cation mtut t i j necessarily for publication, but for our files. Such material Muet reach the editor by Tuesday noon, to be in time for the curreit issue. bear the narne and auiiress 1 mui "w ,no Lters In, spite of récent developmrents time bld. fair to seëttieè forever the perpl.exing, problein of No Man's Land, h bias iiot-been settled, and from present appéeances will net be for many moons. Which is. to saythat thé danger' of incorpora tion o1f that district into a. separate village remains as a threat to the peace and wellbeing of the entire nortb shore. When a pétition election*i on the proposition to iticorporate Was allowed and an election' date et by County Judgeý Edmund, K: Jarecki, oéffiiciails, citizens. and' owners of property in the affected area were galvanized into action. Aggressive iethods wýere employed which eventually reduced the number of petitioners and killed the election. Thenl steps were undertaken to secure anniex.ationi, to either Minmette or Kenil-, Worth, which is 'the logical solution of the question. A petition signed by a majority of. property owners in No Man's Land was ready for p)resentation to the County court. Through an unfortunate division of sentiment on certain maiarea, some of the property owners who signied flie netitn N'oMAN'S LANDwhich' for .a pertaining to the future devolpment of thé ~ foranexationfllost of safety on the highways. The chances are that at the end of the present year the deatb, re.cord will. equai or- surpass ail previous anrnual totals. which leads to.,the conclusion that, after aIl,.safety councils,ý highway police, City police,.departmets,' and other agencies have accom pl ished viery. little ii impressing upon drivers 'the necessitY for care. and Caution in diriving. There is neyer an automobile accident ini which. both drivers -are free of responsibility, eveil criminal responsibility. One or the ohrwas guilty . of carelessness. of taking ýchances îiot justifie d, of w itbholding consideraion for 'other driversý that. ordinary courtesy demands. One or the other didn't think, or *as incapable. of clear. thought ini an, emergency. One or the,,other wasn't paying. attention, to bis business. his serious business, of dniving properly. Automnobile mnanufacturers have made great progress in automotive engineering. They have' produced powerful erigines capable of developing great speed. They have *produced near perfection in riding com fort. They have produced beautifui designs. All these you can buy. Bujt one thing the manufacturers cannot produce or seli is common, everyday horse sense behind the wheei. If you want to employ it, and reduce the chances of sudden death, vou miust supply, it vouirself. Luck favots King Edward's suit for the hand o ,f WVally. It now is stated that in the fair Ameniçan's Yeis there flows royal bIood. At thjis time there is no verification of the report th-at-she acquîred 'it 'through a blood, transfusioin. Say.,;%what yon will, we alleged hunians (Io have our bÏg moments, ionients that are highlights in a drab and m'onotonous existence..,They rnay bring urge to lofty spiritùal. aspirations,; or to unselfish acts; or to deeds Of great valor; or, on the other hand, they may give direction to somne, stuntf that leaves ini its wvake, regret, chagrini and humili ating embarra ssment. Such a moment came recently .to a north shore 'lady .acquaintan ce ac w Of ýide with hosts, of friends. To apPreitethe, incide n4 ît is liecessary that you ha ve a description of the lady. Keen mnind.~ trained and molded il, a famous eastern . ,-osesed college for girls; sedate, digiîified. favored by nature vith cliarm, poise,. persotialit.% lus and-IT. There you have lier. \oý\- for lier big moment. Having occasion to take ýi, Nortil Shore electric train, she wvas delighited, on approaching the station, to sec a gentleman friclnd standing on the platforni, absorbed "ila ic, l3aper. "Ah." thought our lady of the big momilelnt; - interest, since viduals who seek to impose unreasonable restrictions tipon the owners of property. For this reason it is respectfully suggested that the Village officiais concerned proceed with negotiations with the interested property owners, and when an equitable arrangement has been concluded, either proceed under their autbority with annexation measures or submit the arrangement to the voters in a referendum. because of .issenting, opinions, of a fem, imdi- conmmission for several years. bas not been definiteIy decided. it is gratifying to note that the villages thëmselves have corne to an* understanding as to what they want and will press for.. Their îdeas are embodied in an identical resolution which bas been passed by the Village boards of Wilmette, Kenilwortb and Winnetka, and is scheduled to be passed by the Glencoe board this *week. This résolution provides for the zone svstein ýarounid, and shout 'Boô ! Boo!'" Suiting the actioni hind him, gralb hiîn bv the shoulder, tturu ini i to the word, she mnade a rush toward the broard back of hier friend, grabbed hini by the shioul(](r. swung hirn arounid-but she clidtn't say "loo)'. Boo !"' "\O, indeed. licause 'she vas (luITIibflded t o find herseif booking into the. face of, a ýcomplete stranger, a man whoni she had niever before seeni. XVas ber face red ! Marshalling ail of those attributes-keen mjnd, dc*ignity, poise and sèlf-possession-she rnanaged a hurried apology, whicli the personalitv plus induced the gentleman to in the best of, talent to Il public service, as wel as in building community spirit and good wilt Any hint that the convention is'controlled, or e people can fairly gauge or more ago. Mr. Hitler defies his foes. Mr. Mussolini defies biis foes. Mr. Stalin defies bis foes. We hope this. defying epidemic is confined to Europe. suspense for the answers. ese fellows shouldId they keep 130,( -o long' time m~ omng out is 1ni g short of be 80 secre- )0people in they know THE- PHANrO m-,REZpoRt1ZR.