Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Nov 1936, p. 14

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The music for the il . 'clock worship service next Sunday. morning will be as service. very mutch impressed by the iieauty of follows: this service. This expérience provided Organ (10 :45): "Angelus," "Introit" Liszt the nucleus for our combined Thanks-. 'Martha Guild,: today, 3 P. M. ecuraged Introit., "The Lord Is in 1His Holy giving s4ervice, whlch. was Open house, today, 7 to l P. nM. Temple.............HSannington by others and planned by representatives froni the -various departments of our Anthem., "Ye Shail Go OutWith Jy Aduit catechumeni class, today, 8 p. m., Church school. We invite the parents in the pastor'A study. and friends, to: this service which. will Offertory solo: Winnetka circle, Friday, 8 'p. mi., with. be held on Sunday, November 22, at Russel Nelson Mrs. M. S. Thorsen,. 1031 Spruce street. 10:45 A.M. in the church' auditoriumn. Ongan Postlude: "J-ymnus7" .. Liszt Sunday school staff, Friday, 8:15 p. m. Parentsare enc'ouraged&to. cooperate in Children's Christian education classes,. the sharing of our.TIianksgivlng gifta The' Church sho meets Sundayi igaturday,, 9:30 a. m.; Wednesday,- 4 with needy families of *the com munity. morning atU 9 :30, o'clock.. There are P. nM. .On Sunday, Novemnber,22, we wIll cele- classes for ail ages, froin, the nurse ry Social circle. Tuesday, l p.ý m., with brate a, Festival of Thanks9giving. The' to 'the adult department. New eni'ollMrs. Clara Lynn.,2544 Prairie, Evanston. entire service Will be new ând beautiful nients are made ati, any, tie. for the occasioni, and the Rev., Mr. 1indSunday inorningWs sermon wiil be ley wîll pregch on, "A Decalogue, of The High School Epworth, league wil based. on the Gospel of ýthe d&y, Mat- Praise." meet Sunday evening at 6'cloek. thewý 22 :15-=2 its subject being: "The 1CHILD)RENIS'%%FORILD FRIFNJSlfIHP Christian Citizen." After the confusion The Senior Young Peoîyle wili meet of a national political campaign It wil A Children's World Friendship. Hour be good to conisider calmly the funda- planned purposely. to meet the- desires of Sunday evening at 5 :30 Ô'éloek. our boys and >girls is being conducted In mentaIs, of gooid citizenship. The discussion group, for married the Prlmary roora during the morning evening' at The text of the Sunday evening sermon church service. Parents ýmay attend coupfles meets eh Sunday 1 will be 2 Corinthians 3 :2. "Ye Are Our, Worshlp and at the saine tue allo)w théir 8 o'clock in the Woman s room; Epistle." Here we consider the church children the privilege of this excellent internationalfelowfîbiphoü r; photographer, will show moving pictures letter of recommendation for the faith that he professes. The service begina THE REGULAR ANNOUNCEMENTS of "New Japan-the Island Empire," at Tuesday-7 :30 P.M. Boy Scout T17oôp the StindaY Evening club next Sunday at 8 o'clock. No. 1. evening at 7 A45 o'clock at New Trier Wedneday-3 :30 P.M. Brownies. 7:30 Hlgh school. With the return of central time the Lutheran Hour will be recelved. over sta- P.M. Boy Scout Troop No. 2. Thuirsday-3 :301 P, M. Girls' choir retion WCFL' at,.3:30 each Sunday afterThe Woi an 's Missionary society la noon. The speaker is Dr. W. A. Maier hearsal. 4 P.M. Boys' choir rehearsal. meeting at the. church this afterpoon Thursday-4 P.M. Camp Fire Girls. (Thursday) at 1 :30 o'clock. A very of St. Louis. 7 :15 P.M. Senior choir rehearsal. special prograni has been arranged and Cub Pack 631 meets in dens- weekly. ail women Annual'Christmasa sale .and supper of are invited. the Ladies' Aid next Thursday, No- Inquire of Howard A. Hindley. veniber 19. Supper ser.ved fron 5 :30 to 7:30 p. nm.. Il a. m.