Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1936, p. 60

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us wnicn sne nrougit anson omn'sclb tisFriayfrom in last summer. At the morning at 10:30 under auspices of saine Ireland time she will. present Rhea the home anad education department Seegar of the Chicago in a tif the club. The course will encoin- talk on1 clothes for the Tribune well-ýda-ssert pas al haesofhoseol mnae-woman. mentest pr ons sen for ing the___ sug ~com 0oPerat;ot* of the home wmith.businesslike methods, accordin z toý the plans :hce is eoenla ut-e. for Sa.cred. Heairt Affair To aid ini resentiig the lectures she will brifig. ationiallv-kniownl home The genieral Éomrniittee for card economics -experts to address t he club, party and dance to be held the -bye the Opein te eris riav M ss acred Heart'Catholicchurch of HubfOpen iîîsekfrt ngnrlbadWosa the Shawnee CountrMissv on the, use of business executives' clb n, aturday,.h as rnethods ~~~selected the lown to ,serve as, mehosin lîouselîoldoper-atîi nai comieecameitaanued then ___ ___ ___ . List ÇC Mm Îtte e Heads Chili (Hlof MnroseCfe A. Peterson Town Crier Flour N.Witt Old Monk E. F. Riigen, Linco L. Covert Chef Milani C.Bach Town Crier -Flou» ill turin particularlv to the everWtWhiehed Gbhadt' Chli important phase of 'p housewife'ssteda.V. Voltz Peacoek 400 Club Fred, duties - the art of etertaining - (, ]Rev. Ideal Do9g Food ra,,ira J. Haai'îh, Hubbhaid Woods, C.. Wiîfter,rckr .lr Wilson Od ok16 giv ing suirge-stions for.the planning Ms.H. P. Coniway, Glencoe, Seeretry. lwSeuerîn 'Town Crier Flour Of parties with the least. possible Thos. J. Condon, WIietki, <lner 1. Lester Old Monk nervous strain. let. G. Rugen Linco Ho oPaaaaWalter H. Kiauke, 11 ilba Stres~s wili 'he lai ilOtheltiw itàff$hg ofsalads for ail kinds of occasions rd Wroods, NewspapePlanblicitv Edw, K_ .. ir<berg, GDooeP. Mrs, s. E.Hartsliorne, WnekFoRF. Coninitte.p Ms parties A. Pearffon B. Cook Stewarts Coffee OoId Monk the offciais of the Centrella Bowling [eague to establishhniasi r der to strengthen th,ý positions of these three trailing teams.11 Handicap Cominittee Acts Clarence Bach, Chairma n of the rnattee on H andicaps, held a etigfollowing last Thursday eve,ning s gaines and posted the following handicaps based nuoîî 180 scratch: ebrem Handica-p w. Seott Chef Milani 4 F. Wabe, 'lebharcites Treastirer Edwin F. Rugen 10 announce htapitdshdl ilade.it fpizsi in aeU l i h erftrpirt i oias 12 h.erftepirttehodas 2 1 Wilon Milanl'deaI Dog Food ineets Chef TeaÉi and Individual Standings Through the untiring effort of Clarec Bc'ndhsefiints1 of co--workers, both the teain andin F dividual ratiaîgs are posted each w eel< at Bleser's Bowling Acadenw ,prior to the. Thursday, night gaines.. Next Thursday's gaines, should saril te eisito; their- regular stides twr the League's Cham9 t 10 pIonhp League WeilT Meerse ~~~ .~ B ~~ en ~~H ste n el' t .Manor tT60use <Coffee 0f and aaid ~~ s pplemening. ~ ~ ~ th lcueMiss Mary Geiling, an authorletr ity on salads, will present a display of between. 