(social' ....... k Consultation We may be consulted in strict confidence, _______________________ about any -feature of funeral service--costso >. customis, law -or merchandise. The) riedlyhelp and guidance of our: staiY is.availabl al a ims.Itcotsnothingto consui.t us.ý WILMETTE 1118 GREENLEAF AVENUE hn Wilmette 654 De Luxe Amnbulance Service 30 Years on the: Nor.th Short WINNESTKA 554 CENTER STREETPhone~ Winnetka 404 Wt "for ~&WL 1k and oproafed ÎOX. and we gwe you Phone Wilmette 8311 Tbus we ofi'er you every ýlaundry service that is obtainable anywlr and! at prices lower wben you consider the quality of our work. i DRY CLEANING Wiltnette 1800. sGreenleaf 2180