garded as one of the Middle west's qualify, will this. sectioçial tournament for the, Chicago, district finals which leading d ri ve r-s. Wester-t Will be played later dowfl towl. Ini Today, Give Touýr ChIgdren Pluty athis , 0 ' in -of "hSenFr when you give No 9lryi vitamin. D to children In Meflody Farina Milk. A Quart a day is enough to, give the average child auffitenit Sunuhkine vitamin to bufld strong tèeeth'and'traight bones. M.elI@dy Frms Dofry Metatbolixedl 'IUET-OuwTOMute men BAL*AWCE now deliver Tomato, Prune and Grapefruit Julce .- . chilled, ready to serve. Ask for "BaIanced Diét" foldèr. He stated, however, that to. make the, lighting of rural. highways aseffective as it in reducing àight ,auto. accidents, the "accidentaddition prizes 'for winners :andrun-- f eîd is ra pidly be-________ iers-up in ail thé events bave been coming knhown asexperience, approach" should ,be'used aný authority. on Jeriry Wsefl provi d to determine the need for such ,a and desigi ,remedy. construction automobile have wil, the,,sport in Beginners an opportuflity to gain tournament Befolre lis graduationt from NorthExpoain Proper Procedure expérience underexcellent conditions ighting will flot attaii "Highway his speeches on on Friday.. The Juniors event, open western university, knowni through-., the recognition in the traffic enigineer-, to boys under 15.,years of age, will thîs subject, became ing field that it deserves until the be played in thé afternoon at 3:30, out'the engineering school. nieed for it bias beien established upon o'clock. ln the. evening at 7 ü'clock the .accident. experience basis," he G the men's novice tournament will said. IVES LUNCHEON. "ïTo' start. the: ligbting of rural hightake place open only to Men Who Wood157 Mons, Mrs. Harry W. have neyer been ranked or won. a stock avenue, Kenlworth, entertain- wNays, one imust begin where accident tourtnament.. and bridge at Shaw- exp erience sh'ôwsý that, accidents -of. *Ali thoseplat out ini the first round ed at lunicheon cati preCountry club on lMonday. There a4type that highway lightingobject of the men' s novice or junior tourna- nee: of The occurrinig. are vent guests.> ments on Friday m>ay enter the côn- were about thirty places miust be to siicb at lighting. solation event on Saturvday afternaoon, hazardous condition's stage and now is counted reveal clearly i gaine at 3 o'clock. would be obscured. otherwise that strenuous tand exNovices may also enter the men',s 'among the more wiIl demonstrate installations Such wil be adranked tournament or the men's acting sports. Spectators There will tlieir value, not ini moderate percentdoubles, which will be played off on mitted without charge. entering the ages of reduction of accidents, but in :be a.tinominal fee for Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. percentages closely approachîng 100. tournament which is open to ail in- Such reductions are conclusive." some entered In this section will be sport whether meinof the best players in the state and terested in the ,Mr. Reeder pointed out thiat it club or not. l3arna the of bers the country as the club counits among would be futile to instail lighiting for In charge of the Chicago district its miembers a. number of ranking two or- safety along a stretchi of highway players. Play in these events will be, sectional tournament are the Kreer Win- that had bad no night accidents. anid fast and excitinig as, table tennis bas1 ganizers of the club, Dan nerhains not apécflllhftile.hbt , One fourth of aIl tbe entries ui ay.ago in t * va: - ing society at the tPublic Service Lu'upany of. Northern Illinois. , orthbrook. is ail we say it is- -and more Aualysit Necess"r Mr. Reeder said that the catiouis attitude of highway and traffic officiais. regarding the installation of high-wýayequipinent cati be overcome only hy furnishing tbem with a type of analytical procedure which will demon strate beyond question the need for . highway lighting at certain points. "Accidents occur wben persons are 712 Ghurch Street open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings UNXversity 3474 J Mrs. R. Ward Starrett' of 221 Kenilworth, wilI Woodtock riends at a avenue, bridge-tea in their hiome. be hostess to the members of beri bridge club for luticheon in ber home on, Tuesdav.,