wiIl be neutrality and' mrations were increased considerably. Our national defense. It will certainIt isa not yet known whether -the ly be a safe prediction if the atmnosphere in Europe grows even more tense than it is today. the -seven in the league, bas a'mc smnaller> football squadl than its coinpetitors, and that the constant de-. feats it bas suffered in recent years have. been bard .orý prestige and It was pointed out, however,. that Highland 'Park, formerly the Deerfied-hiedsHigh school until the district was split up last year, bas defeated .tbe -Morton' High school of Cicero,. league's largest, in the, last nine football gamnes played. Must Wait 30 Dayà Present rules of the conference do not, permit any school to play a short. league seh.edule and any amenciment -to the rules ust wait à0 days before ratification, it 'was pointed out. SIf Highlan~d Park- plays a four-. game. league schedule, too, the games will not. count ini the final standings, it was added. Some years ago, Evanston High school withdrew from participation in swimming, but that action was due to the fact that during a transition period, the school was temporarily without swimming~ facilities. In addition to the schools mentioned, New Trier and Waukegan are. league niembers. rAt WIh.t lu Adequat. Defens.e? will, present «Then Marry, You No one will deny that while we Idiots," by Max E., Conried, in tbe must niaintain our neutrality and auditorium of North Shore Congregastrivé for the preservation of world tion Israel temple i lencoe, Tuespeace,. we must also maintain an ad- day evenfng, Decemnber 8. The proequate national defense. But thce<duction is beincg. directed by Kurt question is, what. constitutes an ade- Wohlegrnuth. The cast of characters quate defense? Where is the line to iriclucles the following: be drawn be between that which May Tiolrnes'.................. .Milton Kiee b ai«deuae"fo t dfeseMarie Luise........... Harriet Harris be ai tobe"adqute"fo deene.Jan .. .............. .ýVernon Fox purposes and that whicb is "'exces- Mrs. Matthiessen H3ortense 1,tma, ,;vi.-. hA fl ii .. .. d A:a eo...Leonard ........ eibr .Ivotorists siioutci talce extra pre-, cautions to keep a supply of fresh air in their cars and garages during the winter months to prevent asphyxiation froni carbon monoxide gas, said Secretary of State Edward J. Hughes in blis latest safety bulletin. "Monoxicle gas, is colorless, od-ý less a-id undetectable and is present ini the exhaust fumes of ail automobiles," said Secretarv Hughes. It causes its victims to becoine drows' 1. eat the school rgingz the ~ THE U'YROIL - MONU inz machine gons ini .~J chargRed with con! ianda bye other defen( Jare MUrs. F. W. Fuermann, 206 WipMrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 Raleigh with sel-ý netka avenue, Kenilworth, was host- road, Kenilworth, will be hostess to. î. They ess to the members of her bridge -the members of ber bridge foursome r tovio onTuesay.at clu luncheon today (Thursday)., rporation 0

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