at Play Venter The Junk Toy band of the Conimunity Center which is sponsored by the Playground-and Recreation board is going over big, and. now numbers fifteen. The most popular instruments are, toy flutes, drums and, home-made- percussion instruments. The band members are, Ray Pettinger, Ed: Pettinger, Roger Meier, Wihina Balmes, Collete Balmes, Bill Morrison, Dorotby McD)ermottï Betty Carlson,. Dolores Lichter, Clarice Weeks, Clarence, Weeks, Dick 'Pickýering, and Charles, Morrison. PMano Cla"& Grows The Saturday morning piano'class is getting larger ýeach week. Last Saturday twelve, children were given free piano lessons. The Junior Knitting ýclub of the Community Center meets at the Center every Friday at 3:30 p. mi. The cluab uiw has sixteen maembers and last week the following officers were elected: Grace Engles, president; Jane Klein, treasurer, and Alberta Nanzig, secretary. Knitted suits, socks, mittens, scarfs and jackets are in the course of construction. Now don't vou think this class is confined to the women. It' alreacly bas one maie member who is doing very well and is looking for some reinforcements from his sex. Coine on boys if one The faIli athletic -tests for girls at the Howard school were completed Kecreation boardi ceeated the 1riw- TJnknowns WiImette Walther League last week . The following girls atard's in a one:sided game, 32 to 6. FG*FTTP taine d the maximum Of fifteen points, FGPT TP Dorothy, Davis was, high -scorer for 1 7 in kickball "throW", anid kiçkhall, Aschb'h'r, 1 15 7 Efl'ki,,f P. the, winners wiith .14 points, wbhile M.Ertfk, f 6 1 13 Gockel, f f 3 O O 0 "6kick":. Bee Leal and Beissie Bouchicas ac- Ped,îersen, c 1 O 2 . HFeinaman I 1 Kickball uKickyp 3 0 6 counted, for the rest of the. teams Uittlefi'd. g 2 O. 4 Janaes Jean . Engles, i Mary Neéitz, Mary 1 Mulltns, 7 2 16' f bawrence, Points with 10 a.nd 8 o points 'respec'Itefereeéý, G,, Jones-Scorer, V. Waite Ann Stranch,.Dixie ]Lee. Fanckb)oieir,, tively. Fishe r, Mary Gloria Schleier, Lauretta Theý M. H. S!.sdefeated. the WllImette Conféeclonery Nê1son Laundry Golden, Barbara Frei, Frances Hamil20-là 1. B. V.s of the Telephone,Co. 32 to flF'TTP ton, Dorree Hammond, Patsy, SyPO PT TP 20. Carolyn Ledig was high scorer Jones,f, 2 0 4 mons, Virginia, Ward, 3 1 7 -Hardt, f Rosemary. for the winners with 21 points., anid, Chlreh, f .O 2 2 J. Meter, f 1i O02 HaIldorsopn, Gloria. Alexandýer, Dor1 2 .4 c, 1 O 2 Horn,c Ada Bernarde .scored 16 points for Moeller, lôthy Baron. O0O0O Reschk, g .5 010 York, g.. the losers. 1 O 2 Woodh'd, g O0O 0A Berol,,g, Dorothy,'De Witt, 'Sally Edwards,. The, scores and team stanidings are H f ýO- 1 1 T. Meter, g 2 1 "8st"'g' Marcia Gonzalez, Betty Huck, Mary Mitnf O 2 MReferýee, ýG.1 Jones-Scorer, as followsý: V. Waite Bacon, Shirley Elftrnan,, HeniI. D. T2 X.R. S. 92 derson,. Julia Janiickiï, Edia, CumF'GFT TP Suburbaii Shore A. Ç. S IFGFTIrTP Quinlan Rovers mings, Jeanette, Kanies, Mar thaý b.HiI'r, f 0 0 0 Bernarde, f 8 Ô:.16 29 1 - . . . 1 l 1 O 2 4 1i 9 Borre, f Marshlî; Bernice HerPape, f, Bett.y L'each. FGFTTP P FG'PT ý9 3 21 Hoffman' f i '0 2 Meter, f Ledlg, f 0 O O bon1, Olive .Carîsoni. 