Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1936, p. 46

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Ways and Meens Party'for Club Reservations will be taken ýuntii %Frýidày night, November 20, for the. buffet supper and briîdgeý to be given Saturday, Noveniýber 21, at 7 o'clock, at the'Wotian 's Club..of Wilmiette under the auspices of theWavs andrimeans committee of which Mrs. George D, Conieis chairnian. Mrs. Howard E. Ringholm is i charge of the party. Table prizes will be awarded, and the -decorations will. be appropriate to the Tbanksgivinýg season-faîl fruits' and. fail flowers. It promises to bca- deligbtful party, and a mioderately priced one. Those who were present at the last buffet aizpper in chargeo f Mrs.. Ringbolm will ot want to miiss this one. Mrs. I. R. Adkins has charge of reservations and her telephone numiber is Wilmette 979. M~rs. Lincoln C. Torrey is chairman of the food. Mrs. John P. Bailman, Mrs. Merlin Bush, and Mrs. C. N. Evans are on the committec for table prizes. Assisting Mrs. Torrey on ber conimittee are: Mrs. C. T. Morrison, Mrs. Wedding Nov. 14 Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Joseph 1EUliffi- 270 Scott avenue, Gl1en- éoe. Mrs. Richard F. Norton of Evbas askedhmn, anstori, sca Mris. J. M.e Watkins, 'Jr., of, Higbland Park ,.to have. charge of the, one o'clock luncheon. .Following a. business meeting, :Miss Susan Wbite, dietitian,' and Theta, alumna of the University of Michigain, will give. an informai talk., Mi ss White is' head of the food depart-. ment and lunch room at Wieboldt's Êvanston store.ý Since Mrs. Willard T. Grimm> of Kenilworth, pre sident. of the associatiôn, was appointed presiden t .of District Il by tbe Grand council at its> For the. past- week, gueste have b-een arrivinig on. the north: shore for the weddiig (o[ Miss. Betty Louise McKaY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert George, McKay of, 823 'Chestnut avenue, and Thomnas Ewing Snyder, Jr., .son of ýMr.,and Mrs.. Thornas Ewing Sny'de of Evanston. The ceremo ny ivili t-ake place at i Christ church in Winnetka on1 Saturday, and w.ill be: followed by a reception atthe Exioor Country club. Miss Margaret ýBayliss of Philadel- SAn honor 'coinie Miss Marion Hed worth girl, is her University of Misi Tau Alpha, national oring scholarship jou.rnalisin. Miss I ter' of Mr. andi Mr rick of 304 Melrose recently to ,'aKenil- recent meeting in- Cbicago, Mrs. H. phia, Who came from the East. to A. Morrison of Winnetka, vice-pres- take part ini the entertaining before' ident, will fil the vacancy caused by the weçl4ing, has been a gpest at the Mhs. Grfimms règikrin. Mr . McKay home since Wednesday of Grimm succeeds Mrs. E. E. Stuits of last week. She wl be a bridesm-aid. Winnetka as district president. Tom Carpenter of Néw York, a classAnother appointment by Grand mate of Mr. Snlyder at Princeton, and couticil is that of Mrs. Court W. Toel"ý Henry Cannon of Wilmington, Del., of Wilniette to the state chairman- arrived on Sunday to -usher in tIhe ship. wedding and bave a part ini the entertaining. Coming today (Thursday) from out town are Miss Bayliss' parents, of Circle Meting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bayliss of Phila- R. T. Hosking, Mrs. C. W. Allen, hostesses will be M rs. M. H. Mc len, Mrs. George' Harbaugh, an'd Mrs. L. F. Bail, Mrs. J. P. Bailman, té Honorary Fraternity Mrs. Merlin Bush, Mrs. C. N. Evans,ý Miss Marion Hedrick, daughter of Herbert LaRoy. Mrs. A. H. Fuessie,' Mrs. C. 0. NMr. and Mrs., Edwin Hedriclc, 304 Gratèr, Mrs. H. C.,Greer, Mrs. Beni- Meirose avenue, Kenilworth, bas just jamini Jacobsen, Mrs. C. H. Jones, been elected to Kappa Tau Alpha, Mrs. L F. Todd, and Mrs. H. F. -national fraternity hoiloring scholarAids Swing Dance Sergeant. of iournalism, ac~hools sc shrlin In charge of decorations are: NMrs. F. P. Strauch, Mrs. Sergeant, Mrs. The Iast week betore the ceremony is crowded with parties of mnany kinds. Sunday, Miss Mildred Starck of Chicago was hostess at a cocktail party, and Monday nightbe Richard Gambrills of Evanston gave a buffet dinner for the bridai party. A luncheon ýand card party was given Tues- day a-fternoon by tbe bride's amit, Mrs. Horace McKay of Evanstoný. for the bridesmaids, and that afternoon from 5 until 7 o'clock Mr. and rMexican supper, en rtainment,, ànd miFetcher and ack McUÂViCn4c inark the evenl* icago. Bids may bç purchased i tspecialties oni sale, i itgala. make and e door the«: evening of. the party. the Conn'nittee of arrangemtents for the Shainee Swing dance to be give.: at Shawnee Country club Fridai, evening, Novernber 20, by the DeKoven club, the youn.g peoPle's group of.S't. Mattlwwes church in Evaanstoin. ivis A Z1/IIç ri K 10 0rUUW on Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Andrews of1920 Greenwood avenue moved' to Wilmette. recently from 1Nules, I I

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