Of Her mother's hand-emnbroideredweédding dress ofivory sat-. in wasworn by 'Miss Janet Healy of. Kenilworth for ber mtarriagee,, Wednesda'y evening, to Edward Sanderson Hill, son ýFerry of Winnetka-. Duchesse end rosepoint lace were,.fashioned into -a bertbaý and al so trimmed the gown dow n the front., The bride wore a.double ve'il of *rosepoint lace over tûlle,, held in place with a cap of seed pearîs, and. carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley and white orchids. At the hiome ofthe1~ bride's parens, Mr. and Mrs. William Francis Healev of 205 Meirose avenue, Kenilwortb. to Holiday Events Added to the numerous north. shore, weddings which are taking .place over the-Thanksgivýing week-end is the. marriage of Miss. Charlotte Keator, daughter of -Mr. and Mrs'. I-arry Fran-, Katorof 254 Franklin road, cisX Glencoe, and George" Edward Hofftnan, Jr., son! of Mr., and Mrs. George Edward Ho0ffmnan of Evanston. The ceremony will a 4:-30, o'clock be 'performed àt Saturday. afternoon, Novem ber 28,_ at the Georgian hotel In Ev-> anston by the Rèv. Douglas H, Côrnel' of theý Glencoe Union church,:and will be' followed.by a reception. Miss Bille Sqtuire of Chicago, an Alpha Chi Oméga sorority sister of Miss Keator, and Miss Hedcberi Zitzewitz of Park Ridge will attend the bride. George Dapples of Chicago will serve Mr. Hoff man as best man, and the ushers will be Harry F. Keator, Jr., brother of the bride, and John Henry K1eine of Chicago. Miss' Keator has been the guest of hcinnr 2f the ceremony was performed at 8:30 o'clock by the Rev. Mr. Coînon, S. J., of Loyola university. The yÔung couple stood before a sbimmering 'background of silver metal cloth. which hung from the ceiling and was accented witb tail vases filled with liles and white chrysanthemums. fimerous parties in recent rose and tavenden siipper satin gowil of the bride's attendants. All of the dresses were styled alike with an off- the-shoulder puffed sleeve,- very ful skirts and velvet sashes of the contrasting shade, and with these were worn small tulle hats which combined' the two shades. ~r of Heal of' Mr. and. William-James, Carlos Photo 724 Ashland avenue, Wilmectte, liseabeth Cecile. to Frank Lockfellow .Çfone of Oak Park. The mhbr 12, at St. Èrancis Xavier Thé-Iioffmans are. expecting two members of' their famiuly to corne on frorn the eastifor the wedding. The guests will be the bridegroorn's grandrnôther, Mrs. J. George Hoffman, and' bis aunt, Miss Alice Hoffman, both of Trenton, N. J. Following a. wedding trip to New Orleans, Mr. Hoffman and bis bride will be at home, in an apartrnen.t at 7062 Hilidale avenue, Chicago. lirs. E. F. Snydacker of 1340 Chestmut avenue bas zone to Canton, 0hio, to &pend, the Thanksgiving holiday with ir. brother, james Fogle. Lati Dar me" erni frat-, of Chic Robert early in 'Dect d er. to rt tîme in the east to.: returnnl.