a series of dances cadi, year for several seasons.. The dances this year will be held at the Shawnee Country club i Wilmette the evenings of Saturday, November 21; Decemiber 19; January 16, and February 13. Friday, Novernber 6, wvas set as'te deadlifie for. memâbership -reserva-. tions, but this deadline vas extended, wheni it beCaine. ob vioù s that it would .he nleessary to iniclude more couples tliis year. Onle purpose of the club Ito afford its inembers a. rooniN place to swing-dance. so, NMr. Scliulze. sai(l, the, mieiilersliip viI1 stili be liîmited toý 175 or 200 couples,. Patrons and1 patronesses ot thel (lances are Benjamin N. .Anderson, Jr., Robert B.ý Badger, Ale xanuder R. Cariani. Jr., Maàrk, Carnall. NIr. and Mrs. Paul Hi. Fatist, Fred' C.- Hack. j r., 1)r.. and Nîrs. WýallaÉe 1D. Nackelnzie. -Nii-. and MisRusl. Ntatthias. Mr. anid Nrs. Victor H. Schulzc. ai NIr. amid .r,. DonaldO.Wl. MNathew Francis Photo The general ca.rli tfor ihe bene 1ht cardparti'whièh -the COsiv. C'rcr cie of tlic Fir-st Coîîgrcgiational church wilI hold Titesd«.Y, .Voeîh~'7,at ttfli Iomian'; Club of R eililetie is Mi-S. Gien -S. Robcrt.ç of 1135 lake avenîuc. The aIffilir z'-ll bc il dessert .bridge at 1 4o d*ock. I Kenilworl+, Guilds WiU Be in Session, Monday :4 Redn iceHstess MonaS~ Noembr 6, illbe ue The: Reading. circle wilI be enternetm etn g day foembr th6,*ilds &thetained Monday, November 16, at 1 the Womail's' auxiliary of tlhe Chutrch o'clocýk. at tehm fMs oi of thc Holy Comforter. Members Bruch, 1815 Chiicaàgo avenue, Evans-, meet in the mornirng for .sewýýinig, andI ton. I Mei*1iAitinbe i tofue 4Vcitl Wl! gLiiit a t her home, 475 Eider lane. Wniin etka. Tl'le Anderson g'ui1d illi meet at Il o'clock, N'ovemiber 16, with Mrs. \Va r J.ililli.,, 512 Central avenue, \VIlfen mette. Mrs. James E'.Arinitage, 1120 Ashiland avenue, will l)e hostess to the mnembers of the 'Wbitehiouse guild. l'le Stew.art guild will hold an allday meeting Nlonday- at, the home of Mrs. Herbert Taylor', 631 Abbotsford roïa<I- . eiilwortlh Enlertain Before Banl Mr. andi Mrs. Alfred S. Wiltberger of 515 Abbottsford road, Kenilwo&1th, entertained a small group of friends for cocktails in their home befdre the Purpie Balil on Friday everning. BETSY CA N~. 8221 Phone vearI l .mit ln, I EVANSTON