TOYLAND OPENSý Here is the largest and most varied assortment of toys on the whofr North Shore! 1Evr body k&iows it--pveryJody loves it! Get here early Saturday, and sec for yoursel I this wonderful fairyland! et LIST PRICI Her. oaf.w of fi.. flàlgs you'ilI s e urToylomd: Genaime 1)ydee Dolis LIqlgate Blocks Scooters andl Wagons Airporis .,jgh Lig$ted 96 Piece $et of Landlng Fields Lionel Elecoric Trains New Enlargeil Toylasd- Third Flop,'- Vest Room SJLVERWARI~ In time for Thanksgiving festivities, we offer another outstanding buy in silverware! A buy so star tling you'l have tQ take ad-, vantage of it if you have any reason for buy- List Price $40 ing flatware. Sec the e.nchanting design ... the quality of the velvet lined Morocco tar- $2don-baa nish-proof chest. And consider also the ris-, in esy payment. ing price of silver! ?SI ituquu .. ei Our Sale of 'I c SET CONSISTS 0F: I Phone' WiIme*te 1100 Street Floor $19.95 WE 's 1