FG PT TP 'fr 2 0 2 24 2 Bjernarde Borre Hoffmafl Huettel The Wilmette Community Center opndMonday,_Noveauber 2, for its, second season an-d its popularity has been proven again by the large attendance on op ening night.7 More. than: one.hundred children attended, the tap dancing classes the first ýweek. 'The aduit social dancing large class of Friday ngt.a. turn out, of forty-five couples. The, table tennis, room has been a verypopular place- with over, 300 people playing, table tennis, the first week.. An attractive -pro«ram bas been arrangêd which includes classes in crepe paper craft, wood craft, meëtal craft, beadwork, knitting and leather craft *which includes making purses, bill folds, belts, moccagins, book covers and many novelties. Table tennis, tap 4ning, dancing,social dancing, folkdc drarnaticsrmusic and paddle badmin-: ties at the Community Center. Other classes will bc formed as there is a demand for them. Open bouse will bce held on Monday, Tue:day and Saturday night in 0 00 0 00 NqOE8HOIEs 44 -FGFTTP QO0O0O Clifford 0 O O Steffens 2)0 O 20 Herbon le1201.2 K' Ak.g.m, An. K'n-'n 12 0 12 60 0 00 0 Fultofi Pajak 60 0o 6o. »YNAMITE 12 FG FTTP O O0 Peekel Bruckhi's'r 8 0_ 8 0O0O>0 Herbon 4 0- 4 Heernes 0 0 0 Gonzalez Teg-m Standings, Norenber 2 pet., L.' W. 1.060, O0' I1 T. N. T. ............ 1.000 0 1 1. B. T.............. 1.000 1 NorÈhores............. Aces ............ Dynamite ... .O 1 1 .000 .000 "C"LEAGUE The. shuffleboard courts of the PlaygroutRd and Recreation Wilmette for Millers. and: John Brandt made' 14 points ýfor Libbies. to divide the board are all marked off at Stolp scoring honors'. This week. the Lib- gymn ready for the opening, of play bies :play .,Cocomno,St Johns and Tuesday night., Three courts are Millers will have it out, His flay avaitlable for, play every Tuesday eveninz, from 7 to 10 p.m*. Esquire and Aibrans take on ýX The scores -a-nd.Ieague. standing ail More. than fifty women and girls, November 5SHh follôw: out fo r the -ym classes. tf turned et JOHN'S ST. COCOMO 9 FG FrTP the Wilmette.Plavffround and' RecreFG FT TP Z Kasp)ar, f. .18 «2 20 2' 0 Baron, f. gym Thursday 0 Simonis, f. 10 .0 10 ation board at. Stoin ù 0 Kalb, f. number wil1 this hoped 18 is Tt -Oq 18 night. 6. O 6 Hrman.rýc GrayC. 6l increase. These clas"es mee t -every O M'th-ws, g. 6 0 Moore, g. .0 0 1 Goekei, g. ..8 O 8 Tuesdav e.venitng'at Stolp gym, 7 to t.'w'nce, g. ýO 1 ESQUIRES, 23 10p.r. X 27 1z .FG FT TP FG r TP 6 0 6 Practice gafines wvere' P'laved this 6 Gray, f. 6 0 Kolbf. 7 week in the "A" Basketball leao'ue of. 6 1 H'rlchs, f. 6 1- 7 Smlith, f. Huck, C. -0 O Y'berg, g. O0 0 6 Moe, C. O Bowyen, g. Rogers, g. Quiek, g. The> second, week of games in the, Playgroutid last week. The Grate Dames, cap- _ALIIIAN 48 tained' by John Gleason, toolc the 1 MNonday and Fridav eveiiing at HloiO 1 f. 22 0 22 Sakse, f. Eagles 24 to 12. It wiis a close game, Abr'ms, 6 O0'6 Mockler, f. 2 0 2 ard gym from 7 to 10 p.m. orwlg,f. and the Grate Dames did flot get into Hallett, c. 16 1 17 Uowiey, C. O0O00 "C' basketball league were played andý Recreation Board W. L. RVm. pet. wiIl start this wéek ýat Howard HILL la Badniintoii classes m.e e t every 4 OA. 2 2 '0 2 2 0 2 O -2 the Wilmette Plavzround and Recreat-oii board. Regular ipazue gameý the lead tilt the second haif. The Wacker A. C. beat the Mape Leafs 31 to 18. The Maple Leafs were the champions of the league last year. Nyiund, g. Davis, g. O 1 2 0 0 0 1 Hill, g. 2 BTIg'ne, g. 0O0O Quinl'n, g. 6 1 O 0O 7' Tcam Standlnti, Wovember 5à 1L. W. St. John's .... The Willies beat the Barker Lingles All types of games may be played team 30 to 22 in spite of the 14 points *such as chess, checkers, dominoes, made by Bill jennings, Lingles dead 4 4 0 Ellis, f. H'db'nd, f. 0 O00 I Ambler, c. 14- 0 14 I OI Mller, g. o 0 4 Wsher, g. 4 0 FG FT TP F0 FT TP9 x 000T T i 0 ...... . ........ .. .. O 0 1 O.... 1 Aibran . .. ... -.000 1.000 Libbies e,g. O O O Cocomo ... g. 14 O 14 Esquires .... w~ A4 Ü 4 .. Hill .. . .. . .. . .. 9-10 A.M. Beginners Piano Lessonjý. 10412 A.M. Junk Toy Band. 1-2 P.M. Dramatlc Club. Ages 9-12 years. 2-2:30 P.M. Story Tellilng. Under 9 year8. 2:30-3 P.M. Drainatica. Under 9 years. 3-6 P.M. Story TelliIng. 9-12 years. 7-10 P.M. Open House. .Ashton Taylor F'rabk Broad .. phipps ,, ,.. Peter Gerbard .. -.-Berten play the Mullins. ..... >..... Çifford Goodman The Student Dramatic club of New Northrup .. George Clabaugh Eric ..... The scores and league standing of Trier High school bias begun .to .whip Kinxg Perry Sm1therib Petley ......... NLovember 4th follow: Draper Dayton into shape its two productions for Major Blent ... Bob Hendersoil LINGLE 20 the fait season. The plays, "Quai- Laker ..... ........ WILLIES 80 Wyle IG FT TP ."...Irank FG FTTP Prince William "The and Barrie 1 ity Street" by J. M. Fred Loco 6 Powell, f. 0 1 Dr. Feliman Geppert, f. 4 2 5 Queeni's Husband' by Robert Sher- Queen Martha ...... Anne Mussoîl 4 1 You rnay register for any of the Sherld'n, f. 0 2 O0J.4nglel,,f. 1 là n là .vnigs Carol Letts, ..... Anne Princess Friday, on presented be to are wood Center O O O activities at the Community Ladies-in-Wating1r 0O 1-0 Çoyne, g. Novemi2 November 20, and Saturday, Th'kery, g. 2 0 ýCassie Empfleld, Betty Gebert or by calling the Recreation office, The Dames play and the Wacker A. C. Maple Leafs -and the' Grate onl and 'Queen's H.usband' -vuaisy arree., Cast for the 'Queen's H-usblaid" is as follows: Grantolii--- I , t... - -A4Q Y,g. 0 "I ý O O ilI1 7 1 tel and F~rancis i-oItmaii were ngn St. Johns beat the Cocomo 62 to 9 scorers for the winner with 6 points in the Playground and Recreation Board "D" basketball league. Paul hecorsan.tadng tadng NvmbrKaspar of the St' Johns was higb Th soesan 2 are as S. 8 point man, scoring 9 field goals and M. Hff. T. N. T,.8U .vm .follows: Cooter, Don Powell, Jackson tia F0 Fr TP two free throws for a total of 20 pen, Bill Dick Cowan. MacLow, St. of .Harrman Kennetb 0 points. 8uchicas 18 0 18 Schafgen 0 O Supers-Janet Lersch, Betty Dodds, 6 4 2 lé1 il1 Ledlg, Davis 2 0 2 Johns scored 18 points for bis team Zo Deé la Chapelle. ýDoris Jean Hargis, 9e!Braun S D. 'HliIIger 0O01OfOto take second place honors.. The X -Peg Thompson, Vaughn, Burtingaine, O ,O0 K4)nn Valentîne .Brown --.---------- Hagetiah rZer o Blades----------..Bil Ensign ofga Bi Spicer .................. ITI McQuide Soldter--------------Van 014 icard Kixiller oui Gallant----------... School chiidrefl - reg Colemân, Jean Moss. Bettv Wells, Elsie Von der Lip- ual 1e shall try 'always to b e worthy FG FT TP. * his kindness and of the trust it ses on us, and seek to bring to community the moral and spirittimulus, for which a true Chris-, church stands. Sincerely yours, JT..Venekiasen Presîdent-