Names Attendants for, Rer Wedding iuaids and a maid FOur of honor wilI attend Miss. Isabel Macalister, daughter of Mr. 9 and Mrs. j. Nye Macalister,, 18 Ashland.'-avenue, on Saturday,. for HeaIy- Hill Wedding Nov. 25 The invitations have been jsýSued for, the- wedding ýof Miss Janet Hlealy .of Kenilworth and Edward Sanderson Hili, ýson, of Mr.. and Mrs.. Frank Farwell vl Frry of -Winnetka, hc N\oveémtake place Wediiesday, b-er 25, at 8:30 o'clock, in the . home of the bride's parents. Mr\1 and Mrs. William Francis Healy of '205 Meirose avenue,.,KenilwNýortj. -The Rev.. Mr.,,Coinon, S.J.., vi1I officiate. Only relatives.and intimate friends -wilI l)e present. A reception -'vI1l fol - * Noveiber 28, when sh>le hecornes the bride of Raymond F. Under-, wood of Wilm-et.te. llie cerenioniy NvilI be p)erforined,,at 8,:30 odoc .at the First Congrega-, Church of ;Wilmiette by *tionial. the Rev. John. G. Hindley, and afterwÈrck. a-rception will he. held at the Georgian hotel. The1 younger .sister of the bride, Mfary Macalister,l*wil be the maid of honior. The bridesmaids will be Miss low the ceremony. Miss Healy has asked lber 'sister. Miss Virginiia, 'to . le her rnaid of bon or, and Miss Mary Hill, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Jane LUtteil of KRenilworth, 'Miss Adalaide Bail of Winnetka, and Miss M.\arjorie Walslh of Boston to be Iridesrnaids. '1 . ed S. James of Evaniston will Mo., a cousin of the bride; Mrs. J. H. Kaufman of Evanstoni, who' was Betty Bayliss of Wilmette before ber marriage, Miss Kathryn Parsball of Wilmette. and Miss Mary Muenich of New York. Miss Macalister, a hostess with the * Transcontinental Western alirlines, resig nèd her position early ini October to mnake plans for herwedding, and Miss Muench, mie of the bridesnaids, serve as best man. Two brothers of the bride'groom, Robert Hill and Fred B. Hifi. the brother of the bride, \VilRobert NV. liam F. J-ealy, Jr., and 1 1 SayIes, Jr., of Boston w -' ushier. Mr. HilliviIl takt his bride tb key of Evanston, two classmnates of 'Mr. Underwood at Harvard university; john W\est of Winnetka, and Richard Macalister, brother of the bride. The prenuptial parties for Miss, Macalister and Mr. Underwood, who will make their home in Kokomio, ,Ind,.following their marriage, begani November 1, when Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kaufnan entertaitied at a cock- Entertaining begapN Mondav o4 tisl week when Mr. and I. r. Frank FarvforweIl Ferry gave a theater part their son and bis fiancée. Toiliglit (Thursday) Mr. and MNrs. Walter G. Smith of Winnetka wil entertain at a dinner party in the Empire roo m of the Palmer House. Saturday, No-vember 14, George Mahioney wvill bc host at. a cocktail party at bis bomne 1 Preston Pe« City, Iowa, %whoare arriving on, Sat- AgÉicultural school at Lansing. given Nove who Wilmette f rom those Amiong urday for a brief visit with. the and.itorium. atto morning Saturday Ieaving are Peycke's., is a graduate ot Michigan Statc duction of" 6, iii .e , >CpIpps wedding. Miss Walsh was expected to arrive the early part of this week to participate in the pre-wedding festivi.ty. M~iss Walsh was a classmate of the bride at the ColIlege of the Sacred Heart in, Manbattanville, N. Yr