Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Nov 1936, p. 54

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FURNITURE, GLASBWARE; USED opment near Golf Club.. Restrlcted. and silverware bought and sold. Cali 1, OR MORE ACRES, 'WINNETKÂ us for appraisal. Ave., and Wagner Road. Price $1,760 Ver .acre. IBAÂNNÔCKWOOD 922 Davis 'S;t. Greenleaf 580 2 'ORý MORE ACRES RESTRI0TEDý 129LTN29-2tp ooson privýateRoad. $1,060' per,. acre. FULL SIZE 'BRUN'SWICKC TABLE 9withý ail accessories. A-i condition. Winnetka 1111 Winnetka 25È9. 1150,Wllow Rd. 129LTN29-.ltp 124LTX29-ltc CHIPPEN DAILE.SECRETARY DEÉiE, perfect condition, antique Mnahogany. otAL STIAtELOANS Evanston Auction House POOL TABLE ciais of the show announce that their at the hour statprediction. that the total' number of éd. animnais would exceed- 13,000, head entrT. V. has heei -realized. Smith cf the University of Chica-" Horses WiIl number* nearly a thou- go -district,, will ~ sand, of, which: 642,- froni 14 states and Quebec, will r.epresenf, the five speaker. Senator " ' LEWIS T. DODDS 19T2-t 1033. AS IN4SURANCE COQMPAýNY CORRES- MAHOeANY1 OPEN BOOK CASE; DÉSK ,wiTH 7 pondents wIth direct access to unltini- LAD)Y'S -WALNUT BOTH *GOOD 'LIVING Ited funds te Invest ln firat mortgrages DR.AWERS. WILMETTE, 2046. oný good improved properties we urge ROOM PIECES. you: to take advantage of the 10w lnterest rates now, available. and fIle 4-PC. GRÉEN PAINTED BEDROOMéiî set, Including' mattress and springs, bel ore b your applications for lans other forins of Investment with higher $25.ý 8xI0 Wilton rug. $3. Singer sewing yields. become more attractive to machine,u $5. Wilmette 2241. 129LTN29-Itp lenders. Until raies advance, we will be pleased to forward applications to our principals for conventional loans at .4% interest to be disbursed and servlced by ouir Evanston office. A long terni ban (without extra servicfng charge) up te 65% of conservative value, with sniail monthly payments for 12 te 20 years and an option to prepay without any premilun during the first five years may suit your need. We make theni. Jusit now we have a special Inciuiry for 4% WilI Not Last!ý CoAt '$410, will Bell for $55. Winnetka Wsh to seflailihousehold furnIshIngs, Phone Wilmette 736 for appointment. 129LTN29-ltp FOR SAL~E One 7 ft. General Blectrie 4efrigerator Good cond. Reas. Wlnnetka 2770 129LTN29-ltp DINNER GUESTS RETURN FROM HOSPITAL PORTA~BLE SINGER EL. SEWINU D)r. and Mrs. Emil A. Anderson of mach. $29.50; Hoover vacuum cleaner Mrs. Ceorç-e Bruns. the former 827 I-inden avenue, hiave as their $17. 50; washlng machine $24.50. Guar. TSMarimn Nettiernan of Wilniette, bas, Thiani sgîving day' diinuer guests, Mr., 1114 Davis St. UNI. 0990. 129LTN28-4tp with lier infant snhorn on Novemi- DISMATLINGMY, HOME: draft. breeds. Over 350 horses and. Ponies'wil compete in the even ing Horse, Shows. ,says O. T. FHenkie, chairman of« the. International Herse Show committee. They are the picçk of the Ieadinz stables '-of the United States and Canada. Purebre(d Sh'orthorn cattie vill be show,î by breeders frem. 16 states and Ontario. Herefords ivili come frein 14 stat'es- and. Alberta,. Aberdeen-Angus cattie fromn 17 states and Ontario. Dairy Shorthornis frein 10' States anid Qu-ehec. and l'elledSot hiôrns (rom 10 states. Switne breeders fremIn l states will contribute the largest showving cf barrows that hi, been made bere iii recent. vears Seven breeds' wilI be exhibite-d. Smith, was on the National D)emeoT. J. Lynch Cra t.i.c, speaker's, bureau during thecanipaign and is a fineé taiker. Morris Levinson will occupyý the toastmaster's chair. Thomas J.. Lynch, the very busy democratic committeieman in New 'Trier township, will also speak. The Democratic party in New Trier owes a. great deal ,te this e.arnest, hard working leader 4 it is announced. Russelli Lundquist and orchestra -will have charge of. the dançing.. A very' fne floor show by recognized talent aise is promised. Reservations may 4e made witli Williamn J. Weldon, 1340 Gjreen,,ý-ood. avenue,: Wilmette 1902. 'his ber 10. at the St. Fr.tici,* hospital. returmiem to lier home at 7717 Pauil ina, str.eet, Chicazo. We do a mortgage business exclusiveby, stu and we wibl be glad to answer inquir- api ies for boans on residences, spartments and business weiI as FHA Loans. properties, as ]RUýAL ESTATE LOANS 1580 Shermian Ave., Evanston Central 1812 Davis 2233 i1 So. LaSalle St., Chicago 1.127A-LTN29-ltc Estab1ished 1R998 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Uni. 0189 130LTN43-tfc il TTý DTiT% TýT TTTTIPTTTT Wili aiso accept your furniture on conqlgnment basis. CROST FURNITUTRE STORE THANKSGIVINKG GUEST '.\r. and 'rs. Johni C. McManus, 129 Ninth street. have as' their g-uest for. Tfanksgiving, and the w-eek-enld, Mr. MtcManius' niece, Miss Patricia modern or antique, and other flouse- .McCarthv... wbo is a student at St. bold articles, Mfarv's college, HoIv Cross, Ind. Miss Bettv Jane Stali. 119 Si:,th street. a fresbimaii at St. Marv of the WVoôdrs college at St. Mary cf' the WoVôids. Irid.. is coming bome teo spend, Thanksigivingl an.d the week- Coinstruîction LT.ans 74 uster, Evanston 'Uni. 220 aIJ iIflubs _________ 13ZLTN33-tfc andi 010 Iro ~Cormnack n Avenue & Co. 127A-LTN26-tfc University 3353 BOOKS W. will buy your books. What have you? Will caill Book Exchange. WiI. 3214. 132LTN28-4tp Best prices for booli $.0pr10pu North Shore $ er10Pu ý.UNIVEitslTy 7317 WILMSrrH32 UNI VIIRSITY 7317

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