Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1936, p. 25

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books for the exhibit. are being selected by Mrs. Gardiner's. committee' ini consultation. with Mrs. Ruth A.Tooze of the "Book, Box" in' Eva ns ton and, staff, members of the N\atitonal College of Education. ,The coiniiittele's plans cail for the exhibit of "children's and adut-fs' books, the, bes.t of - the ' iNecr books atid.ail the old favorites." WiII Benefit Ubrary. the iof Many parents and children Children's schoôol will puirchase books ini the exhibit and present them to Bernie Photo the library at a special ceremonty on The mur-ais far t/he Fail Festival, Tliursday, Novemnber 19, according*to of te Iilmnette. Parish Methodisi M.Gadne.Atthe sale it will:b e church z ere d.esined .aid directed p)ossihle for parents to buy and get br Johnt Zippricit (above) .Son of thte of purchase on the advice expert Carl J. Zipprichs of 623 Forest bocoks for home libraries, the proAft er yraduati>tg f rou ceeds frornsuch sales being used to. qVeinlie. High school, Mr. Zp Trier New the library in tecolidition book., now of the Çhildren's School and to buy., pricli. attended t/he Chicago Art lnstitut' and completed a 'tuo-year iiew equipment for the library. course ini comnmercial art at the Aa climax to National Book Week, the National College of Education iý Anerican Academy of Fine Arts. Heltas becoute iîtterested ini photogsponisoring the presentation of thc raphy and is pu rsuinL, his studies well-kiiowin chilcren's play, "Pinalong that line. occhio," on Friday afternoon, Noveniber 20, at 4 o'clock. The play, which %vill be given at the college Aimong a gr oup of yo by llavers fromi the Children's Thea- 1%N11 assistetl Mr. Zippr tre ý u Temple Play ersInvite to Meeting November 24 temple, Vernon and Lincoln avenues The, Temple Playýers of Glencoe arc inviting their. friends to their next mreeting,;which will be held at theSif. Oficii CULs Agnt YI Ofia SamhpAet ank Buldng 91NSO in Glencoe, Tuesday ev.ening, Novem-EASO WIe~ 00Genef50 ber 24 at 8:15 :o'cioclL .ýTheir.director, ive a iI Kurt ,Wohlgemuth, demonstration of directing technique Patronize Our Advoe at the meeting,. isera THIS SPECIAL SELLUING ENT 0Fl AND Yrk. ~isaate<i from n2p'1 iii Dm Offers the Best Fur Investmont You Con Make Trhis ýSeason. if YOU want a really beautiful Persian. or that wil 1 give you. seasons of "Pitnocchio' 1i the second of a serics of thrcee hildren's plays which the college is presenting this season tostiniulate interest in a theatre de-, vote(t specifically to the interests of childhood. The la-st play of the series, ill be presented on "Toi)%,TylerMarch .3. r. Gardiner on the *Serving ih 1irr cornmnittee are : Mrs.R.. D)a\e. Mrs. John Shelton and r . lâme I.W Brtonnof Evanston. Mrs. Smnithi, daughter of the C. Rollin Smit hs, Betty jane Smoot, Doris Youngberg of Wilmette and Grace and Betty Smith, daughiters. of Dr. and -Mrs. 'Horace Gree'ley Smith ofý E~van stoil. Pcnuertity, Barbara Isipiey, MJ.ViaI EVANSTON WILMETTE RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Reimholz, to 335 Oak circle., Mrs. Reimiholz f hiago ae owreidents nmâther, Mrs. Louise Wibirt. makes forery of Xilmnette, having iioved -recently lier home with them. 709 CHURCH STRE ET -j

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