-Second service. 8 p. m.-Monthly evening >us. Choirirehearsal. today. 7:45 p.m. The .music for the, morning worship ..... service wilI be :as follows: prelude, "M4editation," .Tschaikows ky; anthem, -A Song ln thé Night," _Woodman; solo, "The Ninety and'Nine," Campion, .~Barnbysung by request by eldward Otis, soloist;, postlude,: "March in. B fiat," F'aulkes. The musiè is Under the direction of Miss -Era Rounds. Junior church, which meets during the morning worship service, canes for the children of parents whowish t'O at-. tend church, and is under the competent direction ot Mrs. Walter Magner. Our Suniday school meets -in ail depertinents at 9-:30 o'clock. The Aduit Bible clas meets, at 10 o'cock, and is studying the general theme, "Portraits of Jesus." The portrait this week wili be, "Jesus'and Ilis, Forerunner." We Invite ybu. The Tuxis. clujb, high school 'young pfflple.'wtli 'meet at 5:80 o'elock in the Chapel. The therne wilI be, "How Shall We Help World Peace?" This will be a panel. discussion led by the pastor. AIl the young people are invîted. The New Trier Sunday Evening club will have as its speaker Julien Bryan, with moving pictures of "New Japanthe Island Enmpire." The Boy Scouts nieet niîng at the church. Monday eve- Bishop Stewart will \-isit St. Augustine's Deceniber 20, to administer the the il o'clock .church service. We cor- :sacned rite of Confirmation. Talks on memberasiip of the church preparatory dially invite you to worship) with us. to confirmation, will be given by the The music will be as follows: rector each Sunday at 7 P. Mv. ln the Prelude-Andante Seraphique ..... .. Debat-Ponsan church office, begînning Sunday, Novem-; ber 15. These taîks will explain the Anthem-"O Gladsome Light". teA-hings o! the Churceh in i simple . ........ . .Arkhangelsky forma, and will be followed by. a disOffertoire Quartette-"By the Waters o! Babylon" ......... Coleridge Taylor cussion. It is essential that all who iniPostlude--ugue In C Major .-.Bach. tend to be confirmed attend these talkýý, ineluding boys and girls froni the~ Miss Emily Roberts-organiat directon Seventh Grade upward. 7SsehaV'- wil1be the Rev. Hindley's Our midweelk service o! prayer and istudy la held on Wednesday .evening at 8 o'clock in the chapel. Our theme The Fifth division is meeting tomnorrow will be: "The Chrîstian's Dedicat ion." (Friday) at 10 :30 o'elock at the home. o! We invite you to meet witb us. Mrs. O. E. Thaleg, 617 Greenlea! aVenue. The -Girl Scouts meet WVedniesdav (ve-ý e ning at the chunch. The Fourth division will meet Monday, Novem ber 16, at 10:30 o'clock, at the The choir wiil rehearse Friday ýeVehome of Mrs. W. H. Thayer, 1007 ning at. 7:30 o'clock. Greenwood avenue. Mrs. S. 1. Kaufman, co-hostess. Memberships ln Erie Neighboùhood House Auxiliary' mayr be had during The Third division will mneet Tuesday, November from, Mrs. Earl Lw 1706 Forest avenue. ite your'ne oU our ft eits-of theç e Sundayv, November 15, will be Bishops u Pence Sunday. Those whose cana have 'e not been brought to church 'or collected. e within the last eight weeks, are asked to e bring theni Sunday. . The Wesleyan Service Guild will meet Tuesday evening, Novemnber 17, at 6:,30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Frank Banka, 637 Ottawa street, Park Ridge. Dinner. will be served by Mrs. Banka. ieIe or the uurcnes of Chicago auriri lis week, ina prograrnio! exchange. I More Church News on. Page 47

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