The 'local station responded to the jcal first,' when the disabled condition of-the fishing boat was observed by a passing freight seamer which then broadcast the appeal for aid by wireéless. Because of the fact'that tbe Wil-, wette harbor 'is :fa'st fillingý up wvth sand hnd.,that the -lake level bas fallen apPreciably in the last few wveeks, the largest of. the, boats as.signed to the Wilmnette.,station, the 36-foot motor life boat, witb a draft of three feet, couId flot be launched, and the mnen were. forced to.:take fo the 26-foot motor surf boat which bas a nucir shallower draft. Towed' to Chiicago Wih this they madle the 12-mile jourlley out and back ini the threatening weather and stood by the distressed fishing craft maili the arri"al of the 'cutter, whichi toived the 4 'Qenevieve" into Chicago. Also because of the shallowness of the water and the presence of a. sand bar squarely across the mouth, the flshhoat "M.%av," vvhose home port is Wilnette, spéýnt ail last week attempting to gct out of the harbor. Tt ivas finalIv necessary to s;eek aid from a Chicago boat ini order to pick up the "Mai's" nets. e The largest and finest display of, toys and Christmas gifts-shop in comfot-park at our door.-save time and money. N U. Photo Carl Victor Hcmison of 1416 Edgewood laize,' Hubbard Woods; s antong the iiiine.students.who have. jiest been elected as niembers of the senior. class comissîion at Northwvesterinuiversity. Members of the commission, who were élected by the vo'te of ilthe . en'tre su dent body, will have complete control over the dlass' activities .during the coming year .and will also choose the class oficers from among their own group. Hanson, son of C. V. Hanson, is a *senior in the school of commerce and a member of Sigma Chi social fraternity and Lynx and Purple Key honorary organizations. He attended New Trier High school. Co lo ring S oe $19s $Sc .... . .. .. AMÉRIC AN LOOS 28-inch. ... 49 9 e BICYCLE Girls& or Boy*s & 9 *of the Pacific, Stockton, Cal., wiIl he the guest speaker, Sunday, at the weeklv meeting of Theta. Upsilon Rho, vouing people's organizaiion of the \\'ilmette Parislh Metbodist EpiscopaI cliurch. Lippincott, 1132 Ashland avenue, who has been in the Evanston hospital for almost four weeks, is reported toi be irnproving satisfactorily. NIMr. and Mrs. Lester W. Elias of To.tsie ToSts 751 PLAYTIME Tootai. Toy Sets ...... 75e e, Mau ýDr. Schilpp, on the facultv of NýIorthwestern university, Evanston, as a vis.iting professor, bas long beén idenitified with the building of young people's programs, and is vitally interested. in such work: Speaking on 808 Elmwood avenue and Molly and Johnny went clown to LaFayette to spenid Thanksgiving with Bill Elias, a student at Purdue university. BUILDING oed DUSIGN Prsm CoIor Sets........49c MAICE YOUR OWN TOYS and lietty, a few days Ind., withmother, Mr, Mittens. and Arthur