tGMvesday 9 P. M. for WILMh.T'lk.LIFC or ait thte Papers; Wed nosl,,P .frWIE TALPC and Thursday à P. M. for GLENCOMNÈ*NEWS. TlePlhôoe: Wilmett 430,Wnnetka 300M>(Wlnnetka 500 after e P.-* ,Gre1~ 3E or. Deadne fr ineri cIaaifed DUCK HUNTERS MAKE RES 1ERVATIONS ÊARLY. ILLInota River, 148-miles., Day rate. Uni. 3692. 1LTN26-ltp ______LOST .... HINO] ANDý POUND FrOUND-MAN'S WRISTWATCH,. N.AME ON BACK. MAY HAVE BY PAYING FOýR THIS, AD. WINNETKA ý28.71 3LTN26-Ite LOST ýMETAL RIMMED GLASSES tn black case, near North l4ehool in Glenùoe.ý CALL GLENCOE 969. 3LTN26-Itp LOST -BLACK HOUND PUPPY WITH BROWN MARKINGS. ANSWERS- TO"lIG PHOE WILM ETTO 3LTN26-ltp -CHILD'S - children l»need of tr-atning. Attention given to d:scîpînary 0ffood prnblemsasaawelI ai sjadiustjing enuMresis.Ditiîcuities in these probjems .4re aujusLect for the, Parents by allowin- the child. to staýy by th week or by, the montb until aPecified Problemn la adJusted. Ph., Winnetka 1687., 20C-LTZ426-ltp INSSTRU TION____ PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN ýJUNIO and senior high fchool aubjects. Learn how to studY. Remedjal work. For f urther information or interview addressinqury to Bôx 1,W4kn.tte, 111i. 30LTN26-Itp MUSICAL INSTRUCTION HAZEL JOHN.SON, TEACHER OFPI ano, from studio of Herriot Levy. American Conservatory of IIuslc. Private instruction ln Wilmette., Ph. Dorchester 6127 or WUi. 4546. 31LTN26-Itp ANNA W. CHIN.-LUND Teacher of Piano 627 Eleventh St.. Wiiinette 3612 Monday, Wednesday. Silturday. LOST-IBROWN PUR .NECKPIECE IN or near A & P store on Eim St., Winnetka, Wednesday morning. Telephone Wifinetka !)03. 3L26-ltp I.OST - BROuWN ANDT~ WUT. t 44LTN2&-411b CAPABLE n1SKP.-PRAC. N U RSU desires permanent Complote PUPPIES, ENGLISH S P I 1NtU E i care of child." Gentileposition. home. N4. S. Ret. * JiPaniel 2 ages; 4 mo. and 10O wks. Brod from the mont exclusive stock In the~ Write A-184., Box 60, Wliimette. 6SL28-ltp -U. S.- A quarter of a mileo'north on Rand Rd. trxom Golf Rd., DesPlAinea. Texacu, HAVE MONDAY. AND SATURDA. )openk for cleaning or Ironing. F>Gan' station. Phone Des Planes 127M1. 44L26-Itp .perienced. 35c an hour.'CalilWilmàette RHilENHiOp KENNELS (NEW LOCA-, .j..81, Room I, after 5 o'clock. Lion>, Skoklo Blvd. and Simpdon St., NuiefsýConter. Seyam %mus., ver3 EXPER. COLORED GIRL -WISHES weil bred. Doberinan, ]Dachàihund, anùc Work five. nornings or two fuil days C£ocker. Pupies, ai1lnnoc. 44LT123-4tp a week. N. S. ref. Virginila Pearnon, Glencoe 7Z. 68L.TNS-lp COCKER MSPANIEL PUPPS Pedigreed. All colora. 2-6 mos. old. Guar. 811r. WTD,-M-ALKAND FEmALE to be in good heaItth J. A. Blow, Coupty A COLORED GIRL WANTS WORK Line and Waukegaîî Rda., Deerfield. BY THE DAY. 44LTN26-4tp .ASA MAN AND WIFE WANq TO WORK AS COUPLE. WILMF;TTE WEARINQ APPAREL____ 4903. 70LTN26-ltp GIRL'S GREEN WOOL COAT,. BEAIVER COLLAR, SIZE 12. DARK RED) HELP WANTBSD-FEMALE FUR TRIMMED COAT, SIZE 8, WITH HAT. BOTH EXC. COND. WINNETKià 634. 59LTN26-ltp M A N Y Pou-iT1ONS ui>EN. GOOD salaries. General maida, Znd maids, cooks, housemaida. couples. nursematds. SIZE16 i. LIKE.NEW. ONLY $35. 9SHAY AGENCIES Northbrook 304-J. 93N. M.chtgan 14 W. Wasiîtngton Superior 6608 Centrai 9800 71LTN26-tfe Hubbard Woods Animal Humviial Whore your pets hve 24-hour attendance. Boardillug-- Piucking - Clllngý U ilour runwayg Dr. Prank .8. Erwin. Veteruarlan 908 Linden Ave. Wlnnetka 3737 Wanted, ý- generai wee'kly cieanlng. Thuraday or Frlday, 40ë por-hr. Also bouse cieaning, 4àec per hr.. Cali Mas, Wllmette 219414 DOMJESTIC HELP Black Pony Fur Coat - _________ANTIQUES_______ ANTIQUES The Montgomery Shup, 7763 Sheridan On your ieft as you leave the lake entering Chicago. Large andi interesting stock for coilectors. Boxes, doga, hand items, dolla, Belleek, miniature objeta, charma, botties, slippers, etc. Open evenings. where you may ride witli. Size 16. Sport style. $45. Wil-nAtt- 2'1R-3 alosEp. Age cross a road. Finest facil________________9LTN26-ltp MS81EVR Mes~. 2 et5ltW es. Glenview Rd. .bet. Harms & Waukegan FOR SALE-LADY'S BLACK 1BROADCounty Lin ne Rd. nr. Skokie Blkd. cioth coat. Perisian trim collar. Sse 36. C O OIIN GIenvlew 19*0 0 WILMETTE 1353. Deerfleld 40 for nurses, maids & couples 59LTN26-Itp 818 ICLM STREET WINNETKA 3US 30A-LTN25-4tpi 71LN15-d, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIs ners8 p.opietorU. AMilIeof CANADIAN 79 EimSt 000S POSITIONS _RIDE~ Pauline's Empl. Agent I6 RECR Pholne Miss q26-ltC 1068 ý lPrivate Itered. IB LIFF CO I6 ot H ta Z26-Itp r26-itp se chan