Clas8lfted advertlsements will be c upayto Tuesday 9 P. M. for. WILETE LIFE, or ail three papes ednes 9 P.,M. for WINNETKA ITLX and Tusa P.MfoGL COB NEWS. Telephones: Wllmetté .4300, Wletka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 after 6 P. M.), Greenleaf 43600or Sheidrake 1216-1217. NOTICES ____DANCING C, HOOL, Dealine for Insertion WILMETT ~cepted MA1K E Il SIIArl nlids Rliver, 114X DUCK HUNTERS NSERLY, ILI- Master o! dance-craft. For appointment ilD.Iay rate. Uni.. pihone Wilmnette 5 or Wilinette 1606. * lLTN27-ltp) ____________________21LTN25-4tp VIOLA M. SP.ECHTý D AN CEs start Thuùrsdi , Nov. Felloývs H1all, Wilmnette, ani Main Street. QUILTrS AND B9LANKETrS 12, 8 :3. d SPECIAL UNTIL XMAS. 5 BUTTON WVilmette Ave. length suede, kid and cape. Match any lL271ltp enisen!bie. Your individual -measurement. $3;*.50. Le May Studio, 1616 Sherman Ave. LOS>T AND FOUND onle orange, one i;iue ~ kie. Dav. 2484. 22B-LT N27ltp line breedeng Racket and M2i4d'tok Eligibie A. K. C. -Priced î'easoniabiy 1714 Forest Ave., Wflrnette. LE.S"-ANPI'IN; I'8E Do<; 44LTN2*7-It 1 , ed 'Tidbiits," %xvth very cute CALL-_ black fac, xtrînI~ rindi, rhusdyNov. RîuS.siAN woLFHOÙNDS.-ANCIENTTri ail grade school subjects. 5vic-inity <rut-n Halioad and MeIrose type. Comp.anionable anai trustOUTI»OOR Avenue, IKenilw oîtli. Reporite-d sveiûMr RECREATION SCHOOL day, Nov. 9, in F'a.vtkniorh Might ster St., Murton U-rove. Pli. Morton Be-tsy N. Sfiapker, Director W, aywire. î'et family pet for Grove 1694. 44LTN27-lte Phione Wilmette 1068 years. .'ny îinatioîn aipreeiated. iorTN27-1 tp COCKER SPANIEL PTJPPIÈS ('ail Khenjlwui tii441"> 3,TN27-i tc Pedigreed. Ail colors. 2-6 mos. old. Guar. to be in good health. J. A. Blow, County LOSTI'M(>NI)i \')AC1Hb1HUND 4 B3ody blbkle" lip, wn. 1Acense tag EýVENJNG INSJRUCTION BY WINI- Line, and Waukegan Rds., Deerfieid. 44LTN26-4tp 11 29. Ansvvret o ', fred Adkins Johnson, M.A., foriner ans" ward. Phione Imtte 351. :),ITN27-litp E. T. H. S. teach -ler o! Spanish. Class BEAUTIFUL LITTER 0F DACHSstati-g sonSiiali-oup. Inexpensive. liund puppies. Thoroughibreds. RhienLOST 1lBItO\\VN A NDY) WI1T E lPhorie Unii. 4957 for details. of Kennels. lst house west of Skokle Springer etaImî; le, Iiiunslt- tag Nio. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN JUNIOR- Blvd. on Simpson St., Nules Center. 172. l'--w~ard. 6U1Iîexlaeu. i'cî 44LTýN2774tr and seniior high- Rnhonl sbiet-Týàn 16'>7. 