50 and 0various salads of nearIv ail conceivable types. Miss Geiling won a niational prize last year. for salad recipes ini a contest at the Palmer house and also made up the S te w a rts C off ee te a-t C fe r.R .hitHb~dWos Rugen LUneo Cards (rommittee. E. Engles Chefo Milani's Wmi. P. Mc(Nulty, Gecu,(4a ies Comi- ..fo2 Getcmittee. . J oehtsonhe Lcock40('ue AC1e .Martin Dri('<ll, PrizeP. Jhalnan Chef ack40 lub nirnîitîee. .Miani's Other mnembers of the generacoiniioScieesTaei 1E . Rge ndersn JTohn V. Cliniai, Glence; Lawrence WB. Noren Winnetka;- Mrs. Auigust Pearson H. Cltdy r. Lwr*', ShrrnnB. mlittee include the foillowiing: Major-flen.Aneon Winteîr H. Volts. tewartsCeeor 20 202re' .22W K. OF C. LEAGUE h )i hc Rsit tllSo o tebwligii 17 1111ightsOf- Colunîhbus league as of 17'Thuri'sdav,, Novemnher 5, are 'as foi-, 18 lows : 18Fra.nk Mjr,2: Brau n Br1othtvrs, 1. 19 se-2; J-oh-n's Place, 1; Teatro del Lago, 2; Shlmonek's, 1., uft,2 lk, 14! 16 > il a 1 S ot , 2; Z t c h f , . 2 The standings of the team have 24 24 11ot clîanged very rnuch except il254tca e fteJn a s Prlasitili rei 25 tela vnatrsitwo gine ae f is onsPaesilrti , saad frth .fmos .geatrHayes, thf. Beach salad cok bk.Winnetka.; The arrav she will n)rel:a r .cafrtan n Siocs chers 26 service station aenadSionk are just oele gaine ont 26 of first ;.lace and tied for second and Wilson Ideal Dog-Fd 28 hr oiini Peacock 400 Club 2 By droDinig iwo hgaine Zutshe Town Crier Flour Scot ToweIs eack40lu .26 Lico. 40 lb 25P.tTh 2 the sthef 256otesrn satads), cinner or. accompaniment salads, 'salad Wtowls. and, lastly, dessert or party salads -- a new idea inte balanced meal of today. To Illustrate witl Movies Other features of the prograin wil be colored motion pictures on the use of fruits in cooking and a display of tables arranged by Miss Maria Allen of Tatman's * An authority on color] and display, Miss Allen will sneakc the home. ofMr. Henry J. Br a ndt0. Wahle 816 Fore st avenue. Menbers wiîî. Herdr .1.Cress meet for luincheoti at 1 ol'clock. .1. MîîîU."I HAVE SECOND DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Newman. 123 Broadway, Wilmette, are the parP. Phillips 1 1.--Klted' G. Harrison P. Jans. E. Helmund ents of a second daughter, Charline J. Schneider Threebonu October 20, at Ilenro- H. Morby ThereseOld nier Therese Hébert of Paris and 1 Rouien. France. tini hospital. Mrs. Newmani isthie forTu le - Monk and. Linco Lead 014 Monk teain took tii, into camp wiinnani ~ ca,, useo the avern team loin to gaines and tuIe' Undertak-*4ers winniaîgj two froi Zuscî 91zushl 36 36 River Inni. Fraink lMeiers Tavernl 36 Teain, Kriers Buffet, leatro .Del 16 Iago anîd Brauni Brothers Ou1 coin-7 Scot Towels 38patny still, run ini the Fame order .i11 Wilson Ideal D'ig Ffood4 38 the standings as thcv ,.had last veek..' Wilson Ideal Dog Food4 43 43 Standings toÔ date: Scot Towels4 TlSn.Manor House Coffe OdMn Scot Towels Manor House Coffie (Gebiaidt's Chili twrsCfè Gebhardt's Chili - 12 46' - * .. 14 L<P5i League. leader s 7 8 8 ~ n I 819 Oak Street EATING SE19VICE Whnm.fka, COU gaines Towil Cier Teain 3 gaines ler......... Idual 3gie Siecond:UH ............ F.'.à Leagué H Il Individual Gaine A. Pet« pI ago .. 2469 Road to Glory." Ma. 888 November 15, 16 and 17-"Girls' Dor-, No recommendation. iitory." m7 570 274> Louis PasteýUr" for e. Coanmuaity House November 13 and 14-"The Story ýof

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