This ing from as far as Milw. the south side of Chicago' and Ample Room There- is. ample roomn for other busî,Betweeà Wilmette adKenilworthi, on -the lake, extremely convenient to tiesses to enjoy the bîenefitsý of. this« al North, Shore communities, lies the unique location. area known. as, Spanish Court.. Onîe of the out st anding advantages is the ample parking space airailable' .Picturesque ln topography, it exduring ordinary business hours, aten.ds> off. Sheridan. Road, main artery ing it- possible: for anyone- to parke to the Chicago area from the north before. the ve ry door of any. desired and . to the, North Shore, froui the shop. Sou th., AtthntcalySpanlish lu architecture and. det ail. its neat business *The beloved old fairy tale, '<Sleeping Beau 1v,," willbe prescnted, byhatd/'uppets aulong realistiC setltinigs,. Satlirday morninig, Noviniiber 14, in Rudolph Malt.-. hall, rimictka Côtitiiiiity.Honse,, at:10:30. This. is one: of the series of Childrén's Houe programsl. Asthe itor\, g*os, the oki King and1 Qucen1 arc (lelighited beyond measure at thie arrivai of a littie babv, the f uture princcss, and thcy give a p.arty to celtbrate. The delight cornes to a tragic end wlhen the forgotten old Witcli predicts death for the priniw a-1gtht when she becornes cc.s ears (Ad, she would prick her ' vxce ring(,r on a spindie. A jolly littie gob-~ lini, hoxever, saves the day and the princes> too, bv merely having the nricesand 211 the people in the A traffic count bas shown a- vital Christian Science Churches 'Adami and Fallen MNan" was the sub)ject of the lesson-sermon ini A Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sundav, Novemnber 8. The golden text was, "They w'hich are the children of the flesh. these are flot, the children of Cod" (Romans tz Thle Children w1Ill especially enjoV the littie GoIblin, and the prince'si horse,. This horse is truly, an unusual animal in that he miimics the expressions of his human. friends. Sérieýs tickets. for the balance of the season niay be had at a reduced rate. t should be remernbered that these tickets are interchangable. tiien are ye my disciples indeed ; and ,-e shial know the triuth. and the truthi Quaini Spanlisi alillsplzere, cornbined zvith ail the advaittages of a qood shopping shal make vou free. Verilv. .verilv. 1 district, inakes Spanishi Court a unique business location. Accessibility, unli mited sav unto you, If a mail keep, mv parking space and; spacious shops attract custoiners fro)n miles azwy. saying. he shail niever see death" (John 8: 31, 32, 51). ýThe lesson-sermon also inchided the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Kev to the Scriptures," houses tascinate the first-timie derives 60 per. cent of its There is roniantic appeal in Jsay food authorities,15 muc picivseity. able from the standpoiflt of both taste and food vaiue, to the ordinary mins and other food elements of sour cream butter. Since it is not sweet creatv. Cen'trella stores are exclusive dissubje.cted to treatment by a netutralizer, it cotitains all the original vita- tributc'rs of this product ini this area.,