HoffScribiner's, lias mnet with ininiediate popillar response froni thie readilng puiblic and is one of the new. faîl books inost frecjuently. reviewed, and most 'talked(,, about. The autiior. an Aiiiericati scuiptor of. international renowvn, had reachfed a comnîanding position in lier Professionî i 1930. the directors. of the ýField whein un of Chicago. made lier an ,extra*Muse ordinary proposai. Lt was their anîhition to create a hall. of anthropology which would roUse the public interest. a hall of man. thev felt, shouild lie aý crowded with visitors'as the snake andi monkey bouses. Tlhcy wantc(d tle racts of, Plani to look alive. seei actulal. autheutic. anrl..-tiot repulsive. and decidled to, try .scuilptture as a nîcans of revealiimw nman to his:brother. Mlalvilla Hofmilai spent five years.. c,rly)tiraIl Thc *ttak of. creM'lt;lîi traveling ini ail parts of thre world 1-offilnan's*. MNalvina Nvas 'Man of Hlall .prcparinga,.scdfpeiralItdstory olf lhe anid tlic project ahsnfberl alio'4fie races of mankind for the Liait of [1er ëxpeitie)nis vears of lier life. lier u. Mfar at tlie Field Musen lier inito the *;took t%,pes racial for qutest fascirratirrg story of lItesceerpedicornerst rcn1otec thîe and centers crecvded tiorîs, "H eiads and Tales," is one of jiun)Ies cities, 2rea-t globe-inito Ilhe of Joli ont fleic nost poPitiar volumries and cles.erts: it carrned lier on a tlifIqUcbook, Iists. touir ahl arouind the wrl. t ivi leuty (nn it f orut a prodigiotis uf4 real adventure. Rtoom 203-636 CIharch, St. Evanston,I. *Open Wed. eve., 79 G8e. 2m81 *Radio bug* eau liste.n ight and day 0 The greatent hotel feature IDl yearoi miodem' you inust 0 Il, .you1re b ave It Get the facts!* Have a demùonstration!, Made by the miakers of Àcoustecon Life Guaranteed.Hear-, lng Aids. e* o radio'din te disturb pOtliei At all SMART PARTIESI MOKOGRAMMED PLAYING CARDS "Norfolk" - $1.50 set (2 deccl) set (2,decks) "Haddon Hall" -$ at Northwesterfl umiversitY wben, the dozeil highest ranking. students, In last year's freshman class, six :men and six women, were allowed to sàelect books of thei own choice as Prizes. FEac,l %asallowed tg pick,two. 0Of thé books that appeared on terls 16 were ion-ifictioii, eight fiction. The on ly boo0k to appear twice on the Eist. w-as Xebster's .dictioîîary. Other 'choices ilîcluded, "A World Pillars, of ,tlas," Lawremîcc s "S. Wîsdôm,', M e ii c k e n 's «"American *Lalngnai.-e," Adams' "March of Democ-. racy," Galswortby's -"Forsyte. Saga.". Zweig's "Mary. Queeil of. Scotland and the Isles" Dos Passos'. "The Bit-Moniey." "The Complcee Works' of Mile Shakespeare," B3eebe's "ilf -Down," 1141,a's "Acros.s the Gobi Gassners "TreasMantie ,"and tire,, of the Theatre," Hallihnurton's, "New WVorlds to Conquler." Lewis' "Babb)itt," M.\areraret Mitchell's "Gone With the W\Tind." Finney's "Pririciples of Acconntiting," "Great Short Stories and Poc's "Comiplett, or' of the of Scienice," Orpen's "0t1tlne of Art." Cardner's "Art Throgh the Ages.*" Alleni's "Israfel." "Great Short Novels of the Wýorld.," and Poe's "Coniplete for îiof-fictiol. iTne uppo'LuIiI.y cil Phvsioloaist Writes of Ci les .1Man lecn waz <'ver, tlw Hlall 14 <rew publi-it intheaind vas itnpel'wd Y,by1 more thlan 2 000 000 visitons ini its.first Yang anid Yin A Novel of an American Doctor in China New . Novel Chronicles ThriIlinq War Scenes A few days ago newspapers carrjed the horrifying. story of Spanish Loyalists, defending the approaches to Madrid, who fired on thieir owrr companlions to hiaIt a retreat. A similar evenlt at th-e, Danube durinig the hast -days of thei by Alice Tisdale Hobart st&udy ofiimerucmnie and is 'now. assistant professor of physiology at the University of Cincifinati. Not content with a career in scienîce, be began to write. Hi s books represent bis tbree great enthusiasnis-Japan, animais, and nutsic., Out of the first grew lus renmarkable biographyv, Noguciri. His second book, Liz'cs, bad to do witlî bis animal pets. Next came Kettie, a novel concerned witlî a mnusician. That wvas followed by atiother hioizra2hv.ii nplay form. of inito far. more thanl a narrative of travel. for soine of its nmost iinterestiing parts conivey to fihe reader the inishdlt site, gainied into the' sim4îfle and fiindamiental realities that undferlk the instincts andI intuitions .of primitive peol)les. forces that anmaze and baffle thic sopliisticatedt creatuires of ci'vilizationi. Vie nmore tlîan 100 pages o>f illulstrations. includinig sculptures, portraits. travel scenes and photograpblic stiesic. are of suiniptuous beaiîty. Ilness; anotuvr Icomparea d Stanton; another confnely-worded prayer of g. Al cf, the 110 letters ýranda were -in Grant's ment." -Mrs. Brophy is an experienced person, ernployinent counsellor for the Advertising Club of New York, the American Women P associatiorn end the Tashion, group of* New York City. - J5ograpny of a Puppy,;, by A. aTerA. P. WoolIBelle," by "Verdun hune; cott, and a score of other tales Of adventure, courage, and devotion. Valiant Dogç was published On Oc-tbr20.