List for Winter. Charity Bail The I.Jst of patrons and patron-. esses for the Winter Bal to be given under auspices of the Ken*ilwo îth center of the Infant ýWelfare, Society. of Chicago At the Drake the éevening of Saturday, Decemiber 5, is1 announced. this week, those men and women. expr essing their interest ini tihe success of the event coin ing fromn alongthe northshore. .They are: Messrs. and Mesdames Grant Ridg- Gillett, Henry G.,Zander, Jr., Georgo ,R. Benson, Charles: Ware, Vernor Loucks, Willard !Ja'ques, "Earl G Krumrine, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edsrs. and Mesdames Philip A. Smith, Edgar A. Stevens, Melvin M. Hawley, Courtenay C.Davis, Willard T. Grimm. James D.. Cunninigham, George H. Willis, Court W. Toel, GIen Buck. Phillip Armour, John Clyde Stewart, W. Rufus Abbott, Jr. Messrs. and Mesdames Mark Cresap, 'Rawleigh Warner, e. R. Vandercook, Dr. and Mrs. John H. Pontius, Messrs. and Mesdames Roy C, Osgood, 'Wiilwian Galloway, Robert 0. Berger, Mes- way, Hlugh A.,Foresmin, Walter Noble "Anierican Foreign .Poliey in the Far East," will be discussed by Quincy Wright at the next meeting, of the School of Foreign Affairs of The three-day Christmas bathe Cook Cou4nty League of Wome-n zaar of St. Francds Xavier's Voters Saturday, November, 28, at the church, ýwill,:operiniiithe, school Palmer Hou se at 2ý:30 .o'clock..1 Prôfessor Wright is. one of the haàll at noon Thursday, Decemoutstanding mnembers of the depart- ber. 3, when luIncheon wiIl be ment.of political science at the Uni- ser 'ved ta, the school children, verstyý of Chicago and an authority who, wilII have a holiday in-the on i'nterniational- relations. He bas afternoon.. attenided the meetings of the Institute of' Pacific ÏRelations, including the Friday afternooni at 2 o!clock there one last August in Yosemite Valley. will be a small -fee. charged -for a Aniyone interested may attend on -card party -in charge of Mrs . . Thale, with, prizes for each table, rethe payment of a small fée. Among the mneMbers of the Keiiil- freshments and a .Gypy teacup worth* League of Women. Voters,.at- readtr., tending the sessions of the league. Saturday mhorning there will: be a school are. Mrs. l-arry A, Olin, Mrs., food sale in charge' of Mrs. John A. B. Spach, Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, Miss Boylston and Mrs. Harry Barker. Helen Harris, and Mrs. E. F. SnydThe bazaar will be open Thursday for Vule Bazaar Carlos Photo Miss Harriet Mons is to' become the bride of Russell John WiIle, son of Mr., and Mrs. George C. Wile of Canton, Ohio, Sàt urday evrning, December 26, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. - Harry W. Mons. of K(enilworth, announced to a .group of. close friends «t their home Moenday evening. Hadassah Tee The North Shore district of the ýHadassah chapter will hold an open meeting and membership tea on Wednesday, December 2, at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Ira Fisher, 210 Hazel avenue, Glencoe. Mrs. Samuel December 3;' Fridayr, December 4,:ànd Saturday, December 5, every afternoon and evening. The eighth grade pupils of St. Francis school will compete in a Bazaar poster contest. Mrs. Joshua D'-sposjto will give an award for the best poster made by a girl of the eighth grade and Mrs. Tom Chris Allen will give one for the best Poster made by a boy. y ýc.otumest of Christ- Former Wilmette GirI's daughter, Harriet, to Russell John The-enageentof ean-ElzabthWille, of Mr. and Mrs. George The ngagmentof ean IIzaehc . Willeson of Canton, Ohio. The wedding Miller, daughter of Mr. and M rs. will take place Saturday eveiiing, DeWalter M. Miller of Denver, Colo., cember 26, at the Wilniette Pansl formerly of Wilmette, to Frank E. Methodist Episcopal church. Widger of Madison, Wis., was a7 Te noncmn n h Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Mons, 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, ailnnce the engagement of their bers wiII be most welcome. Heips With non-mem- aven ue, vice-chairnian, Mrs. P. H. Butler, 630 Linden avenue, treasurer. ,The following, are chairmeh of booths: Dolls-Mrs. J. W. Dienhart, 1201 Elmwood avenue; miscellaneous Iaoor' -Mrs. Frank Thale, 710. Linden ave-; nue: games-Holy Name men: gréceries, hams and bacon-Carinen Tortorilla; parcel post and grab bagMrs. James Reichnian, 1224 Forest group of friends for Iluncheon and temple is oneg Ibridge at Shawnee Country club on est to whîch Monday. .,gests. Mrs. William F. Horstiig of 1103 for the Elmwood avenue was hostess to 'a, in the oi intertook bis ot theLChrstmas bazaar to be elcf December 3, 4, and 5, in. the se 00l evergreens and of flowers, and several Chris5tmas dinner table-s will bc on display..