6 11,3 Ostrom, f 0O0, 0 Saxtonl,f Gonzales, g 0 O 0 Sodini, g 3 () 6 1 0 2 Chur'ch, f KickbalI 4 'Throw' O O O Sest'hen, g 0 0 C Bowen, g Horn, ç OO0 . 0 ,Qinlan , 1 O. 2 Laurette SchMeier-, Lorotlhv Baron, 0 jab, g 'O 1). ll1IWr ,g 0n0O0O 2 1 5 1Howard, g 0 O O Gauger, g Reln'w'ld, g 1 0 2 Frei, Frances Hlanuilton, .4 0 8 Barbara Kraf'th'r, g 1 1 3 Berol, g Referee, Dorcothy Moon-Scorer, D. Huck Referee, G. Jones-Scorer, V. W7aite Dorree Hammiond, Patsy Svînons, Betty Huck, Eey Jacobsotn, Nanicv Dynamite 6 T. N. 10. 32 Henderson, Betty Marslî, Bernice* TP FG FTTP1POFT LEAGUE "C" Bo'chicas, f 4 0 8 Bernarde, f 3 0 6 Herboni. 00 O The Maple Leafs maintainied thecir 5 0 10 Huck, f Leal, f 7 0 14 Cum'ings, f 0 0 O lead iin the Playgrounid and RecreaDavis, f O 0 O Carlson, g ,O0O0O Wagner, g .BUILD HOTEL 0 O O tion Board "C" Basketball league 1, Kreusc, g o 0 O Marsh, g The Latiderdale Beach hotel being Koenan, g. 0 0 0 Hamilton, g 0 O 0 beating the Grate Dames -;9 to 23. front ut Ft. Referee, Dorothy Moon-Scorer, D. Huck John Gleason, usually a higb scoring b)uilt on the ocean Team Standings forward for the Grate Dames, Nvas L-auderdale, Fia., hy a group of Evanston residents i., î.waring coin. The tap and social dancing classes are well attended, but there is plenty of rooni for new members. The hancicraft class continues to grow. Last week over two hundred chikiren attended this class. Provide Facilities for' "AA"LEAGUE A supposedIy unknown teami with, an unknownl name almost made an unknown score as the scorekeeper got dizzier and dizzier doing bis best to do a .good job) at the Howard gym last Wednesday evening. The "Unknowns" (that's tbe name of the basketball tearn) ran up the unprecedented score of 50 to 18 over a somewhat inexperienced but plucky Wilmette Wather league. The wel . Led by the 12 points scored by Dick Andrews and 10 made by Bol)' Scheibel, the . Uknow's beat the Esquires 32 to 23. Nils Moe of the Esquire and bis team mate, Evan Mclllraith each scored 10 points but they had insufficient help front the rest of the teamn. The WiIies won from Lingel hy forfeit. The scores and the teani standings has live.d at 10010 Sheridtan road for a number of years, is in 1Florida to hasten completion of the* structure. The official opening ik set for Dec. 15.. The hotel is a 3-story building of Modern architecture. It contains 63 guest rooms. Associated witb Mr. Knpight in the enterprise. are C.'E Knight and Arthur H. Ogle. also' of, Evanston. Each Tuesd'ay night more ,new people wbo are taking advantage of the nienord Ganingopportunity to play this fasciniating i Popularity at Gym game. xnay be seen going to the Stolp iffleboard, the game which is school gym.* irtroduced to the -men and Free instruction is offered,,to those ýn of. Wilmette hy the Play-,,whowould like it. .,113 Li. .. r.. P-P .'.U. aL avenue, Glencoe, with her daughters,-o Mollyann and Barbara, have gone Mr. and Mns. Charles Troy have to Miami Bleach to visit, ber parents, purchased and moved into the bouse Mr. and M'rs. Adolph Seckbach.' They at 1246 Gregory. avenue, Wilmette. expect to retumn sbortly after the They formerly were residents of Evfirst of the year after 'visiting anston, but Mr. Troy spent his cbildrelatives in Tampa. hood in Wilmette. iv ttl 4 -U4aie ~..P -E)oLion.