men'u Ozlovde Calfskln 9, Vi<çi kids, Scoteh grains tin the new fal bous *black ailte $35 Wiiter Is Comint.. get your, Ladies' Sh m* 3.3 5 t $5' 1e Are Auth.rixed Dealers, for I Rubbert and"Galoshès. OFFICIAL BOY AND GIRL SCOUT SHOES TAYLOR'qS eB-. as the time for its regutar Uenceforth, beginniing with AII*meetings. the ordinance uncier which the com- Dr. Allisofl [O rreach the December meeting, the Chamnber pany operates on or over the streets at Union Thanks Service sessions will be held on the second and alleys of the, village, and 'which has. run for alniost twenty years, will The Union Thanksgiving services Thursday noon of each month,' it wvas expire on or about Apr'il 4, 1937. of h Wilmiette churches will be announced at the November meetiniig The resolution provides *'thattht held Thursday morning, November held ai the Shawnee Counitrv club special committee -be empowered to 26, at 10:30 'clock -in the Wilmette Monday of this iveek. H-ercaftcer. al hold corferenices with officiais of. the Parish Methodist Episcopal chc. meetings- will 1)e, held at. nooti. *cx:onipany, and, after draftingr the 1iewý Dr.' George, D.' Allison,. pastor of, cept wheil oth erwise. designated. ' ordinanc-e, hold public hearinjýs there- tdie MVinette Baptist church will officiais announçed on, and take snch ot-her nieasures as preachi the sermon, and, the mhinisters1 The Chamber i Monday 'thàt comprehensive ,literahrce cooperating will' properly protect the interees of of othier iassgt oCture relating 'to the :Social Seccrrity hoi he srvic.* n te o jAct will be provided for the memn assst te srvce.Thechor the Village. -It was stipulated that theMetodit hurh ~i1 funis Ibership within a few.1days. This inthe commit tee shall coînplete the, new contract ordinance so that is, in the formf of _questhmui.formationi it mav be presented to 'the Village board n . o~ffering received at thig serv- tfons and answers which, are dcsige for 1 The *11I consideration o ae than Màfarch 1. 1ice I. wi be given to tne vvimette to clarify the intricacies of the n~ 1937. affects virtuallv e.Imeasure which etbihen s i oter ear. ~Vefar bord i i "This service is highly - important terybsns Miss Marguerite Kelley, 1018 Oak- for. every family:,of the community, community. Dr. Hilton ira Jolies, of Wilmette. wood avenufe, ýwas- operated on for as a means of expressiingin a corappenldicitis at the Evanston hospitel porate way our gratitudeý for the nationally known research chemist.Tuesday of last week. She is making special blessings of the year," reads ivas the speaker -at MNionday,'s dfinner a satisfactory recovery and wilI be an announcement of the services. il'ieeti.ig. Dr. Jones gave an inispiraiable to return hotrxe in ancothetr wee1k "'Gratitude shouid prompt attend- tionali talk. relating to the appîca ance which should tax the capacity tion of niethods. along the ines of or ten days. of the church. The Wilmette Minis- applied psychology, to better fit terial Union urges ail our Christian business and professional meni hothe people to accept their cordial ilivita- phyvsically and mcentally. to conitinuiailIv-improve their statuis in uie tion to this service." E week Shop 51Park Dr. Kenil. 3532 'm191 adscey TO TAKE DAIftY COURSE Harold W. Haxnmond, 1617 Spen-1 cer avenue, and Robert -Miller, 1331 'Paul W Central avenue, of the I-ammond Louis Grove Dies; xctv sR ira in a smart warm OVERCOAT' tailored by ducted 1-riy atternoon at 2 o'cioic at Bruecks chapel in Hubbard Woods Guest speakers at the monthly and burial will bc at Altoona, Pa. meeting of Northwest 'Men's club, Th'e Reir. Harold W. M.%cIlnay of the beld Wednesday evening, November North Shore. M.%ethodist chuirch; in 4, was Superintendent of Schools Glencoe will officiate at the services,. J. R. Harper, whose address was Mr. Grove is survied by his widow, a titled, "The School System of Wil-> daughter, Pauline, and a sister, '\trs. mette." The affair. took placé at the A. C. Miller of Altoona. home of J. C. Morris, 2129 Kenilworth avenue. PLANS DESSERT BRIDGE ADDRESS MEN~S CROUP Beta Theta Pi Mothers' club) of qwqu u wu Fresh Blol( Insulin and n hand at ýnes. 11 64' TE STORE FOR MEN Phne WiImel'fe 2435 Avenue D 'p tD 1) 'RU G IAL AVE. 'TE 4M9 v»»ý