Ph. 81 10U6 Waukegafl Rd, Olenview' 124LTN26-itC THJE ELECTION 18 OVER Whether, the results you .- ail to hopd you stami must -have a place lnvest their liv. anY people *!Il 1937. MOucy Mon ein new homes during le Uafer there than ever befgre. ln the *Purchame an acrea4ge homesnite border BAcCK CouSNTJ I log thewest eidý of et the North Shore. Foliow the already many young couples. Who. are district building ln. tis faut growlflg between Wilmette and Bannockbur.l Prices are low. Let Lw's1T.. Dodds show you. the best pronertlefçI ,v'Rilb 1750 willoW Road VILLAGE OF WILMETTER Illinois Wl,tt, 155 Av OD» moi NOBOLD, miR at sllightly moe. than used prices L1WIS T. DODDS Wünetka ACRRAGE Large Selected Stock Fine Furnitunre RtUOS,3 CArtPETS, LAMPS it iii Our' 1111 124LTN26-lte Deferred.i Payments may be. ýarranged Shpand Compare j mles frontl station.. 100-ft. fioutagC RENSCH WAREHOUSE TenDs. *û. and $175 tract. Wlet witth -echý 521 Main Street 129L.TNI,7-tfi wE Stjr.CEgT AS 134 N. La Salle St. WIieeiuIK, 111. Warehouse Price L.B. Andersen & Co.. mnc. Sunset Ridge District Rare gold l4~m.rrur' oval $100; Baldwin grand piano., $350. pr. hand hewn French, $50; Eng. ACREAGE 1HOMESITES land ln shaving inirror <liaid). $20; 1Boston Excellent location. Fine 5 high at very rocker (original stencil), $15: 7-1k. acres to 1 secton. reptricted Duncan Phyfe dîn. rm. suite, $50; anacre. per special price. $1,500 mirror, Ogee trame, 418; 16-pc. tique SMITH B. SAWYER design din. rm. suilte, $1,500; 3500 original Phonne 725 Elm St., Winnetka R-124LTN26-ltc Conover elec. dish washer, $15; anlhable gas range, $9; a few Eng.rugs. paîntings, and Oriental tiques, LOMS STATE REAL Fur. appt, tel. Mrs. George Van Fleet, 129LTN26-Ite Winn. 2067. Best i3Lys of the Môiflh <1i46). Notice, of Pro-Rat& . Paymeiits on, Special Asseasnenit Bonds and Initerent 4.uupuns Maturing Decemüber 31,.1932. .Notice lahereby given, that'pay mente on Speclal AsseasmentBonds and' Interet Coupons of the Village of Wilz metteIlilinois (Cook County>, .will be made through theWilmette StateBank, or TreaisUrer, Village Hall, Minmette,t linsto, whom ,Bonds' and Interes Cpnsshoul4i be forwarded for collection and endorsement of the undernoted payments; Pro-Rata, Payment. Special range Kîtchen Interest Assessment 44x22 top plate glass droer Bonds Coupons Xnt. > No. DInner suit, sise 5 8 8 1 42 . .. . . . .1 Winnetka 190W m ......10 ......... 143..1.... 131L26-ltp) 10........... .5 .......147. 4 7.....-.... -PIECE SUNROOM SET. NATURAL 159 ......-. 6..........5 rced, green tr!mý. Perfect conditioni. 175 ...... 1.... 6.... .Walnti7tdaybed innerspr.nS mattress). l!6 ...... 634. lis..............20....20 1034 Starr Rd., Winnetka, 131LTN26-1tcý 195................... 1 CHAIR MN ýc2.................. WHEEL ONE INDOOR 2080...... 4......8... good cond.tion. ...... 10 4.......... 220 ...... 7.... 131LTN26-Itp 2268...... 4............ 7......25 4............ 227 ...... 5.....15 4............ 232 ...... BOY'S BICYCLE; BEUSCHER 10 ..... 242....4.... saxophone; and electrle floor wax20 243 ...... 4...........10...... .er. 1909 Lake Ave., WlIlmette 958. 30o 131LTN26-ltp 244 ...... 4...........40 ...... room and sIingle<Juil. MST 1943.e uwî GlencQe Phone condition. 130L26-1tp FURNITURFE, ,D OUR (IE chASHf oR Tà modern or anique, 'and other bouseWiII aigu acàep)t Fourrfumitul'. Mn con. sltgnmellt baste, S PURNITURU "TORE CR4.)BT - ý staà b1iWîed 1898 . 1004-6 Hinerson St., Evanston uni. 0189 . WILMEYITE 3180 250 ............... 252 ...... 255 ... $ $ $ OLD CLOTHES $ $ $ 264 ...... -WTD. TO .UY-misWiUCELANEOU8 3........-.».....10 . 3............ s.... 9... 10 5 5 4q,, Vill Not Last! 3..>..........S..... 10. .. :;7848 ý... 5 ........... 62257 .... 2....... ,7.... M61...... 3..................... youi' applications for lbans uefore 2LN61cMaaie Rage $1,00 u per - 100 lb.. othel' forme of investment wth higher Winnet1ca 48 5426 Wîmtte BED, TABLE AND BOX dHEqT; 132LTN25-4tp yieids become more attractive to ONE ie curtain records; reducing of set also . lenders. stretcher; electrie dlock; pair glrl's shoe boy's shoe skates; baby sleepbe pleased skates antd Until rates advance, we wil doll bed, dresser and other toyq. to forward applications to our princi- Ing bag; mag. prices for paper, 9L2'tp iIghest market 100 Aiso buy furn., lb.. loans at 4% Kenil..7 3048. Rage8$1per SET. BEDRM. pals for conventional WILMETTE PC. WALNUT batbtubs and old tron. 12T2-t 1744 er eýSAC. o ed n obestn eea van In ~Oriental rug, 8.6x12.6. Wainut sect. inter our fie by so adwogtio ekadcar extra servie dining Pr. damask A. long terni ban (withoilt miii. elec. fIxture. ingchage)up o 6% f conservatuVe Forrppt. ]Phone chairs. arm aiut ets v py sma65%mo )ith vn alue 120L26-ltp Best prices for books, rnag., fuma. Ragiil. 3023. to vaore12 t 20 yars anthyan otin 81.00 per' 100 pouiids. Winnetksq 1522 A BURNER ENAMEIL 12.T2-t prepay without any preinuixi during new, almost gas stove, . BOOK ed nritýAutyu a thix first fire ern ____ Jn ealer-Phil Schuman North Shore Junk Dealer * ()Ver 43 Tears 530~ tEaso.3en &ORR, Imc. McGUIRE of Dep indable Service iîiiN chairs ~ 00mise. It Dai 127*mLTN26;-1tec after 6 TABLE ied comp.; 2 5Cal) WIlme S129LI WlLMWlIH 32 .I W ,j wliom UNMM'Mir 7317.,