DY.AIAO WORIC SUNDAYS 1611 Beet efs.Winnetke. E04 ets.68LTPNZS-tp MWAXTED - WORK BY THE DAY. Nursing, cooking, serving, cleaning, laqndry or plain sewing. Sunday dinners end 'teas a specilWy. Bot rets. Will go anywhere. Glencoe 1411. 68LTNZ,8-4tp OR POSITION WANTED:- COOKINO lin-; geKeraL .Permàne;i: .Preparlng North. or week. nera.1 By. day. hour 545. shorereferenoýe. Koytune 68LTN2-ltP OMpE]TENT WOMAN WANTS. DAY work for Mondayfi, Wedelyo, and Thurmdays Aso>cooking or servin in-t ners, etc. Telepholle Winnbtka 2082 B11D0 YLTN28-ltp IIAID, WHITE PRtEF., HOME NIGHTS, GEN. HSEWK.,, LDRY., NO COOKING. OTRER HELP EMPLOYED. 2 BLOCKS TO PARK AVE. STATION. 71LTN28-ltP GLENCOE 441., F0-RGNL. WOMAN 0OR WRITE GIRL Rslfwk. Amsit with care of 2 chill'ef. No washlng. Own rm . and bath.ý 2011 Thornwood. Wilnette 982-J. 71LTN28-ltC MUST,.BEý UNE MAI]PS, 2 WHITE _good cook, the other foW second work reOwn rooms and bath. Renferences 3654. quired. Telephione Winnetka. 71LTX28-ltCý 3 HSEWK. GIRL FOR GENERAL adulte,,1i chlld. -age 6. No laundry, $10 Stay. 4er. reQ.. Phgne Kenllworth. 37M4.71LTN28-1tc ~AV.'Wt~C~' WIBHES EXP. W1ITE WOMAN Iaundry. Ail services individually, washed. Outslde drying. Shirts beauti97lTN2b-te fuiiy.fished. Cali, and deliver. Davis W COOK PART ITIME FOR WiTE DE2661.6ÉLTN38-ltp lunchroom. ýCaîl Wllmnette, 1296 after. CLEAN, COMFýORTABLE R~ S. NEAR LAKE'ANI) "L,'-' 6 ROOM Will OM O 71LTNSR-ltCe garage. 2-car trame. o'clock., sirable 9 specialie Suites with private bath. Wé-E EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL WISRrent'furhished or unfurnished at $85. es day work, laundry. cleaning, ironhome cooked food. ln N..PWANIED--MALK 5491 o Kendll >th ing, serviflg lunches and dinners. Ask 315 Cumpor JRd. Jhso !fN18-tfê444 Wllmette for Ane, Wineth. 3-135. 6UTNWç-. Ave, Linden 340 FOR Te____97LTN28-1te WORK WISHES COLORED GIRL AVE. ý6 -mornhings a week or 2 fuil days. T.$857.50. FOR RENT. HOUSE-G1I-EGORY 73. redecorated. Forced bot North Shore references. Glencoe Completely living rice 68LTN28-1te batha. Inquiror and out- air heat. 011 burner. or 2ail day Sunday. evenings St. l4th 219 . M OR EXPERIENC1ED LAUNDRES8 97LTN28-ltp hegeneaI and cook exp. Tuesdays, 1004. ELEGANT, MODERN, 9-ROOM BRICK wk. First class ref. Phone Glencoe .8.4L 18LTN28-ltp bouse, 3 baths, latest equlpmeflt, oi garage, Reasonable ternis. Winheat, [.TN27-tfe -RIVATE DON'T i beautifUl ni"lxr to rent MI:J. tliis 6' bedrm. home RO-OM4S INPl for a mest attractive price. .home puitable for 1 or 2 (peýrofa. Excellent. location. 607 Wllho 82L8-tPVEIRY CHARMING' COL. ON LGE. Caîl Winnetka 1952. heavily. wooded lot, convenient HubtNISHED LARGE, PLEAISANTLY FUR] bard Woods school, trans. 4 bedrmns., lentlemafi room near transportation. GE 3 b. Furnished or flot. preferred. Winnetka 2337. 8LI.TN2-ltpi mZis Kenilworth 5288, 421 Rihmond Rd. rvies Comtortable room with kltchen P 9LN8t Write -forimother and 9 year old chi][Id. H.Falo,ý 963 Sheridan Rd., 01 8328lt:HOME RESI0am-BY MODERN 9-ROOM, '3-BATH privWANT ED: PLEASANT R04 euiu garage; 2-car dence, wilmette. lady employed. East 'Bide . ite A-192e ate beach. Very unuùsualrentai.,,' Reasonable., Wri About Dec. 1IL. &-ORR, Inc. 83 ~TN84. Box6,WlmttIL ,Greenleaf 1080 Evanston St.,. 530 Davis *,Glencoe 13. »A» AND 5»ON 328 Park Ave., Glencoe COMFPORABLE SEARS REAL ESTATJLE ON THE LAKE, McGUIRE KErNILWORTH 1'NN RM. Jbisoý o 3LDG. CHAUFFEUR COLORED HOUSzmAN, and watt onltable. 5 R( ZE- lu MANY salarieg j -1I v N4o r'salli. enuarein. 3 rin. Kenil. garage apt. Tule bath & tile kitchen; very mod. One-car stail. Attr. location. 3 bike. N. W. R. R. WITZLEBEN REALTY Keniiworth 5540 562 Green Bay Rd. 98LTN28-lte wANTED roO RENT-HOUSS91 !!...-SUBI AGI nFor Sale: $ redit l 'bei l radio. $12. -. Piaebt nd entance. close to station. 851 Spruce Street. Winnetlca 2976. WHITE GIRL, COOK OR GENERAL, 82L28-ltP for about two weeks over Christmlas 1 SINGLE ROOM, ALSOIOUBLE Write holidays..No laundry- Ref. rvate bath, porch, Phonie WiIoo, A-198, Box 60, WIlmette, II. 82LlTN28-ltp mette 2255. j1T2-t _____________________ Winneuie. Mé. LIUMM.JJJLL Wi. 771, Winn, 2575 NEAR SCHOOL AND TRANSPORTA156 Center t. to. 5beautiful groims, echarlvg -7LT2se , brkaseit rlava 5beros house SLEEhPHOUSE, 10 RÔOO, 4 BEDRM. heated sun ohbrafsrom ing porcli. Gao heat. Conv. to'trans. tory, $18,000. Mrs. garage. car 2 oil heat, and schoolu. 2-car attached gar. Wil. 111LTN28-1tp Winnetka,1194. Lange. 8-t 7T 210. mette