3T2- 958, a. mi. or evening. * ut'rInE ±'Ui- SALE î ~68LTN24-4tp Rzilph Brown, 1'315 Chestliut Ave., MOTHER WI-TH 9-YeARI-OLD CILDi Wilett, li.44LTN27-4tp wants housework. Very capablei. CALL 'GLENCOE 641, IHubbaid Wûods Animial Hospital between 12 and.1. Ask for 'Herman.. Wheve your pets lave h 68LT27-îtp Z4-four attendance. Buîîdiig -,I-lucking Clippig STENOGRAPIIER Outdoor n.tnways with real estate and other exper., Dr. Frank B. Erwin,- Veterinarianl Bookkeeping and geperai offfice- worik., 908 Linden Avez '%innetka 3737 North.Shore refeirence. Winnetka 3054. ___________44LTN25-4tp 68LTN27-ltp COCKER SPANIFLS, PUtPPIES 6 WKSý. EXPERIENCEDWHITE GIRL WISHto 6 moe. liedBrucie straîn. Wilafiors es cleaning and launidrySaturday,,and Gold Flash ana iBiack Major at stud $10.. MondaY., Also cooking and evn SunITermas if desired. 860à Fer-ris Ave., 1% day dinners and tes innetka 14684 bla. -'. of Dienipster. Mro Grove 1631. 68LTN27-ltp ENLIHSETTERS, MALE 8 3,OS., SITUATION WANTKID-MALE UXPERIENCED, ALL AROUND man Wants une day a. week honlse.vork. -Permianîent. Also odd j obs. A-I N. S. refe.rences. Wilmette 2088. SiTLTIoN WW TE : XEJ enced gardener and chauffeur, 9%~ years at iasIt position. Also experienced as gas station attendant. Phone Rogers Park 7172. 69LTN27-lte EXPERIENCED, RELIABLÉ COLORed man, gerieral housework and good c1ook. North shore references. Glellcoe 1824. 69L27-ltp CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSEIMAN, COLored. Il years last place. A-1 reference. Plhone Kenwood 0442. 69LT27-ltp $1-RWARD' VUT O R I N G J E-,ARN SPANISH ________ANTIQUS_____ POLO AND HUNT CLUB ÇHEREY 4-I>OSTER BED ; 2 aniil edsde ables;, Pennsylvania Dutch graniidfatiiel.s cljc.k. New'~ things arriving -.vetkly* at THE LITTLE ,(LCSE 0F INTEREST: ýSj î ChIestliut Court, Winnietkat Unu" ap prst ilers and seais 7-,T.N27-ltl) OLI) Antiqlues f-or TIQUES îas. Large stock' iiture. etc! glass, TIIE RIDING CENTER 0F CHICAGO M'f specialize in riding les-sons. Also jumping. Under the supervision of' T. il. ('halmers, proprietor. Miles of bridIe paths where you niay ride wlthout having to cross à road. Finest facilMtes. 2 stables., Gienvî-ew R"d. bet. Harins & Waukegau. .(County Line Rd, ni'. Skokie Blvd. GlenN-iew l9JO* Deerfield 40 ______ __ . : LE' Jskir EXCHANGE .Wanted fine clothing, clean and in good condition for resale.- Phone us at Delaware 5959. 748-Eln St.Winnetka 3399 Our representative wlll caîl. 70LTN2'i-ite 59LTN27-4tpý HELP WANTED-PEMALE 'SHEEP, LINED JACKET, OPOSSUM collai'. Dress suit,- size 42. Boy -Scout suit, 13-16., Cail Winnetka 2144 betweeh 9 and 11- a.m. or, a!ter s8p.,nm. M A N Y POSITIONS OPEN. GOOD salaries. General rnalds, 2nd mald", SALE, BOY'S COATS,. cooks, housemaids, couples, nursemaids. ýelient condition. Leather aý and dark blue Meiton. . Oh WAIWI<UBE Reinhart Emp.Aec DOMESTIC HELP SHAY AGENCIES. Phions Miss. :AR -Wtlimette *20B-LTýN.27-ltc s f R E: 16 WISIH TO PLACE elp. Wed., Thurs.a or cleanlng. Very rel ltp Wilmette 587.