The annual evenhng philanthropy party and prograin of the North Shore Musicians club will be held this season at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, 1004 Michigan avenue,. Wilmette, on, Moîmday, November 16, at 8:15 o'clock. A special effort is being put, forth this: year fo make the annualý affair as successful'as possible,, because the.proceeds will be used in part to further the, nrnusical 'education of a talented north shore mus iciail. Miss Margaret jea*n Cree of WVinnietka, the young 'elist, bas beeil accepted as a pupil by AI-ý fred Wallenstein, famous American 'cellist 11W i NewYork, and'the North Shore Musicians joining with others in . sceing: that it is possible for Miss Cree to go té New York to take advantage of this u nu5uai opportunity. Miss Cree left for New York a week ago Monday.. the North Shore Lyric ensemble composed of. PaulineBenner,.KayDrake, Francesý Evans and Dorothy Rae, sopranos; Bertha Darling, Marjorie Day, and Imogene Dick, second sopranos; Dorotby Cordts and Mrs. R. Wallace Mitchell, altos; sent the first group of numbers on the program. Mrs. Gamron will play a group of piano numbers and Estelle Swigart, 'cellist, will give the third group. Ernau Akely will play. the piano accompaniment for Miss Swigart and also for Norma Gordon, soprano, who, will present the fourth group. The programi will close with a selection by a string quartet composed of Caroline Harnsberger, violinist; Elizabeth Weixel, second violinist; Betty Biesemeier. violist. and Geneviove Horween, 'cel- The Illinois Symphony. orchestra will open its. series of New Trier High school concerts Monday, November 16, ini the school auditorium, with Inzler Solomon as conductor and Miss Agatha Lewis asguest soloist. The orchestra, which was so.favorably reéeived at the. Wilmette 'beach:concerts this summ'ner, will play two concerts at:each of, its,eéight ai3eagrances, one in the afterioon for students and one in the eveping, tor subscription holders. The afternoon concert, of.-special interest. to students, will consist,,of, the following numbe rs: ào(New World) .... ........... 8Syniphony (1nizoveinelit) ..... .- G ulod. Jewel Song (FaUlst) Agatha Lewis, sopr-anol Mothî' oo~.........................Ravel witb Elçta Austin Gamron as, con4luctor, will pre- Iii.-Ier Solion wili be the conductor for the tzvo concerts, which the Ilinois Symtphony orchestra zvill give in the New Trier J-igh school auditorium Monday; Noz'ember 16. One prograin îvilI bie given in the afternoon for the highschool students, and another in the' evening forthec holders of subscription tickets. ý"The New. World Sym-phoiny" is well known toNýew Trier' students., The> school*s symnphonyý orchestra is preparing it noW. for the'.corniing Christmas festival. As a special treat M.IissLei -Wili-render -The Jewel Song," also a favorite nuinber. The eveiiing concert ivili be slightly longer than yl include: the afternoon progr.n and.i, Dvorak Symnphony No. 5 in E Minor.. ..... (New World) Mozart Pamina's Air (Mragie Fpute). ......... Queen of the Night (MNagic' Flutte)......Mozart Agatha Lewis Intermission Ravel Ma 'Mere 1'Oye (Mother Goose) .......... .. Goriod Jewel Song (Faust)>............ .... Agatha Lewis Coines Autumin Tine.............owerby obta.ined by applying to the. Student council of Tickets for the series of eight concerts mnay be Guild NwTrier High school. Stephens ot Wilmette, andi there members. and guests will' hear a recital by the famous organist, Porter Heaps, wbo is coming out especially to play the instrument. The organ program will continue during the social hour, Mrs. F. W. Fuermann and Mrs. Harold Sherman serving as the assisting hostesses. many north shore women are snterested, wîII presýent GeorgeGrammer Smith, baritone, and Blythe American -t Exhibit In Joint Recital Owen, pianist, ini a joint recital at. Kimbaîl hall. The recital is open to the public and tickets may be secured at the door, or tbrough members of the guild. It is the object of the guild to encourage and assist the young musician, and Cora Willis Ware, the composer, has praîsed the organization for thi1S work. Mr. Smith is a prominent radio star and sings with the Northerners. He- has been soloist Dale Nichols of Wilmette, commercial artist, and Norman. MacLeish of Winnetka are among the north shore'artists listed in the catalogue of tbe Sevent.h Annual Exhibition of Americai1 Paintings and Sculpture being held at the Art institute in Chicago from October 22 to December 6. Mr. Nichols shows a summer rural landscape of farmers with teams of horses working. in the fields. He wiIl also be remembered for a most effctive winter rural landscape which appeared i 5~hore womten are: an active Part inJ inbers of the guild ana rase organization. sho;e for the past classes in current land Park, River F ture in Waukei Evanston *and sponMrs. north ow bas e igh-. Art.sts' Balil The annual Artists' bail will be given again this year at the Drake hotel, on the evening of Saturday, November 18. The proceeds wilI be donated. to the. school pf the Art institute. înetka.