The regular meeting of the Women's society of the Baptist church will be held Friday, November 13, at The days before ber wedding the church., The. meeting,,,with Mrs. are filied with entertajning in H. D. Davisson*as chairman of the honor of Miss Margaret Weg-. day, has for its subject, '"Fellow ner of, Wilmette, whose mar- Traveler:s on the Road- the Ameniniage 'to Robert Noérris Burch- can Negro." The coinmittee feels very more of. Evanston is ýtaking. fortunate in having ýMrs.. Meude.1le l3onsfield for its speaker. The music place on Thanksgiving day. promises to be unusually interesting The parties commenced Monday, as Marjorie Middlelkauff Sherman of November .2, when, Mrs. Harold *H., Wilmette, well known contralto, will Wegner of La Grange was. hostess sing a group .of compositions. Link at1 a ,Incheon,. handkerchief, and I members are.the hostesses of theý hosiery shower. The following Fni- dlay. Luncheonis to be served-at 1 day, Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Hood of A'special: prayer group. is meeting Glencoe inviited -a group of friends of on Monday mornings at 10, 'clotk Miss Wegner and ber ýfiancé to their at the Baptist cburcb. Anyone interhome for an evéning party; and crysa- ested is cordially invited to join this tai shower. group. Friday of this. -yveek Miss Kay Ammerman and Miss Eleanor tDodg- M ns. Peter Arden leader, wili meet of Evanston give a shower of on Thursday, November 19, at the son personal gifts for the bride, and on home of Mrs. J. C. Blaylock, 1115 Saturday, Miss janith Huguelet is Lake avenue, for luncheon at 1:30, having a luncheon and kitchen and sewing. shower at the Sovereign hotel, in That same night Mrs. Chicago. John. C. Baker of Wilmette is giving a dinner at the University club and a Have Guests from Navy theater. party folloWing for the bridaI couple and their parents. A cocktail Mr. and Mrs. John D. SmalI, have L.... t-m -Q l à-n nvàn.1.. Ouest- of Honor et PreWed ding Parties nave rrograrn rruciay Three Nights of Cayety and Beauty, Three evenings of ýfast mnoving g a y c t y and limnitless beauty, frorn Thursday through. Sat.urday last week, served' a double, purpose, greatly àugmentingthe f unds of, the Evanston Junior. league for its numnerous charitable activities, and, proviing fine, entertainMentfor the men-ý n brs of the organizatio their friends, both on the stage and. in the audiences. Thc ýshow, known as the 1936 Follies, 'and presented iii the> Glencoe Cenitral school 'auditoriumf, br'ught hefore the three packed bouses many the audiences,- as well as several whiose appearance i the first edition of the Follies had attracted many of the audiences back to Durant Studio mnembers this, the second show. The annual scholarship bridge tea most Iight-heartcd the in Travesty of the Chicago Wellesley club tcskes of the most several characterized vein place at the DrakIe nezi TuesdaY popular of the Follies' thirty skits. afternoon at, 2 o'clock, under thse Among the most mirth-provoking of general chàirmanship of Mrs. W'ilthese acts was George S. Kaufman's ljim Pope of Winnetlea. A noz'el fashion show is an added attrac- "If MeÇun PlavPrI Car<ls as Woinen dancers1, singers, -and.,actor.s tew to * friends of the bridegroom's mother. Tuesday. evening, November 17, Mrs. E. E. Furry will entertain at ber home in Chicago, and the following evening, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder of Wilmette will be host and hostess at a party at the Edgewater Beach hotel. A linen shower on Saturday, No- niald Dalton. from a t' , and Mrs. 1N ew, rhave stay just Incude Flower Tuesday, November 24, the ways and means committee of the Womnan's Club of Wilmette is sponsoring . a tour under the direction of Miss: Rebecca Fitch, tours chairman of the ways and means committee, of which Mrs. George D. Conlee is t Rusi tof H.ips With Bail gossip.. Professor Mctiover-n, outstanding as the host of the card group, had earlier. in the Follies distinguished himself as a soap box orator in a skit entitled "Free Speech.'. Anotheé,r hilarious skit, "The Ballet Invades the.,Draina," brought. f uor Linr t .. i..+&., .. ~... 40J Werwin avenue, Chicago, ark 4844'. itter, ogers Kenitworth cener of thse Infaý W'elfare sociely is hatving ai IJ Drake Saturdgy, Decemnber 5. Mrs. KCenneth Little and Benjamingan and iEvanston. It was a group of these friends whom Mrs. Robertsý Rawlins, bits of the first Follies with Mrs. Little' s blues songs anid Mr., entertained at unîcheon Tuesday.