On Modern,,Owner-occupi. Reidence Propert Véry favorable Terras «id.lierest Rtes *NO COMMISSION** Mode Direct Wlth JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE ýINSURANCE.,COMP-ANY. Throgh9. WJ. Parkinson, .Loas Agent STAt. 5638 00S. LSUI. St.t Chicogie to be at Matz hall of Community House. Some special awards are bemade at, the Winnetka ,court of ing honor, being the Whitney award and the Forestali award. On the saine evening ini Hghwod the district committee. announces that fit will hold a life court at whichtimie approximfately twenty-five Scouts and. Scouters will receive their Life Scout badges. Judge Pèrry L. Pe rsons, will bé. the. speaker., The followingevening in Wi!mette will. be devoted to the, court of honor, presidied over by Judge'Oscar Hebel, of the- Cook county Appellate court. The Optirnist, club of Wilmiette, of wlich'James H. McGill is president, is cooperating.with the Minmette dis-* triet committee, in the promotion of this affair and mnembers will serve as associate judges. The court will be ~held in the upstairs recreatibà hail of the First Methodist chiurch. SMonday. evening,. Monday 23, 'Sea Scouts were given the last word as to the final trip of their cruiser. The day*of, the trip depends largely upon the weather.- Original plans were to take the cruiser down the lake on Sunday. November 29. HoWever,. mas m uch as the scouts bad, nlo sc hool1 on the, Friday, following ThanksgivinSkipper Huggins though4t it would be a good plan to make the trip on that day. SHOOTINO At last regular meeting of the. Sea Scouts,-the boys had, a special treat.» A target ra nge was set up and the Scouts had a marksmanship contest. The: comparatively -short. range made it necessary for the boys to use air rifles instead of powder rifles., Bol) Wittbol4d was the first scout to.score a~ bull's eye ini spite of bis being the younigest scout in the ship. .. TRAINING SESSION One hundred twenty-five muen will meet for twenty-four hours of intensive training on Saturday afternoon at Camp Evanbosco unider the auspices of the North Shore Area council, and six neighboring counicils. .The conference will be divided into TESTS .. Dave Allison, Tom Colvin, Pete Fontaine, Art Green. Dick Haas. Louis Quinlan, George Randaîl and Ben Richards al Passed their examination ini latitude and. longitude. This test requires that the boys be able to explain latitude and longitude great deal of careful planning hias been niecessary to bring to the camp an. excellent group of Scout leaders to present the subjects and every man who attends will realize that some real talent bas been presented. ditterent types and prope ny tiname the parts of ani old-fashione d anchon. ing on 'the north shore has gained in menibership,. and broadened out into program, so that now there are over 3,000 men and boys as Cubs, Scouts, Sea Scouts, and leaders. EXECUTIVE BOARD In the ten years. of the existence The executive board. of the North of the council, hùndreds. of men have Shore Area counicil met at the council received leadership training, by it, the car' Adru - ýtuLIg vicu ui-qu alu make the Lu program available to more boys than was then possible of direct ~? frm srvicth natona offce. membership at that time was 311 boys and since t hattie Scout.The àeeecnirmian council campý committee at that tirne and now -the camping chairman of ReginSvn Walter G. MacPeek who is secretary of the executive board and.the Cout'cil's first scout executive, and others.. t.