DEERFIELD,. LAKE COUNTY and the-price Is. right.R. m. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS C' nte 52ý St.Winnetka9 11LTN27-lMI St. 522 Centr just now we have a $pe lal inqiry for .FHA oains Insured Up to *80% of value. These we originate and service as, correspondents of, an Approvedl MJortgagee under the National HousACREAGX AND E8TAT99 ing Acet. NORTI{BROOK business exciusively, house and barni, 1 mile, We do a, mortgage oid acres, 10 GEORGIAN BUILT be. glad to inquiries suPERBLY A andwil'l $4,600. Price station. to store and *for boans on residences, apartments Colonial, solid brick, slate roof, 5 elas beau. tule bas., canvass walls and business lproperties, as GLENVIEW BORDERS bdrMs., 2Z with al improvements. -lots throughout. Located.on,.dead end street acre Haîf Loans.ý' FHA 2 blockS to -- I'" sta. Price. reduced to in and paid.> Convenient te schools, stores, transportation. Restrictefi. Price $16,500 for immnediate sale. Mr. Uhler. $1,600 and' up. * REAL, ESTý,ATE LOANS EVANSTON WEST 0F HGLADPARK É29 DAVIS ST, 1580 ShermnanAv-e., Evanston gravel Double 2740 wo)oded.. -Central 18129 70 acresheavily ow-NERS dreenleaf 166Wilmette Davis 2233 to,.-ettle 16,000ï $ Price 11LTN27-ltc il1 So. LaSaile St., Chicago 116,6 road f rontage. Glencoe0 13 328 Park Ave.,"Glencoe estate. Ternis. 12 7A-LTN,27 - Itc 530 Davis St., Evanston Greenleaf 1080 LOVELY WHITE 5 BDRM., 3% BTH. barn. and house farn wth landacres 4Ô perfectly .home on high wooded, FOR UALE-HobuSEHOLDGOODB Partly wooded, for $11,000 ail cash. rm. 16x2g scaped lot 125x200.i. 1 lovely 'garOLD ýFR-NITURE, YOUR .g TURN ýwith sun rm. oïrerlookin hot glassware, etc. into cash. Phone for den. 2-car htd. gar. 011 M'i. B&G Ph. 81 appraisal. 114LTN27-itc 1026 Watikegan Rd., Glenview water systelu. Al Ige. rms. R. Maid's R. & i 24LTN27-ltC dining. rm. 10 min. walk to beautiful Maîn-shoping sectioni ln Greeneaf 5880 922' Davis St. Wlnnetka. A real buy ..... 129t.TN27-4tp COM162 ROLLING ACRES, EASY ExcelGAP CHAMBERS ONE 4-BURNER rnutlng distance to Chicago. Kenilworth 5540 oven. Standaru cooker fireless 562 Green Bay Road range, cost would' Barn bldgs. lent farm ll1LTN27-1tcý porcelain 1-pc. sink 22"x> $10,000 to reproduce. 100 acres rich Crane whitedrain boards, 12" back. A-i douible 60", timbered highi Three 9 500 tillable farm land., 1 129LTN27-ltp 1832. WiI. over condition. miles 3 view building sites with purchase to OIL, H., A. opportunity H. Gentleman-FarYour valley. Beau. developed G RMS, SLP. PCH-., FURN>ITURE:INFATS',. CHILD-S, rostriced home sites at bel()%% mer community. Let us give you nicely landscaped lot, 1 c. g., about porch, living, bedroom; tables, lamps; improVeAl' Bottopl Pittman. values.' present further details. Cal' Mrs.. auto* trunk, men's clothes, doli cab, $2,000 cash, balance $67 per mo. you If road. Other Private moents in. E. SAWYER SMITH elec. train, teeter-totter. Winn. 1157. price, eut for immediate sale. 129LTN27-ltp Winnetka 3.500 725 Elm Street goud values. addi-' in sections open the desire 124LTN27-1tc, tion to convenience to school 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. -1080, Wil. 228 Glence 1ý3 328' Park Ave., Glenee 1221ý IAEGER& co., 1YOU CAN BUY AND BUILD AND PAY'LIKE RENTAT McGUIRE & ORR, Inc.T BETTER BUY NOW THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 'WvTH NO ASSESSMENTS TO PAY McGUIRE & ORR, Ine. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES -f& COONS WYATT Picturesque Farrn Evan~ston Atuction House WITZLEBEN REALTY. E ast Winnetka-$ , DntMiss This!. * B. H.BARNETT - wintS.e*. a 65 neat. Lot UL Wm-. Pickard Mrs. Fuller & St., Xinnetka 746 Elm Winnetka 3603 'l-iPâ0 EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS Hoilycoiirt 3790 11TN27-1tC' CHARMING OLD HOME IN FINE E.ý wooded setting near the lake in an littie mnore th at offered' Ravinia; 4 land value. Unuasuai opportu.nitY. Company R. 'B. Whitaker Winnetka 3250 140 Conter St. îi-LTN27-lte Winnetka 71.5 114LTN27-4tp ACREAGE HOMESITES higli land inEAST KENILWORTH: Less than 1 Excellent location. 'Fine ft. restricted section. 1 to 5 acres at block to lake, lot 115 x 167 $105 per ft. very special price. $1,500 per acre. E. SAWYER SMITH 83xl65 fi. Lot KENILWORTH: ,WEST Winnetka 3500 Street' Subdivision Elm 725 Community Kenilworth in 124LTN27-ltc transportation and schlools near $70 per ft. REAL ESTATE LOANS (Where 'can you equal these prices for .vacant in Renilworth?) 795 Elmi Street Sunset Ridge District Pensacola 1670 after 2 p. 129LTN27-ltp m., CIIIPPENPRICES. ATTRACTIVE dale amail sofa and wiflg chair. Hand' carved tables. Porohi and kitchen furn. Lamps. 221 Essex Rd. Wln netka 2391. 129L27-ltp KELVINATOR. PT. CIUBTC USEDF, ALSO, '7 FT. G'ENrERAL iELECTRIC REFriG(ERATOR. REASONABLE.' WINNETKA 277fl 12901'r97-I1tii t U'ni. 0283 Ic. SMART & GOLEE,Wil. 2486 Evanston Also natier af 7220.lot,,' 114LTN27ItC .Greenl 10 C. Cormack' & Co. an Aveulie LUniversit3* 3353 127A-LTN26-tfe STOVE, OAS porc machine, ouseh Old IltemF 129L27-lt'P 'I